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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. After yearning from this topic, I just realized that Alondite is in fact a complete spin-off of Ike's Ragnell. Not only that, but it can be used my any other potential users. As such, I will be changing my opinions now. I think that Alondite is better just because of I just stated. Also like Ragnell, it can do 1-2 Range attacks, making it useful in both Melee and Range in battle. Especially on the final chapters.
  2. Yes Jaffar is so vulnerable. I had to bring numerous mounted units on that chapter to save him along with Nino.
  3. FE4: After beating the First Generation and go onward to the Second Generation FE5: haven't gotten around it. FE6: When Roy and his armies went to Western Isle FE7: When Eliwood, Hector and Lyn made their journey in the Nabata desert. FE8: When Both Ephraim and Eirika had to spit up after Chapter 8. FE9: After Greil's deceased FE10: Part 4 where everyone have to split up into 3 different groups.
  4. Its too bad since Light magic tome is inferior compare to Anima tomes.
  5. Not that I'm saying this topic ain't helping or anything, but I don't see any purpose of the spoilers at all if almost all of us already played the game by now.
  6. hmmm...that is actually a good point. Both Ragnell and Alondite are exactly the same. The only differences is Ragnell is only Ike exclusive while Alondite can pretty much be used by any sword users on the team. Especially Ike. It was really never clear to me until now. Good job on bringing that thought up.
  7. But isn't a good high school marks is a requirement as well?
  8. This debate ain't proving anything at all. So theres no way that can be convince. What are you trying to prove in this debate? I still have things to do, its just that you guys constantly talking to me. >_<
  9. This topic is about who's better by opinions. You guys talk as if Ike is without a doubt better or Marth is without a doubt better or what ever. This debate is a joke. I'm obviously not going to read it because I have much better things to do unlike you guys who spent your time making long posts.
  10. Honestly, WTF is wrong with you guys? This is NOT up for debates. Weren't you guys listening to me at all? This debate ain't getting us no where number one. And number two, you guys aren't helping. While you guys continue ripping yourselves up with your long BORING post of failures how about I'll just sit on my cpu chair and laugh at how ridiculous you guys are trying to prove. >_< Plus, you guys have any idea how much room you took up from you post of fails?
  11. Whats with you guys with this huge and probably boring post of fails. <_< Shouldn't all characters be good depending on how you play? I asked who is better by opinions not general facts.
  12. The part that Ike supports with other characters in other games are just off...
  13. Well said, I second that. With these stats comparing to Valter on HM, he'd just squished him like this was nothing.
  14. Even if this was hacked I doubt it because this picture is him only Lv. 18 as an enemy. He should start out as Lv. 20. If you asked me, this is obviously made...and no wonder why this picture is not convincing. Typical troll...
  15. ...so...is anyone going to agree with rules against necroposting? Because thats the purpose of this board <_<. For me I don't mind either way. The reason why I brought this up is because other FE boards have it and there aren't any reasons of why we should or should not have that rules about it. Plus, its kinda rather annoying to have here.
  16. I always thought of this: Mia + Edward Rhys + Laura Oscar + Fiona (or not...) Illyana + Zihark Mist + Rolf Nephenee + Aran if not then Laura Pretty much it, more opinions coming soon.
  17. When I did mines online I scored 148, but when I went to see a Psychologist thats how I end up with 101 IQ...
  18. I assumed everyone knows what does this term means by now. This is after all a forum.
  19. Is it that hard? And don't you need equipments to do so?
  20. Do you guys strongly feel that we should have a rules for or against this? Personally I don't mind either way, but I was hoping if you have any thoughts.
  21. But lets say if your an international student. And if you were planning to get into any Colleges in the States, wouldn't you have to do it though?
  22. Did you hack? Because theres no way he'd be Lv. 18, he should be Lv. 20...
  23. You face him on Chpt. 21, The Sword of Seals. With a whole army of Wyverns ready to take you down which will never happen.
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