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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Cartoons for obvious reasons. It can make anything impossible possible.
  2. Well Luna is actually broken in this game. This could be use for your advantage against anyone in the Final Chapter.
  3. uhh...why in HELL should Valtome be recruitable? He's be fitting in Olivers situation. Theres no way he should ever be on your team. Especially Oliver.
  4. Maybe we should consider putting on the spoiler warnings...
  5. I'm not being harsh, and even if I did, I'm just reminding her about the rules thats all. Technically she is spamming.
  6. Could you have make them roughly 240x160 Pixels? But thanks a bunch though.
  7. I think he already gotten the picture. I think this topic already served its purpose long enough.
  8. I also made Oswin guard Merlinus tent just in case of reinforcement Cavalier comes.
  9. I don't live in the states and thus I don't know any of their systems. But I do heard good reputations about them which quite interests me. Also, I don't know if its true or not but heard the States education system don't really care about you education nor your future at all. All they care about is your money.
  10. Is Spanish a mandatory course from where your educated?
  11. Spanish seems to be an interesting language. Even though I was never taught by that language.
  12. From my point of view, I still think Pokemon D/P still look the same compare to the third generation Pokemon series despite the fact I've never played this series but by looking at it.
  13. If you don't know any other different languages then theres no reason for you to reply.
  14. English(obviously, I can somewhat do a British accent as well), German, Mandarin, Korean, and Hakka.
  15. Okay, just stop. I know what I've said and I don't recall of ever saying that. And its obvious that you need both left-side and right-side to function properly. Theres no way either one of them can be function on its own.
  16. And this topic is related how? Not only your off-topic but your spamming as well.
  17. What's exactly your point? Everyone knows that you need both brains to collaborate in different areas such as writings. The point that I'm trying to make here is that either one side of your brain increases its function more than your opposite side of the brain if you work with either one of your hands.
  18. Well this is after all a Fire Emblem Spoilers. I supposed we could have put up the spoiler warnings?
  19. I do puzzles and literatures and I'm consider myself quite logical and verbal. But not mathematicals.
  20. On the contrary, its mostly true actually. Noticed how each side of your brains work differently? If you learn this, you'd know that there are 2 Brain's in your head and each of them functions differently. If you never learn this in school then you'd need a lesson then if not then let me refresh your memories: The left side of your brain functions logical, verbal, analytical, and sequential. While the right side functions intuitive, holistic, creativity, and simultaneous. Because you hand is pretty much doing all the work of how your brain is telling you. The brain starts increasing its functions opposite to what your physically doing to your hand. For instance, I'm left-handed, so clearly my right side of the brain increases its functions. Same applies for right-handed whom applies the opposite.
  21. Exactly what chapter are you talking about?
  22. Not only that, but Sephiran is also their great (repeat many times) grandfather.
  23. The reason why Cog of Destiny is so hard on HHM is because there's enemy Magic users with high Speed would likely go around with Sleep, Berserk, and Silence on your teams. There's also many other magic users with long range magic tome's such as Eclipse, Purge, and Bolting. Without lots of units with higher resistances and lots of Restore staffs your teams are good as screwed.
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