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Blood Knight

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Posts posted by Blood Knight

  1. It takes me about a month but I don't play very frequently for long. FE8 shouldn't take much longer than that.

    Also, welcome to Serenes Forest! Enjoy your stay here! Nice Zelgius art from IGN btw

    Uhh yeah about that. i dont actually know who Zelgius is. i just thought he looked awsome :D.

    Guess i find him in one of the games lol.

  2. Thanks for the welcomes guys i have been to many forums and they do not have this kind of introduction page. Irrelevant to FE of course.

    Also wondering how much time does it take to complete a FE game? (on average)

  3. Hi,

    Hope you enjoy your stay and feel welcome. As for general tips applicable to almost any Fire Emblem:

    Train a team of about 8-12 people

    Be wary of people who seem too powerful right from the start - they probably end up fairly bad

    Restart if someone you're training dies

    Feel free to take things slowly - lure a few enemies out and fight them rather than charging in gung-ho

    Check enemy stats and weapons before doing the above.

    thanks im starting out with sacred stones as i was told is the easiest.

    so far it seems im not very good at it and have had to restart twice with the loss of the starting allies

    that come to help seth and the princess. still learning the basics i guess i shouldnt expect too much.

    Thanks for the welcome and the tips

  4. Hello i am new to this forum and very new to the game. I was introduced to both by Rhythm.

    If people would like to help give me tips on the game that would be great :D

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