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Everything posted by MapleRose

  1. Lol I made that mistake once, saying that Xander was wielding the Siegbert. And now I can't stop imagining him swinging his poor son around when disciplining him or something XD That's true, Ryoma's a really good unit even without the Raijinto. Though I would argue Odin can compete with him for the title of "best Swordmaster"; my Swordmaster Odin has more Skill, Speed, and Luck than Ryoma (but less Str and Res, but he doesn't really need Str anyway 'cause he crits everything); I dunno if his growths are actually better or if my Odin was just blessed by RNGsus
  2. Though the Raijinto does give Ryoma stat boosts in exactly the right places to kill things, whereas the Siegfried... doesn't
  3. You're not alone, my Conquest Xander ended up kind of average for me too :( He stopped being able to kill things by himself a few chapters after I got him, mostly because he's too slow to double things (come on Xander, why are you so slow, you're on a horse!), and his Str wasn't great (I think at the same level as Azura, he only had like 2 or 3 more Str than her, so maybe I got RNG screwed there). I turned him into a Swordmaster in Revelations and he was slightly better, but still slow for a Swordmaster. I think it's just that Paladins kinda suck in this game? At least in my experience.... Left comic: I'm gonna imagine that now every time I pair up Keaton with a flying unit XD
  4. Yeah I don't know why they changed that line so much . His other lines stayed mostly in tact. His line for getting to a full heart, instead of "I-I can't lose you" he says "I'm more afraid of losing you than anything else." See, abandonment issues I will forever type "Tsubaki", don't care what localization did, it just looks weird without the T lol. I'm playing through the game through Homebrew/Hans so I can hear the Japanese voices >__< Totally married Niles on a separate save file so I can listen to his voice Anyway, how do you read the ancient texts? Is there a key somewhere that lets you decode it?
  5. I blame the localization for that one! In Japanese he says "Can I kiss you? .... Sorry, I don't know what came over me" >____< But he totally has abandonment issues, I found out through bonding with him
  6. And maybe that's why Sumeragi-zombie killed Mikoto, for revenge! Or maybe Mikoto is possessed by Anankos too and you just don't know it. It all makes sense now! Lol, now I'm imagining the Hoshidan royals growing up in the Outer realms. Maybe that's why the timeline doesn't make sense, because Outer realm shenanigans! And well, feMU can marry Gunter, who's practically your dad, so I'd say this game already allows that..... Oh god you're right, I forgot about the nephews. Maybe uh... Ryoma told Shiro, and Takumi gave Mikoto's letter to Kiragi? But they never tell Corrin lol
  7. I don't know about the other weapons, but in Takumi and Kiragi's support, where Takumi teaches Kiragi how to use the Fujin Yumi, it's revealed that you need a lot of concentration in order to use it, so it's not something that you can just pick up and use (even though the weapon rating for it in the game is E lol)
  8. I guess that makes sense if Sumeragi didn't marry Mikoto right away after she came to Hoshido. But it is a bit sad that if Ikona was alive at the time, it essentially means Sumeragi is cheating on his wife, even if by all accounts he's an honourable man. You can't help who you fall in love with I guess (like the Hoshidan siblings besides Ryoma, who fell in love with Corrin before finding out they're not related >_< ) I just find it weird that if you played Birthright and only got the S support with Takumi or Sakura without getting the supports with Ryoma, Hinoka or Kagero you'd never know about Mikoto not being their mom (and thus, feel like you'd still be marrying your half-sibling lol) I uh, married Ryoma in Revelations, so I guess I'm guilty of that? oops. But yeah it is kinda weird that they emphasized family so much in this game, yet you can marry them (with the "it's okay if you're not blood related" thing) Haha, judging by how squeamish the localization was about cousin marriages in Awakening (Lucina and Owain S changed to "partners" instead of "husband/wife" and their S support stripped out some romantic text), even if IS originally addressed incest, it'll probably get changed in the localization... In Corrin's support with Yukimura, he said Sumeragi was a loving father who cared a lot about his family, so I assumed he cares about his wife too, so I assumed he met Mikoto after Ikana had died, but then like you said, the timeline is messed up lol I had my questions, but you never know, Mikoto could be older than she looked lol. She could be in her late 40s but just looks young?
