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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. No, but it was so lame that I laughed at their stupidity.
  2. Yeah Celice tends to know lots of stuff. Seriously he should be a Moderator.
  3. Especially when Samuel L. Jackson appears like in every different kinds of movies. <_<
  4. Rath because he can use melee and range weaponry.
  5. Forgot my post: Canada China South Korea Ireland United Kingdom
  6. Yeah, sound really hardcore, should have warned it was a joke.
  7. Which country are you supporting?
  8. The Korean Animator who got stories from the storyboards has seemed to return with more stories from his tiny mind. Don't read this unless your dying to know:
  9. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHERFUCKING SPAMS ON THIS MOTHERFUCKING BOARD! Just felling bored out of my skull, and in case you guys don't get this its a spin-off quote I did from watching Snake on a Plane: Samuel L. Jackson
  10. Hard Mode was the shit. Chapter 20: The Swords of Seal HM another spin-off of Cog of Destiny HHM. But full of those fucking Wyverns with HM stats. I have to bring Marcus on this chapter.
  11. I didn't forget that, I just didn't mention a single word about it. <_<
  12. And you seem to have forgotten that Serenes Forest has made affiliation with other FE boards. I see no rules against that. I was just stating who is better from my belief upon those boards.
  13. Best TRPG ever. Probably second best next to FE series. Already played this game on the GBA and planning to get another one for the PSP. Anyone actually owns or plays this game? And btw, Gulcasa FTW!
  14. No Silencer means no skills used for battle. They'll just be like Rogues. So fuck that.
  15. : O You do Taekwondo?...hmmmm I guess this could be a new beginning. I'm coming back on the 28th, that doesn't mean that I can't come online once and a while. Anyways thanks everyone.
  16. WOW...he even surpassed my post rates. Despite the fact that I've been gone for a long time. Congrats I guess.
  17. ...WOW...perhaps I really have been gone for a long time <_<
  18. This topic has been "dead" for over a month Don't need this anyone.
  19. Are you joking? Seriously Assassins are one of the worst unit in the GBA. Read this and see why.
  20. Is this topic a joke? Lucia is one of the worst unit ever since Karla was in FE7. Stefan's pretty decent, Mia not bad but still not that great. Zihark neh...This has already been brought out in numerous FE boards long time ago. Recommend actually searching through them before you even start this one.
  21. Most players find Assassins to be one of the worst class in the history of the FE even be. But I don't despise them as most expert players do. I found them to be a really cool class.
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