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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Did I said swords? I mean Axe. :E And why not use both Heroes? I see nothing wrong with that?
  2. Of course he is, why wouldn't he? He gain's a massive HHM bonus and he is actually better in using Axe. And I never said anything bad about Raven at all...Raven being better than Harken, point being? Who cares if Raven is faster and doubles like a Swordmaster? Raven's speed win translates into a good evade with support durability over Harken, that's it. And I wasn't complaining about his Con at all, yes its atrocious but Raven is able to max speed anyways. Plus upon promotion, Raven begins with E-rank swords, while Harken begins with B-rank when you first recruit him. In order for Raven to get him close to B-rank you have to spam using axes to get to Harken's level. They're both awesome, I'd used both. There's no reason to not use Harken at all since Raven doesn't negate Harken's existence in anyway.
  3. Joey: I summon Copycat. It gives me the power to copy your catch phrase. In America! Keith: Hey! Thats my joke! It only works when I say it America! It loses all meaning when you say it! Joey: neh, whats that? I was too busy being American. Keith: Your not American! Your not even wearing a flag on your head! Joey: Your right, I must've left it back home, in America! *Keith snapped*
  4. Excellent work, my fellow Americans! It sounds like those kids are about to fall right into my trap.. In America! Oi boss, you know we're not actually in America, right? I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American, it's the only language I understand. That graveyard arena should be around here somewhere. These sunglasses sure make it difficult to see in the dark, but I refuse to take them off because I'm an American, and Americans always wear sunglasses. Now it's time for my favorite Shakespeare quote. Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him.. In America! Attention Duelists! You guys are not duelists! I need to see your identification.
  5. Anyone plan on getting this game? I certainly am. http://worldscollide.com/
  6. There's no way I'm going to GameFAQs. That site is fucked up by trolls. Plus, why would I used someones guide when playing a strategy game?
  7. Wouldn't it be easier if you just play the game rather than saying your going to? <_<
  8. Mokuba: Now that we're out of the video game, you guys can't do a thing to me. Kemo: Actually, we could still beat the crap out of you. Mokuba: Oh yeah... Kemo: Hold still, you little punk! *punches* Mokuba: oowww! my ribs! Kemo: *punches again* Mokuba: oowww! my other ribs! Tristan: *punches Mokuba too* Yugi: Tristan why are you punching him? Tristan: I don't know *punches*
  9. You face them together in one map and in one chapter. Thats all you need for them to be together pretty much...so technically they're together. Why would you assume that they'd be together? And is everyone that afraid of Lloyd/Linus support? I don't that is a big deal at all.
  10. I have very recently (yesterday in fact) started trying to do an Ike solo of Path of Radiance. I have Ike do absolutely everything, visit houses, kill enemies, find things in the sand, open chests and doors, and heal himself with vulneraries. I don't use anyone to block (everyone is whatever level they started as when you got them and have 0 kills) Whenever I've had to use other people in the chapter i simply put them where they wont be attacked and unequipped all weapons. Because of soloing, I've had Shinon and Gatrie die on ch. 7, and i have been unable to recruit zihark, devdan, and stefan, since i need other people to recruit them. I've found that the best skill combo (at least until i can get an occult scroll) is vantage-guard. I always attack first, and sometimes cancel the enemies attack. I can say that soloing the game with Ike is quite easy except for chapters 1 and 17. 17 is obvious as to why, and 1 is hard because Ike is so low leveled and using anyone besides Ike would be cheating. Also using Rhys to heal Ike would be cheating. Any thoughts?
  11. Tristan: I've been thinking. What if we're all part of some enormous virtual world? What if we exist in a fictional universe created by some Japanese guy who likes card games? Tea: Tristan, that is without a doubt the dumbest thing you've ever said.
  12. uhhhh...what the hell? I proved you what she'd be like compared to the other Swordmasters, and she failed in comparison of that. And you said that was your opinion anyways so I proved you wrong there. You were actually off-topic and yet your points are actually moot to begin with. We were talking about how Priscilla can dodge like a Swordmaster to saying how good is she. And once again, still no evidence at all. If you make a comparison or something with any other class. Other than Swordmaster, then I'll surely buy that then. If not, then just stop spawning BS. And I'll say it again: I know if a character is good judging by their average stats. Yes, I know its not 100% accurate but its pretty precise anyways by knowing the chances of those caps are being high or low. And why are you still telling me use her when you won't provide me any evidence that she is good or not. Didn't I said I don't want to be in this board anymore. *leaves and ignores it*
  13. So...if their bastards, does this mean they were born before their parents was married?[sarcasm/]
  14. Yeah, and I did a really good damn job of ripping your opinions to shreds about Priscilla dodging like a Swordmaster. Exaggerated or not I proved my point. And btw in case if you hadn't noticed. You already lost even if you didn't post that. Maybe that would convince you that she can't dodge like a Swordmaster. I think you have been torn to shreds long enough. And it is like I said: convince me by providing proof that she is useful in someway and maybe I will take her to consideration. For instance, make a comparison thread. I don't care. And no, I don't care about someone has to say about Priscilla being good. But nonetheless, I don't care anymore. I'll stop hanging out here now.
  15. After what I just listed on that post. You still insisting on using her?
  16. I pick neither since I hardly use either of them. I just stick with Soren or Micaiah.
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