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Posts posted by VideoGamesEpic

  1. On 3/15/2019 at 9:21 PM, Florete said:

    Best in general gameplay won't be quite the same as "Best in 1v1 fights with hacked stats." Which should we vote for? And does the hacking give them capped stats, average 20/20/20 stats, or something else?

    Sorry for late reply!

    Hacked stats gives them a cap of 100 in everything, except for HP. Their HP cap becomes 120, and Strength - Resistance cap becomes 100. I have a stat video that shows everyone's stats, which I'll be using for the fight video.

    If you choose to look at the stats, I do have units that you can't normally have, such as Petrine, Catalena, Ashera, etc. But I wanted to keep the choices to the main cast, since that's what most players have access to.

    While I agree that it's not the same as Best in 1V1 fights with hacked stats, I'm not sure how else to title this. I didn't want hacked stats to influence the choices, but I brought it up since it's going to be a part of the video.

    Hopefully that makes sense... ._.

  2. I haven't posted the video for the Worst Units here yet, because I want eclipse to review it first, but I will be doing a best units fight, which will be uploaded on the 15th of April.

    The characters will have hacked stats, so they'll be far stronger (in some cases) than usual.

    Because this will be the best character fight video, I won't include Black Knight as an option. He wouldn't have hacked stats (due to no growths in RD,) and get destroyed by the main cast.

    I promise I'll post the worst unit fight video, after eclipse approves it!

  3. So, I don't know what the codes are for the PAL version, as I use the NA version of Radiant Dawn, but the process is still the same. Here's how I would figure out:

    First, you must find the Player-Controlled code of anyone, preferably one of the hero units. Typically it's best to try and find Nolan, since he's usually first in the game's memory.
    Then, take out the calculator app, and set it to programming. Each new player controlled code should be +3F0 apart. For example:

    Jill's player controlled code (NA version): 048861B4 8066B830. If you add +3F0 to the first part (the bolded part), you get Zihark's code, 048865A4 8066B830. So, keep adding +3F0 until you find the player-controlled code for one enemy. Doesn't matter who.

    It'll take a long while to find someone's player-controlled code, but it'll eventually happen.

    When you find the player controlled code, take away 8 (in hex), from their PC code, that'll give you the model modifier code. You'll want it something like this:

    0488698C XXXXXXXX
    808C55EC Zelgius [This is his NA model code, not sure what it is in PAL]

    The X's are what Zelgius' model is. Again, I can't provide the PAL version of the code, since I use NA.

    Now you'll need Zelgius' class. For the NA, it's this:
    6780 - Marshal - Zelgius

    So, if all of that makes sense, you should have a Player-Controlled code, Model Code, and Class code. But it's not done, there are still two more things you gotta do. First, is... weapon class. I'm not used to adding weapon classes, but you do need to find it. Depending on what unit you change - I'd suggest either a Sword or Lance enemy - you'll need to give a weapon rank for the opposite rank. If you change a Lance enemy into Zelgius, you'll need to give the character a rank in Swords. If you change a Sword enemy, you'd have to give the character a ranking in Lances.

    So if you can figure out how to give weapon rankings to the new Zelgius, you have one more thing to do. Skills.

    From the player controlled code, if you add +58 (hex), you should find typically the fourth code slot.
    Code slots are 8 hex away from each other. +8 for the next skill, -8 for the previous. Play around with skills until you find the top of this character/Zelgius' skill list. There are 18 skill slots total.

    These are Zelgius' skills. You'll have to add all of them, replacing some of the pre-existing skills the enemy once had.

    Boss Unit
    3rd Class Unit

    Hopefully that all makes sense. Changing just one character takes a lot of time, so good luck.

  4. 12 hours ago, eclipse said:

    No, we are NOT going to argue opinions.  This is a poll.  Use your vote to express it.  Sheesh.

    Yes, please!

    Will do! I'm actually uploading a similar video tomorrow, and I can show you that as well. You wouldn't have to watch the entirety of tomorrow's video, but it would give you an idea as to what my video would look like.
    Would you like me to link you to that video, tomorrow?

  5. I can hack Radiant Dawn, so I can have anyone fight each other. So, I'd like to know what units are considered bad, through gameplay standards only.

    I'm not posting this to make a flame war, please take this as just a fun poll. The only purpose of this poll is to pit characters against each other. For example, Bastian vs Oliver, or Fiona vs Meg type of thing. I wanna see what the Serenes Forest group wanna see in a video, where the "bad" units fight each other.

    Everyone will have boosted stats, far beyond what they're normally capable of. This is all in good fun, this is not meant to anger, upset, or offend anyone.

  6. I have unlocked Ashnard. I probably also have all the supports, but I'm not sure about that end. However, I have a physical copy of PoR, and therefore, use a Gamecube Memory Card. Is there a way to share my save with everyone, even though I use a physical memory card?


    Edit: Ashnard keeps his armor blessing, and keeps Gurugarant. So you can easily just solo the maps with Ashnard.

  7. I want to start off by saying that I have zero access to Radiant Dawn's game data. However, I can use hacks, to an extent.

    For example, I can "recruit" characters like Jarod, by transforming another unit into him. For example, taking Devdan and turning him into Jarod. Why would this matter? Simple: a good majority of the Radiant Dawn bosses, actually have growths. I leveled up every single boss unit in the game, and the following characters DON'T have growth rates:


    Radmin, Pugo, Agony, Lekain, Hetzel, Black Knight, Dheginsea, Sephiran, Lehran, Ashera, and any generic enemies.

