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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. You can't just say that Priscilla keeps herself alive like a swordmaster just like that. You have to be specific with your point. Sure she dodge and stuff but you have to state your reason why and how. Like make a comparison with you other teams or something. This isn't rocket science you know. Thats a good idea! I'll get started right away using her now---no wait, I don't wanna because I'm on half-way on FE7 HHM and I already asembled a really good team which are potentially better than her and it would be a waste of my time. [sarcasm/] What is there to prove even when I play and use her? Nothing.
  2. And can you prove that she can keep herself alive like a swordmaster? Evidence to support your fact. And theres nothing wrong with what I've said at all. And I'd end it if you quit saying she is a swordmaster in a way.
  3. Pokemon is not my least favorite game anyways. But I guess I can go for this topic anyways. I CLAIM BLASTOISE!
  4. hmmm...that is actually a fair point. How about this. Why not just claim the Kingdom of Serenes instead? You'll just get the Forest anyways, and probably...ruined castles. <_<
  5. Serenes Forest ain't a country. But I guess you can get away with that.
  6. Pick any country from any FE series and claim it as your own by simply just posting it here. Once its been picked its already been taken. Me first, I claim Sacae.
  7. Despite the fact that Sacae route is really hard; I go for that anyways just because I like Nomads, Swordmasters, and stuff.
  8. Ah, but theres one problem; I was already been convinced that Priscilla ain't a bad unit anymore because of Kintenbo's post. And that was already been proven. Your just changing the subject Fox and yet once again you continue to refuse to deny any evidence that she can infact dodge like a swordmaster. Just because she by fact has alright speed growth, a downright good luck growth, and she starts out with fine bases in both for a level 3 unit as pointed out by Mac for whom I must thank. That doesn't mean she can dodge like one. And just because you said she can dodge like a swordmaster doesn't that mean its true at all. And once again, still no evidence at all. And to answer your question on the previous post;...why would I defend a unit that I love? It's not like theres any units I love anyways. I just "like" them.
  9. I think this conversation is done seeing as you failed to provide proof that she can't dodge like a swordmaster.
  10. Should this topic even go on the General board at all?
  11. Didn't I start a topic of this somewhere? Then again, its already been burried by now...
  12. I wonder what does this board do? Hmmmm.....its strange but I'll just write something down here until I figure out what to do here.
  13. And you can't technically prove that she can dodge like a Swordmaster meaning you have been owned and can't come with an arguement at all. How is that retarted? C'mon Fox, this is your chance to prove me wrong.
  14. I thought I seen you before on FEP. :O

  15. That's completely irrelivant What I meant was their completly slow and needs a lot of time to built up.
  16. So that means you have no evidence then. I need actual proof whether or not is what you said is true that Priscilla can dodge like a Swordmaster. Pictures, videos, etc. Otherwise, your just lying to me and that this never happens at all.
  17. And you don't need to because its already been established: Credit goes to MrAbtibol *applaused*
  18. Despite the fact that I hate him so much, I have to recuit him anyways just to get my hands on his Nosferatu and Silence staff(though I could probably just use Heather to steal it). Most importantly I just need his Nosferatu. Then after, I just don't use him at all.
  19. I don't see any reason for me of not getting this game. Afterall, FE is the best series I've ever played.
  20. Does anyone find that the supports seem to be slow in comparison with the other FE games? The only supports that I was able to finish was RoyxLilina that was it...
  21. Do you have solid evidence to prove that this existance it true or not? Because I find this hard to believe and saying this won't convince me. And it is like I said, most people perfer rankings because to get the understanding of the game's existance. FE is a stratigic game. That is actually a fair point. And not to get you wrong or anything but, she is made of healer. Which means shes hard to level up.
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