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Everything posted by Prax

  1. And finally showing off my completed pieces! I think they were able to donate about $2000 to charity thanks to the zine. 🙂
  2. Some sneak peek previews of images in a Tellius zine I'm contributing to.. This one with Yune will be a two-page spread: This one will become an A4 print: Preview of the colouring quality, with more characters revealed as we get closer to the closing of the pre-order date: More infromation about the zine itself can be found here if you're interested:
  3. IT HAS BEEN.. A MILLION YEARS! Many new arts I have made!!?? Micaiah as Zero from Drakengard 3: Micaiah, Ike (from cub to BEAR), and Soren as Animal Crossing animeles: Couple of banners for Secret Santa stuff: A secret santa gift featuring Jill and Lethe!: OCs as Chrom and Corrins: (I have no finished Fates yet because I still have hangover form Awakening) OCs dealing with Forrest: 3 Houses anticipation!
  4. omg I haven't been around for a while! Sorry guys! LOL

  5. Sai is GREAT for colouring and lineart and has VERY EASY TO USE vector/pen tools (it's different from how photoshop does it though, so you'll need to play around to get the hang of it). UNFORTUNATELY, Sai will be missing some things that you are used to from photoshop: gradient tool, shape tools, text/typing tool, dodge/burn (it kind of has a similar thing, but it's not the same I don't think). It's great for getting the drawing and art done, but it has very basic or none of the colour and photo editing options you might be used to from Photoshop (no fancy filters, no clone or stamp tool, etc.). I use SAI for most of my artwork personally, drawing directly in the program without needing to scan in a sketch, but I still use Photoshop to finish editing if I need to make colour adjustments or even add in my website/copyright/watermarks. If you have the money, downloading Paint Shop Pro would be a good alternative to Photoshop. You can also try out Fire Alpaca, which has a lot of features Paint TOOL SAI is missing and is free (it just has a pop up ad when you start it and maybe the brush isn't AS nice as SAI): http://firealpaca.com/en Or Krita also looks pretty good and has a lot of the features you might like too and is also free--it seems to be constantly improving and I'm pretty impressed with how it looks anyway: http://krita.org/features
  6. A man pursuing his dreams apparently~ lol Sephiran~ Woes of a revolutionary haha. I might do more tonight.
  7. Next 4: Sailor Moon Solaire Temari Jotaro
  8. I recently did a bunch of nude dudes with hidden crotches, but I think that's too close to the edge of approrpriate, so here's a recent update of other stuff~! FIRE EMBLEM RELATED SOME OF THEM OOOH~ Doing some tumblr requests using a palette meme http://praxart.tumblr.com/post/88565031557/meme-source. I'm gonna do 50 of these too, so if any of you are interested, you can drop a request at praxart.tumblr.com . The 4 I did today: Ben Katz Naruto + Sasuke Hector + Farina Zelgius + Micaiah
  9. Alriiiight.. art dump time~ The other two! Rammey Altaire All of them together! I actually do try to vary faces and bodytypes a little at least! lol Heimdl (unrelated to the above guys) Characters inserted into an RP group: Asfir looking cool here: Are mostly artistic nudes considered kosher? Remove if not: http://meibatsu.deviantart.com/art/Incubus-Altaire-457022501
  10. Art dump time~ Inspired by the "Small Town Witch" kickstarter. My charaters in 20s clothing. More practice at realism for fun except I keep not using references. Opps. >_> Excited for Starfighter: Eclipse the Visual Novel to be kickstarted and full funded! So my characters in the forground as fill-ins. lol My OCs and friend's OCs being friends. XD Sibling pairs of my OCs Cambion demon, Coman. His incubus cousin, Jericho.
  11. Princess Fafnr, an OC I have a crush on because she is so purdy and noble. lol Colouring technique inspired by http://cbedford.deviantart.com~ Which meant I had to render her more realistically than I am used to, but i think it turned out okay. xD ~5 hours in Paint Tool SAI.
  12. Lastest thing that took me way too long to do~ And a detail: Based on the Lovers tarot card~ Except geared toward the comic and the guys in general~
  13. omg.. thank you for the compliment..~~ Q__Q It would take me more than forever to get all 72 cards done though. Hahaha~ Maybe the Major Arcana wouldn't be too awful, but i love illustrated pip cards for the minor arcana, and it's even better when they all are illustrated with something unique. I actually wanted to illustrate my own tarot set a long time ago, but I think I realized it's sooo much work, especiallyw ith all the research and symbolism that needs to go into it.
