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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Yeah but Volke's major problem is that he comes much later in RD that by the time you recruit him you probably assemble your teams thus you would probably don't want to use him anyways <_< In case if guys didn't noticed I choose Colm because he makes the best possible assassin you could get in the FE game because unlike any assassin you get such as Matthew and Leagult you need a Fell Contract to promote them. Since it's a tough call between Matthew and Legault for the only Fell Contract. Colm, is better because you don't need a Fell Contract instead a Ocean Seal or Master Seal to promote him. Unless you make Joshua and Marisa go assassin which their better off as a swordmasters...so that makes Colm the best there is IMO.
  2. If Chad were able to promote to an assassin I would definately choose him over anyone, but I doubt that would happen since he can't promote to an Assassin + Assassins weren't introduced in FE6 =(.
  3. The title says it all now whats yours?
  4. The Black Knight was much challenging in PoR. I don't know why he got nerfed in RD, he's not much of a challenge anymore.
  5. Don't forget the game mode for NA FE. The names of the difficulty levels it starts like Normal Mode(JP) to Easy Mode(NA), Hard Mode(JP) to Normal Mode(NA), and Maniac Mode(JP) to Hard Mode(NA). FE10 North America only recognizes Normal Mode as if it was like Hard Mode ans Hard Mode as if it was Maniac Mode but not the Easy Mode. And that you could get a glitch easily if you transfer you easy mode data onto your game.
  6. Well they did recently announced it. It's still early, so it might change later.
  7. actually it did say that Link: http://eaichu250.superbusnet.com/feartwork...A/Priscilla.jpg check under profile and you'll see the number 10.
  8. Swordmasters were god in FE4 and FE5, until they got nerfed in the GBA no thanks to their Critical hit rates...+ 15...
  9. Edward. Especially since all Trueblades in FE10 have much higher caps than any other in the game.
  10. Well Priscilla's character artbook says that she's 10 years old though I highly doubt it. I say she's more roughly 16. She did stated that she was adopted when she was 6 years(I think?) old thus she hasn't seen Raven in 10 years so yeah...<_< you sure like Priscilla don't you?
  11. wow...nice job there with the pasting...anyways... I'm surprise no one even picked Maggie and Rose from FE6. The two gay desert couples from FE6. Another of offspring of Jasime and Paul. Conversation: Rose: Maggie my dear, did we not see someone head towards the middle of the desert? Maggie: Yes, Rose, you are most correct. Rose: Then, Maggie it must be ture that there is a hidden village around here. Maggie: Bless my soul, I believe you are correct. Rose: But, my dear maggie, we don't want to get lost in the sandstorm, do we? Maggie: Of course not, Rose. Then we wouldn't be able to find our way home. Rose: Well then, Maggie, do you think we should pass up the hidden village? Maggie: My dear Rose, you forget there are rumors of vast treasures hidden in this village. Rose: Well, we certainly don't want to miss that, do we, Maggie? Maggie: Of course, Rose. We can make a lot of money through that than by mugging travelers. Rose: But we don't want to get lost either, do we, Maggie? Maggie: My dear Rose, I have an idea. We may follow the people we saw heading into the desert earlier. Rose: That's a wonderful idea, Maggie. And once we reach the village, we can thank the my smashing their heads in. Maggie: Of course, my dear Rose. Rose: Well then, Maggie, shall we be off? Maggie: Why certainly, my dear Rose. Rose: Certainly, my dear Maggie. ...so gay...no offence...<_<
  12. FE6: Maggie and Rose FE7: Paul and Jasmine FE8: Gheb FE9: Oliver! FE10: Pain, Agony ,Valtome, and of course Oliver!
  13. Or you could arena abuse Florina to Lv.20/20 on the previous chapter and make her fly from where Wallace is so that you can able to recruit him on time when playing HHM of course it would probably be silly to give every enemies to herself...
  14. If you crossed, If they mated, You get the idea. It could be personality, looks etc. (Use any character from any FE series) Mine are: Oujay + Raven = Ike Rebecca + Priscilla = Mist Erk + Lucius = Soren Isadora + Karla = Lucia Heath + Karel = Stefan Legault + Jaffar = Volke Lillina + Florina = Ilyana Lugh + Ewan = Tormod Miledy + Tana = Jill Gale + Cormag = Haar I ran out of ideas so I'm gonna post some later...
  15. (Wow...this topic is soooo random since it has nothing to do with Fire Emblem whatsoever.) Pokemon are my least favourite game series as of now I got tired of playing after I beat Pokemon Sapphire.
  16. Fire Emblem 4 of course. Best plot ever.
  17. Not my favorite game but my favorite character in the game.
  18. If you mean my signature thanks. Bless secret shops in FE8
  19. Exactly how many girls from FE6 were kidnapped in this game anyways? Guinevere, Clarine, Sue, Lilina, Lalum, Cecilia, Sophia, Fa, Yuno...kinda ironic don't you guys think...?
  20. Okay I'm extremely bored so yeah...I'm just gonna write some stuff down on this topic and introducing myself...and as some of you know my Username is Colm...so yeah its nice to meet you all and sorry for the late introduction and yeah...okay I'll shut up now...<_
  21. Actually, Harken isn't that good offensive when comparing to Raven, but rather more defensive stats lead over Raven's. Harken is better at using almost any axe in the game than Raven despite his Con) Harken can still be useful to oppose Raven in terms of general. (Offensive VS Defensive) Karel compares offensively to Guy mainly speed and CON. Karel could possibly beat Guy in terms of Strength but Guy's speed average out much higher than that of Karel's making Guy able to double attack Karel if they were to fight each other. Not worth comparing Karel and Guy that much but what's inferior to Guy is that he can't even wield any sword without a penalty other than mainly Wo Dao and Iron Sword especially he can't wield a Steel Sword whereas Karel could even wield a Regal Blade without any excuses whatsoever.
  22. of course it would be silly to consider doing to boss abuse like that plus it could also hurt your Lyn's fund radings mode...
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