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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Though I hardly use Snipers in this game, and being the worst class of all I vote Klein just because he promotes for free. Igrene applies, but you get her way too late in the game.
  2. I played a Piano when I was 7 and still good today.
  3. Theres no evidence that Team China's gymnastics are in fact under the years of 16. Its just an excuse for the Americans to get the gold metal.
  4. Congradulations torifae. Your the first "eye candy" for this board. <_<
  5. I'm not even gonna bother with this board of fail because I'm too lazy to rawt so I'll let other people to do it for me kthx.
  6. define "barely even comparable"? They seem to be pretty comparable to me.
  7. Geez I wonder where I heard this topic before? Oh yeah it was here where that was already been established. [sarcasm/]
  8. Did you have to necropost at all? <_< This topic has been dead for 3 months and yet very pointless now. Will someone close this please?
  9. You don't read posts as much do you? It's been taken.
  10. ...you don't look through post as much don't you? http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?...amp;hl=language http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?...amp;hl=language
  11. 42 times. It was only then I got sick and tired of playing it.
  12. Seen it before. Its funny, but not that appealing. <_< Its kinda like a girls anime more seeing as its Shojo.
  13. ...Your really good at making comments when its shoved up in your nose.
  14. Excuse me? But why the hell are you talking about me?
  15. Stop turning "Brooklyn Rage" into a catch phrase. Just stick with saying "neh", thats all your good at.
  16. because shes not and your not <_<

  17. I hate to break it up this conversation but this is not FftF board. Talk over there, and tori, I think everyone knows your new so you can stop posting now. <_<
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