  9. How does Streetpass work for multiple save files? Is it the last savefile that was saved / loaded that people can Streetpass, or is it always the one that has uploaded the castle?
  10. Yeah I found it a little weird that only your bros wield special weapons. I thought it'd be the oldest 2 siblings that would get special weapons. Though it means Hinoka's default would have to change to a Kinshi Knight or something. I can see why Leo has the Brynhilder though. He's a magical genius and cares a lot more about tactics than Camilla, judging by how she's uninterested in the throne. I think Azura doesn't have a special weapon because she's not meant to be used in combat, being a Songstress by default and all doesn't explain why she has such high Str though
  11. That's so sad, Scarlet likes Ryoma more than her husband and kid, yet they can't even support T___T That would be cool, although wouldn't make sense if you haven't done the Hidden Truth DLC, which is optional and supposedly played after you play Revelations, so I understand why there isn't one. Did Jakob have a convo with Flora on either route? I forget.
  12. I've finished all 3 paths, and the Hidden Truths DLC, and this question has been bugging me: Who are Sakura and Takumi's parents? I know this seems like a strange question, but hear me out. The timeline, pieced together through story and supports: 1) Ryoma born 2) Hinoka born 3) Mikoto came to Hoshido with baby Corrin, met Sumeragi, fell in love and married Sumeragi 4) Corrin kidnapped, Sumeragi died protecting Corrin 5) Azura kidnapped 6) Elise born 6) is based on Azura and Elise's support, where Azura said she heard of a new Nohr princess being born after she was kidnapped. Assumptions: - Sakura is around the same age as Elise - Sumeragi met and married Mikoto after Ryoma and Hinoka's mother died So Sakura would be born some time after Corrin and Azura are kidnapped. Then is she Sumeragi's daughter, since Sumeragi died when Corrin was kidnapped? I suppose Sakura /could/ be Sumeragi's child still, if her mother was pregnant with her when Sumeragi died. But then, is she Mikoto's daughter? If so, doesn't that mean you'd be marrying your half sister still? If not, did Sumeragi have another wife besides Mikoto, or have concubines like Garon did? With Takumi, I suppose since there was no age set when Corrin came to Hoshido other than "baby", so I guess Corrin could be like 1-2 years old by the time Mikoto came to Hoshido, and Takumi could have been born recently to Ryoma/Hinoka's mother. But it still doesn't make sense for Sakura due to #6) in my timeline. Or is my assumption wrong that Elise and Sakura are around the same age? It was never explicitly said how long Corrin spent in Hoshido, but I assumed it was at least a couple of years, since Corrin had some recollection of being with his Hoshidan family as a kid. So if Sakura was already born by the time Corrin came to Hoshido, that would mean she's a few years older than Elise. Also, does the main story ever mention that Mikoto isn't related to the Hoshidan siblings by blood, or is it only through the support with Hinoka? I find it weird that Corrin's S support with Takumi and Sakura has the letter that tells Corrin he/she isn't Sumeragi's child, but nothing about Mikoto. Is it just assumed that you know Mikoto's not their mom? (how?? where did Corrin find out that information if not for Hinoka's support? Takumi and Sakura never talk about it in their support with Corrin) Am I reading too far into this? Is there another DLC that reveals more?