  14. That's fine with me. XD I'll just tell people to go to my gallery or something~
  15. Ooh, finally~ Update time~ SOME NSFW STUFF BECAUSE ARTISTIC/EROTIC NUDITY LOL I will just link to those ones even though I think they are probably some of the best pieces: This was like the first thing I drew in 2014 and it was only a doodle. Then I didn't draw anything again for weeks later: But then I started finishing up some requests I had and phew! Feeling like I'm getting out creative rut! These were supposed to be fast requests, but I usually ended up spending 2-3 hours on each of them: A guest page for a friend's comic! She ended up repositioning things to add in panels and text though. You can see the comic here: http://caprice.smackjeeves.com/comics/1895775/page-4/ And a fun tumblr-inspired image using birthdate to determine your tarot persona: The other images that I made I think look pretty nice, and although I label it as erotic or whatever, it's usually more artistic or at least hidden nudity? You will see butt cracks and maybe nipple on an angelic figure though sooooooo.. got to my deviantart if you wanna see them. They are not appropriate for here lolll ( meibatsu.deviantart.com ). And a Fire Emblem club Secret Santa.. HECTOR AND LYN~! YAYYY~! (even though Farina + Hector is my otp lol)
  16. HAHAHAH YES IT IS. ASH AS TIGHT PANTS HIRO YUY BECAUSE I HAVEN'T WATCHED ANY OTHER GUNDAM SEASDON EXCEPT FOR WING! xDDDD I am glad you like it!! Drawing robos is so hard..and all the line art was in ballpoint pen so I didn't have much room for scribbling mistakes out. >___> AND THANK YOU JEALOUSY FOR THE MANLY SOLAR LIONNN!!!! IT IS MUCH BEAUTIFUL!!
  17. ^ Wow, some people are really passive-aggressive. Like.. come on. If you feel that she is a beginniner or amatuer, why do you think it's helpful to give "tough love" when it shows that is not something she responds well to? You think she's not the one learning? Maybe others need to take a lesson and learn that not all people grow and are nurtured by the same things (and also some people are lazy or slow or disinterested in becoming an apprentice). It's tiring to see her art thread cycle into these diatribes about learning to take a critique well when some people honestly need to learn to give critiques well instead (and accept that people won't necessarily hang onto their every word--gosh why does it feel like an ego war??). Ana, I think it is best to just ignore people who you feel are insulting you, since who wants to "learn" from a teacher who they feel disrespects them in the first place even if they do have the answers? I think you can tell the difference between people who mean well but might be blunt and people who seem to have a need to cut others down, so I applaud you for calling people out on it even if they might become more aggressive. Gargh. And sorry for dragging this topic on with this post, but the way people treat you makes me pretty angry. On the other hand, at least it gives yoru thread attention and traffic? I dunno if that is worth it to you though. lol Anyway, on a more positive note, I think that mistletoe picture was pretty cute and I like how Kelly's expression turned out most of all. It's cute and kind of michievous. I think if you were to practice on something, it would be on making a more natural-looking side view, since the face comes off a little flat and Freddy looks like he needs a bit more chin. I like that you're using thinner lines sicne it makes your details clearer and more dainty, and soon you will be able to experiment with shading more and using a tablet, which is exciting. It'll take a while to get used to, but it'll soon become second nature~! (Or not.. I feel it took me like 5 years to get the hang of it in order to actually complete a full image with it lol)
  18. hvdjvjaDV FINALLY I MADE SOEM MORE ARTWORK THAT IS POSTABLE HERE LOL A couple of banners for art gift exchanges that happened on Deviantart: Yeah, I was lazy and pressed for time so I copied my own idea. LOL And a few gift exchanges I completed! This is a gif that might take a pit to load.. sorry! >_> FIRE EMBLEM RELATED YAY~
  19. I actually did it. I made it in time and it's a masterpiece. >_______>
  20. i make no promises on quality i am a horrible procrastinator lol but I will try to get it done by tomorrow night (along with other exchanges I signed up for.. omg.. so many deadlinessss!)
  21. I will be a little late with my gift due to being in Toronto and having ice storm power outages and such, but I'll try my hardest to have soemthing by the 31st to make it for the deadline!
  22. Sign me up~! I am not sure if the Deviantart group I'm part of (Fireemblem-club) will be doing a gift exchange this year since it's not being organized yet, so I figured I can join this one~ I will draw just about anything except hardcore pornography (not like it could get posted here anyway lol) or obvious incest (because lol). Things I want: Okay, besides all that, anything is fine really. Even better if you could include YOUR OC/original characters~! I prefer drawings because reading is hard. lol
  23. Yeahh~~ Congrats on being a finalist~~~ *___* All that work paid off!
  24. Oh and then I drew this today, my character Kat, who ends up getting breast cancer because I was thinking aboit breast cancer.. but she's badass so she eventually recovers and continues to kick butt anyway:
  25. You style is so cute and anime and it makes me wistfully want to draw like that one day.. *___* Also, that is a nice background study.. Maybe some more contrast and brights would really bring the feel of morning light stabing through the peace. I ought to be doing background and composition studies myself but I'm always focusing on figures and not finishing anything. .__.
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