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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. I like all fruits. But I like apples the most. Mainly green apples.
  2. I just normally never buy unlimited stat boosters. Yes they help a lot in the Creature Campaign but it's kinda like cheating. Not to mention is could seriously hurt your fund in doing so.
  3. sweet, then I'm definitely getting this game. Does anyone know the plan release dates coming for this game?
  4. Gulcasa...a character from Yggdra. Should he be in this though?
  5. Then go find yourself something to eat rather than looking at this topic and drool at the same time. <_<
  6. And the fact that they almost went around the world. They inspired many countries as well.
  7. I would like to a peanut butter and jellyfish on my sandwich.
  8. ohhhh...sorry, it looked like "snake" for a moment. ><
  9. I don't play Pokemon anymore, but if I remember correctly what my strategy to capture Pokemon it was weakening them until they have red bar as possible and make them go either to Sleep or Paralyze. Thats the only solution I can think of pretty much at the moment.
  10. In that case, then I currently eating a bag of chips...(its true btw)
  11. I usually sent Marcus up to the village to recruit Priscilla quickly, as he has the highest movement in the chapter amongst your whole team pretty much. I don't find that chapter difficult either. You just have to have the patients.
  12. No Nephenee still wins hands down. He's probably be second compare to Aran and Danved. Plus, Nephenee is hot :3
  13. Lets say...Levail would have made an AWESOME Sentinel if he were actually recruitable. I mean did you see his stats? Its made of pure pwnage.
  14. I have no idea really, they're both really good movies after looking at the reviews. so I pick both.
  15. I mostly like university sports teams such as Varsity Blues of U of T and Ryerson Ram's.
  16. I've seen the first few episode, and IMHO it was terrible. Not to mention that anime is old as time. <_<
  17. I'm definitely going to get nightmares. Thats for sure. -_-
  18. Since you know already, I assuming you don't really need this anymore do you?
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