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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Kaiba: How very fitting that Yugi is competing in the first duel of my tournament. Its only a matter of time before he and I face off against each other again. After all, he's my arch rival. The Sherlock Holmes to my Moriarty. The Kaneda to my Tetsuo. The Speed Racer to my Racer X. I could go on but I won't. Mokuba: Charmander, char! Kaiba: Shut up Charmander! I mean, Mokuba.
  2. Tristan: Because in the future, card games will be played on motorbikes! Yugi:...That is the stupidest thing thats ever come out of your mouth. Card games on motorbikes. C'mon!
  3. Listen, pal. You can try to take over my company. You can kidnap my little brother. You can even try to kill me. But when you F**k around with video games, you've gone too far.
  4. Time for a trip to the recycle bin, Phantom. And then once you're in the recycle bin, I'm going to right click on it and select "empty recycle bin". Because otherwise, you'll just be taking up unnecessary space. In other words, I'm going to kill you. Come forth, Blue-Eyes!
  5. I highly doubt there would be one for the Wii. But theres going to be DMC5
  6. Priscilla can dodge due to her high luck, yes. But that doesn't mean her Spd ain't anywhere near that of a Swordmasters by both average and capped. She also have rather poor Support options as well other than Sain. Compare to the following potential Swordmasters: Guy. Priscilla has more luck than Guy completely but even with those Luck, Guy still has better Speed over Priscilla where she average out 22 since Guy is able to max out 30 Spd. Let alone having +5 Atk and +25 Crit from supports factors. Especially if you were to compare them with HM bonus, it would be a joke. Karel/Karla. Probably one of the worst units in the game. Despite that, pretty average. Combined with their speed it gives them high Evasion over Priscilla since both of them average out 26 Spd which is still enough over 22 Spd and having such low Con. Matthew/Legault/Jaffar. Wait a minute, they're not Swordmasters? Oh wait, they can dodge like a Swordmaster because they have the exact same speed cap and average wise too. Matthew is actually a grand example of being a Swordmaster because he higher critcal rate than Karel from support factors with xGuy and xHector. And still has better speed over Priscilla by both average and capped. Legault applies the same as Matthew but without the support factors. But he gains a HM bonus, which turns the favors towards him. And could gain Speed very easily with that. Jaffar is being tied with Karel and Karla but pretty low luck. Don't need to elaborate on that one. And Lyn. She is of course a uber-Swordmaster because of her exact same caps and average than that of a Swordmaster. And she can use a Wo Dao. But Mani Katti is all the critical bonus she needs to be like one as well. Not to mention she has better speed as Guy and could easily capped it as well. And she has good support options with Rath so she could dodge much more than a Swordmaster with it. I think I'm done. No wait. I forgot about Raven. But wait Raven's not a Swordmaster. Oh yeah, its because Raven's speed win translates into a good Evade win with supports for durability for having Priscilla's A support and Rebecca's B(If not then Wil's) Which would be capped as a Swordmaster. Especially he gains a massive HM bonus. So yes compare to the rest of the available Swordmasters in this game. Priscilla doesn't have the speed to compete with them. Especially with Raven. And if you ask me Priscilla would want to support with Raven if he would want to get any better. And just to be clear at this she can't dodge like a Swordmaster.
  7. Harken is consider to be one of the best pre-promotes. He has much better Res over Raven's and can serve a big difference on playing Cog of Destiny HHM. Oh and he can use Axe too.
  8. Farina couldn't marry Dart because they don't get an ending together. I think Farina's support is made for just Hector only in order for her to be the mother of Lilina?
  9. neh, I pick neither. Pegasus/Falco Knights sucks anyways. I pick Heath. Wyvern Lord>Falco Knight + HHM Bonus. But seeing as I don't have a choice maybe Fiora just because of her better joining time I guess?
  10. If Luna wasn't fixed in this game, I'd picked both. And doesn't make much difference who I choose anyways :(
  11. Wasn't there already a buried topic of this?
  12. The game was easy, it took me less that 3 hours to beat the game. Without doing the ruins/towers
  13. Ohhh...so you'll be living in on campus. Thats what you meant. Well good luck with your future.
  14. Paladin's aren't really much defensive in the earlier games anyways...until now probably.
  15. There's a voice in my head! And it's French! The exact opposite of American! Stop torturing me! Okay, I admit it! I'm not really American, I'm Canadian! Is that what you wanted to hear, you bastard?
  16. It was just a joke, don't take it personal. <_<
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQlM76wcDbs Best trailer ever.
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