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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. If I got paid to put someone's *censored* in my mouth I'd be a prostitute, or probably one of those retarded Gamespot A.K.A. reviewer. Radiant Dawn is STILL owns hands down.
  2. yeah its a real shame as well...oh well they're not really good class anyways. *moved on*
  3. uhhh...where do you get the idea of me not liking you? I just never really get the chance to know you as much. *points at the date of when I joined* <_<
  4. ...WOW, I've been gone for a month and a half and already this board is filled with tons of newbies and spams. ur Anyways, for those of you that knows who I am, I'm Gino Weinberg. I've been here for like ever. I was believe to be coming back around September at the earliest points. Turns out that I'm finishing my course at the late August. More than enough time to come back before school starts. Anyways, yeah...just coming by to see whats up, not much. And for those of you that I've yet to meet. Welcome to this board and I will look forward into meeting each and everyone of you. Enjoy the rest of your summer. Gino Weinberg~
  5. And btw, don't ask for Roms. Otherwise, you'll see what will happen.
  6. Alondite as my favorite weapon and Rexaura as my favorite tome.
  7. Whats the point of using 2 Axe users though? Don't you generally need only 1?
  8. Didn't try it on Tanith. But I did for both Marcia and Sigurn. For some reason Sigrun turns out great for me.
  9. Yes, but he really picks the wrong time to join though.
  10. I was talking about in-game. Can you not take a hint? And thats still counts a heal abuse because your training her outside of the story. Yes, you can do that. But its a waste of time and it just a cheap thing to do.
  11. that might be convincing.And I own both PC and Mac its just that I mostly spent time on Mac than I do on PC <_<
  12. Well either way, Assassins are pretty bad in the FE's GBA. It doesn't make much difference.
  13. It just occurred to me, one thing also bad about L'Arachel is that joins after the halfway part in the in-game story at a low level 3 Troubadour and thus she unable to attack at a staff class at all, which is pretty bad. Unless you heal abuse her.
  14. So basically without the Angelic Robe both Eliwood and Lyn would be like +1 HP. Did you use any other stat-boosters you've obtained? As for the Afa's Drops, I usually give mines to Karla when I use her. And yes, I know she sucks but I actually use her for battle near the end game because I don't really like the Swordmasters such as Guy in this game other than her and probably Karel(which I much rather recruit Harken over him for obvious reasons). And plus, I still need to finish her support with Vaida and Farina which are still on my waiting list. Which reminds me, I'm thinking of posting my finishing team for HHM once I complete it.
  15. What kinda anime would be titled Bobobo-bo bo-bobo? Doesn't make any sense.
  16. Nino is actually worthwhile using and she would most likely outcast both Erk and Pent. If only you didn't have to do any babying for her that is...
  17. You know, they can always post on the Site Content as such. But I don't think that makes a difference.
  18. I actually thought you did this. O_O
  19. Especially the fact that he can't even promote...
  20. So can Mac if you actually know how to use it. Plus, you don't get viruses at all using Mac while for PC you can regardless if you have a firewall...
  21. You done all these? This is really inspiring I must admit. You must've put in your heard and soul into this.
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