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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. No kidding, he grabbed Rafiel during the conversation when I was recruiting him. And I was like WTF?!
  2. Maybe I should consider seeing this movie next week or some sort, if I'm not busy that is.
  3. Yeah, which was the gayest thing ever. <_<
  4. Of course, they're like one of the best RPG's around by far.
  5. I thought it would suck like any Marvel movies with the exception of Iron Man.
  6. They were cool until they kinda died out. Lets put it at that. <_<
  7. About 94% of like the whole work loves The Beatles. I'm surprise no one really cares about them here...
  8. If he hates all FF series why not VI? Thats pretty dumb considering he only like one FF game of all the rest...<_<
  9. Should this picture even be posted at all? -_- I'd burn it. <_<
  10. Thats not good, you just lost yourself a really good worthwhile characters...
  11. I suppose you can refer to that. But theres no denying that Seth would ever suck at all.
  12. That seems to be a good point. I suppose its fair.
  13. I'm surprised you used Harken and not Raven. Why is that?
  14. I'd continue, theres a worthwhile unit out there yet alone Franz. But yeah you can just go on if you like, its really up to you.
  15. You get Pent x Louise support rank automatically, whats the point of mentioning that?
  16. You use 2 Snipers in this game? 1 should be enough though...
  17. I'm just curious as to who is your end-game teams for the final chapter? I already posted mines a while back, now its your turn to list who did you brought.
  18. Summary of reasons why Seth is good: 1. He's got higher total growth rates than every other potential paladin in the game, by at least 25%. 2. He's got respectable starting stats for a level 1 Paladin. They're higher than FE7 Marcus', which was already significantly higher than most Jeigans (see FE6 Marcus <_<). 3. Seth isn't as vulnerable to being RNG-screwed as all the other cavaliers. This is considered a big plus for experienced gamers. 4. He starts off with both A-level weapon ranks that consist of Swords and Lance. 5. Because he starts as a Paladin, you just saved yourself a Knight's Crest and hundreds of exp if you use him instead of another cavalier. 6. Excellent support options. Eirika, Cormag, and Natasha to name a few. Anima is also a good support element which is better than Kyle's Ice affinity as well as Amelia's Thunder affinity, IMHO. 7. Would you believe that on average, Seth as a level 20 Paladin will have a higher stat total than FE7's Sain at 20 Paladin? Because it's true. It's true that most Jeigans aren't great. But Seth was a really weird exception. Why? Because his level up stat growths rates were phenominal. Believe it or not, they were actually higher than every other potential paladin's.
  19. This was the most amazing this that happened to me. And thusly it was quite unexpecting as well.
  20. Does anyone have a Anime Convention event held from where you live? If so I am curious as to what is the name of those events are called?
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