  13. I was really disappointed when Sumeragi did not have custom dialogue with anyone other than Corrin and Ryoma (I mean, I'm glad at least they put that in, I'd be more angry if there wasn't a custom convo with Ryoma), Maybe he doesn't remember any of them or something >_> Mikoto too, why does she not talk to anyone but Corrin..... It seems that to the game, Takumi and Sakura are just generic units or something, since they can't talk to Ryoma in chapter 13 either Is there a custom convo between Rev 23 Scarlet and Corrin, or Scarlet and Kana, if you married her? (I'm glad there's a custom convo with Ryoma at least, which, broke my heart T__T ) Jakob and Gunter in Rev 26. I dragged my underleveled Jakob through that level hoping he could talk to Gunter, but nope :(
  14. I feel like it was designed this way to give access to classes not native to your path (ie Xander can become Ninja through Kaze (which I recommend, 'cause he looks hilarious using Siegfried as a Ninja), and Ryoma can become Paladin through Silas, though it means in Revelations Ryoma got the short end of the stick 'cause Xander gives him the same classes as Silas). But yeah I do want to see Ryoma and Kaze talk about how they regret not protecting Corrin, or maybe they can talk about Saizo XD
  15. Yeah I find it weird that Hinoka isn't promoted either. It makes sense for Takumi and Sakura, 'cause it kinda seems like they're still in training, but Hinoka is supposedly the warrior princess. I'm okay with Takumi being pre-promoted but Leo being promoted though, 'cause Leo's some sort of genius, while Takumi has an inferiority complext
  16. I kinda wish Xander had been a Hero, 'cause Paladins kinda suck in this game (Xander why are you so slooooow, you're on a horse dammit). But I feel like he was meant to be a Paladin, because of his Chivalrous nature. Something about Knight's Code of Chivalry, to parallel Ryoma's Bushido Code. What I found odd is that 3/4 Nohrian royals are promoted, while 1/4 Hoshidan royals are promoted. I guess it's related to when they join you on the respective paths, but still feels unbalanced.
  17. I want to see Forrest and Oboro comparing fashion trends between Hoshido and Nohr, which might help Oboro overcome her Nohr-hating
  18. There's some here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgpp257en9A But it only has the male units...
  19. I'll be picking Rowlet and naming him Jakob, and he'll hate everyone 'cept me XD Though its colour scheme reminds me more of Leo... I'll be getting Sun, because Solgaleo is basically Ryoma's spirit Pokemon; from the glorious mane to the samurai face gear to the Hoshido crest on its forehead. That, or it's what Ryoma would look like if he could transform with a beast stone lol. I'm hoping the shiny version is red. Either way I'll be naming my Solgaleo after Ryoma
  20. My Kana has Lethality, Rend Heaven, Vantage, Hoshidan Unity and Quixotic as a Hero. I gave him a forged Umbrella, it's pretty funny watching him proc Lethality with it. It's not the most reliable strat but it's fun nonetheless
  21. (topic title is what Odin says when you greet him in someone else's castle lol) Hi, I'm MapleRose, and I'm here 'cause I want to talk to people about Fire Emblem =D I was first introduced to the franchise by my husband, with Path of Radiance. I didn't know the way of Fire Emblem back then, and I will forever regret that I let Zihark die and didn't restart. Then I proceeded to play Radiant Dawn. I liked those games, but I wouldn't say I really got into Fire Emblem, until I picked up Awakening last year (I didn't even get it when it came out). I really enjoyed Awakening's cast of dorky characters. I'm a shipper at heart, so the marriage system probably helps. That, and the option for Japanese voice acting (which was wonky, but I dealt with it). When Fates came out, I managed to get my hands on the special edition. Played Birthright, then Conquest, and I finished Revelations just a few days ago. I think what I most enjoy about Fire Emblem is the characters. I want to grind out all the supports and pick pairings. Though in Fates, skill-collecting is kind of fun. My castle address is 06912-90914-07024-38500 , it's set up for easy seize, so come visit! "Thank you for your dark business."
  22. Happy Birthday Revelations Husbando! I drew my family to celebrate btw this is what he says when I gave him a present when he's my husbando
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