    I've checked the Growth Rates page on here, as well as the FE Wiki, and neither of them have information on these characters growth rates.  Here, I can even prove it - Catalena leveling up. The point of this is not to show that bosses have growths. But to have help figuring out their growths. As I mentioned, I have no access to the game's data/memory, so I simply can't check it for information.

    But what I CAN do, is level up the bosses as many times as need be, to figure out their growths. I just don't know how to determine growth rates from level ups.

    Is there anyone on here with knowledge on how to find growth rates, by simply leveling up the character?


    Now, I'm sure some of you are wondering why this matters. Why do I need information on boss growth rates? Well, simply put, I'm trying to make a Tellius Save File for Radiant Dawn. I want to make the characters as strong as possible. Even stronger than I currently have them. The way to do so, is reverting their stats to Tier 1, Level 1. I already have made a long document on the playable characters of Radiant Dawn, as well as improving stats for non-existent characters, like Largo, Rajaion, or Greil. However, without knowing the growth rates for boss units, I cannot improve upon them.

    I am asking for help in figuring out boss growth rates, so I can make them stronger, using hacks. How does one find growth rates, without having access to the game's memory/data?

  8. So, I wanna get all the taker skills on all of the characters (except for the one-offs, like Gunter, Reina, etc), but HoF 4 is hard to cheese.

    I'd rather not spend hours figuring out a strategy for each time I do the maps, so I'm trying to get through these asap.

    I've already played through it before, start to finish, without cheesing it. I just wanna get the taker skills on everyone in a not-so-time consuming way.

    I can easily get through 1-3, 5, and 6, but I can't seem to find a way to cheese the fourth one.

    Has anyone found an easy way to beat it?

  9. Obvious actions that get you shadowbanned sooner or later:

    *Enemy-exclusive skills and classes and enemy-only weapons.

    *Classes that are only unique to certain characters or genders:

    -Nohrian Prince/Princess and Hoshido/Nohrian Noble are locked to Corrin and their child.

    -Songstress is locked to Azura.

    -Kitsune and Nine-Tails I think are locked to Kaiden and his daughter.

    -These DLC classes are gender-locked to certain genders: Great Lord and Witch are female only, Lodestar, Grandmaster and Vanguard are male only.

    -Placing skills on characters who can't even get them normally (even with reclassing with the proper supports) even if you were to buy them. Corrin is exceptional due to game mechanics but Corrin must first learn the skills from the classes that they have access to normally via reclassing.

    *Having multiples of limited weapons/stones (Beaststone+ and Dragonstone+ as well as Beastrune and 'Dragonrune')/staves. There are some rare weapons that normally you can only get one of.

    *Hacking to break the possible stat cap of your characters.

    *Having classes or characters in a region (as the game is region locked so you can't do JP for NA) before the released date and time of said content. Yes, this means that NA users can't have Anna or the Witch Class (or any skills related to that class) as NA doesn't even have that DLC yet released. Them having such is 'hacking' even if they don't get shadowbanned at some point.

    On the note, I do not hack because I would ruin other peoples days if I do so.

    You can't 'delete' skills from characters, that was only in Path of Radiance and earlier installments.

    *If you're going to want your units and try to avoid being shadowbanned just:

    -Unequip Aptitude and use your skill slots for skills that Corrin can actually learn normally from reclassing and promoting

    -If you're concerned about having characters that aren't released then don't place any of those characters on your streetpass team or any team you use in the game yet (since the game knows that said characters like Anna aren't released in Fates yet in NA).

    -If you plan to put any units on Streetpass teams and any of them have skills that they can't learn at all without hacking, just remove those skills and replace them with skills that they can normally learn while reclassing, promoting, etc.

    -Regarding classes that aren't even released, don't place any units who are in said unreleased classes on your streetpass teams as players will know that you hacked to do that. Additionally, don't place units who are in classes that their gender doesn't permit on your streetpass team as it's obvious that you hacked to do that as well.

    -Don't use more than what you can obtain regarding weapons, stones, items and rods/staves. If you can only get a set amount of them in-game or a certain enhancement level, don't go any farther to get more of said items or better enhancements on weapons.

    This is as much as I can give using advice, so I'm sorry for not being able to do much to help.

    Based on this, I still can't decide if my thing is shadowbanned, or if it's someone else that's shadowbanned.

    I'll fully admit to this: I absolutely can't stand exclusive skill crap. Even if it's worthless on a character (for example, Xander using Beastbane), I still feel like they should be able to obtain it.

    With that said, yes - I do have hacked skills. A LOT of hacked skills, but it's simply to have every skill on every character.

    I have Beastbane on everyone except Mitama, Effie, Reina, Gunter, Shura, Fuga, and Flora. I have Aptitude on almost everyone, I have Dragon Fang on a few characters that can't get it, (Owain, for example) I have some of Azura's skills on a whole bunch of people, and so on.

    However, the way my Corrin is set up right now, she only has "Rally" skills on her; things that can be obtained through normal gameplay. So, even though my Corrin DOES have hacked skills on the skill list, they aren't equipped.

    If I unequip all of the hacked skills, can I go back to the castle I've been getting the skills from?

    Being shadowbanned isn't going to stop me from trying to get all the skills on the characters. If I can't get the other impossible skills on them, then I'll just stick to normal ass gameplay.

    I also have a Flora that I added to my roster with obvious hacked stats. But even with her there, for the longest time, I was able to visit castles. It's only recently that I haven't been able to visit a certain person's castle, which is BS, since I don't even use these hacked skills to mess with anyone.

    I know Intelligent Systems/Nintendo can't tell that I have zero intention of not using those skills against other players, but surely wanting the simple task of "All skills," can't be too bad, right?

    So, what is it? Am I shadowbanned, or is the person I'm visiting shadowbanned?

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