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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. And its about fucking time too. You got some nerve to come here.
  2. oh so theres no need for me to speak french then lol. Its nice that I finally met someone whos from Canada lol

  3. Oh ... si vous pouvez parler français hein? XD

  4. Happy belated B-day.

    And btw, your from Canada? =O Which city are you from? I', from Toronto XD

  5. This is completely irregardless to this but may I ask which university will you be attending?
  6. I've found screenshots of the canceled FE64 that was planned to be released for the N64. And I think these screenshots might serve a good purpose for this site, credit goes to Shadowknight for the image. Quote from FEOnline. http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/5487/8890jg4.jpg http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8149/8891hb4.jpg http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/7187/8892uu1.jpg http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9717/8893zt1.jpg http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/7585/8894uj2.jpg http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/7690/8895za8.jpg http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/5209/8896jj2.jpg http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/4495/feporold1bl6.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/6092/feporold2jh6.jpg http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/6522/porbetasa8.jpg http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/79/8742mt6.jpg http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/6439/8884ax9.jpg http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/6581/8885cs8.jpg http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/792/8886xj6.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/9969/8887hy2.jpg
  7. Better speed means he can double more. Whereas Raven can't compare to Guy. And he needs that support if he ever competes with Guy.
  8. F-Zero AX pwns all. Enough said. If only there's another F-Zero game for the Wii :(
  9. For once, I'm actually learning something out of this. O_O
  10. Why should Guy needs Priscilla's support? It should go to Raven, Guy still has better speed.
  11. Plus, theres always Wil's support if you go RavenxWil.
  12. ...wow...thats some good shit you guys are posting. Keep it up. :o
  13. Yami: Joey, it's time for a surprise attack! Joey: No worries, Yug, I got ya back! Yami: Hang on a second, are we rhyming too? Joey: Don't ask me, I ain't got a clue. Yami: This is like something out of Dr. Seuss! Tea: I can't stop staring at Yugi's caboose! Bakura: Everyone seems to have gone all rhymey! Tristan: Shut the hell up, you stupid limey!
  14. Yeah, next thing you know playing The Sims is a serious business too. <_<
  15. I don't expect you to understand it. I expect you to know it.
  16. I found this a while back. I thought I'd show this to you guys to see how you'd respond.
  17. uhhh...none. And I never knew you can hot-link from Polls...
  18. And for those of you don't know/care, Wonder Woman, Deathstroke, Kano and Raiden has been confirm to be playables.
  19. I played FE7 before playing FE6. Mainly because I'd never heard of FE6 that time which was like 4 Years ago?
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