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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Are you sure? Don't almost enemy units that are recruitable gain HM bonus at all?
  2. DMC1: Awesome DMC2: Terrible DMC3: BEST DMC SERIES EVER! DMC3 Special Edition: Vergil Kicks Ass DMC4 for the 360: Let me put it into a word someone will get. ****ing sick-ass game.
  3. Which reminds me, is there arenas in this game? Like the ones in the GBA's.
  4. My hair will puff, and my hair will ruff, and my hair will blow your house it...IN AMERICA!
  5. I was simply answering the poll really.
  6. I had one for like 2 weeks then I quit. But w/e screw the rules, I have money!
  7. If I had a choice to make either a Druid or Summoner it be Knoll who sucks anyways so w/e.
  8. -Limited movements from the from the desert map. (Hard to rescue her especially when you want Items burried in the sand somewhere that you probably won't get the Gaiden stage on time.) -Fog of war. (Difficult to see your enemies of where they are.) -FE6 Dragon Riders wondering around in the map like that + 2 Gay Beserkers and a bunch of Brigands later in their turn. (One hit from them is all they need to slaughter Sophia.) She is hard to train on that motherfucking map. Ray is better, better joining time, better start-out stats(especially with HM bonus when he gains as an enemy), and saves you the trouble of ever using Sophia. I'd ditch her if I were you who'd even consider using her.
  9. You don't read posts as much don't you? I'm doing a crappy pre-promote run-through.
  10. That is unusual Cap for a Paladin to have, but nonetheless, that is so awesome.
  11. If your reading this: that means your in blah blah land, the land where you can blah as much as you want. Blah blah blah blah...: P
  12. Did you actually feel the needs to necropost at all?
  13. Lilina + h4x Mag + Roy's Support = pure win.
  14. I actually don't care who is my favorite in each game. Both are awesome.
  15. The reason why this is becoming an "endless" arguement is because your actually being so stuborn to not let this all go away. Why can't you just admit that your wrong about Priscilla can dodge like a swordmaster or something and get this over with, your not doing yourself any favours there at all. Either that, or provide me some proof to convince me and maybe I will start considering using her. And you are actually changing the subject.
  16. Does anyone find this very midly wierd and yet very awesome at the same time? So this means Paladins in this game are a tank now?
  17. Colm = Assassin Gerik = Hero (you think?) Joshua = Swordmaster (duh) Lute = Sage (double duh) Tana = Wyvern Knight (more duh) Seth (and yes he is a pre-promote, I use him because of his awesomeness) Amelia = General Ewan = Super Trainee Ross = Berserker (even more duh)
  18. Then there you go, you can't make a comparison therfore means you have no right to debate this at all and still no proof. Also..."chapter-by-chapter strategy for when I'm using her?"...Is this your idea of a joke? Seriously, I bet your just messing with me after what we've been talking about, I don't give a rats-ass about how you use her. So quit changing the subject, really thats not getting us anywhere. And I know what units are at their full potential judging by their average stats. Why do you think average stats are there for? And if you think that is stupid, then thats your problem. This should have ended long time ago anyways but w/e I'm done in here. I've seen enough proof that Priscilla isn't all that great anyways. Come back when you can make a comparison or something.
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