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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. In all honestly, the only advice I can suggest to you is simply to pair whichever unit based on your discretion. Otherwise, I can't recommend anything else as I'm under the impression of telling you how to play your game... : /
  2. I never fully understood why the Japanese government refuse to acknowledge their past-war crimes/atrocities to this day; especially with the whole Article 9 issues with the Japan's Self-Defence Forces.
  3. uhhh no...? If anything I did the same in Awakening, but for this game I'll probably play as a Male anyways.
  4. Which difficulty are you playing? Well for starters, Chrom x Sumia is highly recommendable, but of course this doesn't mean that you have to...
  5. I normally go for Dark Knight due to Anna's Magic mod & an additional +2 Movement as a mounted unit. But since you want a Bride Anna, the only skills I can suggest is Bowfaire for bows if this is any help :/
  6. Does the 'Death'/'Retired' status exists in Classic Mode (via Permadeath) for certain characters/parents?
  7. Essentially, no. Although I tend to consider gender-exclusive classes/skills inheritance as somewhat of an important factor. To be fair, I normally play as the female Avatar just to guarantee that MU and MMorgan gets Galeforce. But because I'm fucking bias, I chose Priam anyways.
  8. I'm surprised that there's no mention of Owain's Missiletainn lol, but regardless theres that too. Edit: It was implied without the DLC. :E
  9. Acually now that i think about it. It would be more logical to have Lissa+Lucina for that very same reason lol. Never once crossed my mind.
  10. Just for the sake of this game's story, I feel like starting a topic of impossible supports for specific characters in relavency to the plot, and by considering the following: -Spotpass characters (i.e. Emmeryn, Gangrel, etc.) are ineligible...because they're too obvious. o3o -No possible marriage/children discussions: character-character supports only. Anyways here are my impossible support ideas (at the moment): Chrom + Basilio - For story significance. Lucina + Basilio/Flavia - Same reason as Chrom's. Lon'qu + Basilio - Considering Lon'qu's career in Ferox and his relationships with Basilio, why this doesn't exist is beyond me...-_- Olivia + Basilio - More or less the same reasons as Lon'qu, only without the S-Rank. <_< Nowi + Tiki Stahl + Frederick Lucina + Severa Lucina + FMorgan Lucina + Nah Lucina + Noire Gregor + Basilio Ricken + Donnel Stahl + Gaius
  11. That isn't the reason to consider why it isn't canon. : / Mind as well say that Maiden!Lucina is canon then if that's the case.
  12. What I don't like: So many fucking possible cousins/possible marriage.
  13. Lucina is a special case because she is mandatory for the plots progression (hint: Maiden!Lucina), so the whole time-travel-speculation shenanigans is ambiguous to consider what is canon and not - especially since theres the Future Past DLC chapter which makes it even more complicated already. smh.
  14. It's more or less the same reasons as to why the Mothers don't 'die' but 'retired' as far as how stories go, I don't think this have any inclinations considering the fact that Frederick, Virion, Bastilio, and Say'ri don't get to die in classic mode either...
  15. In that scenario, wouldn't forged Silver weapons be more ideal?
  16. 1.) They're both self-proclaimed 'swordsmen.' Lon'qu hones his skills to be the best swordsman, while Owain is all about 'Down Sword Hands!'...so obviously theres some continunities? 2.) Lissa as a mother who's a magic user, while Owain's character is clearly meant to reflect that of a physical unit makes no logical sense unless Lon'qu is the father. And maybe...Vaike sorta...? 3.) Almost all of Owain's potential fathers support covos are generic so that's kinda ambiguous. Point is, Lissa x Lon'qu makes technical sense to reflect Owain for who he is.
  17. Male Morgan can also inherit Galeforce from FeMU, that option is also available.
  18. P18 (very first playthrough): I end up killing Gangrel after talking to him with Chrom the first time; I was led believe that he isn't recruitable at all until I found out that you have to talk to him 3 times. >< Also in Apotheosis, I was actually stupid enough to attempt a Solo run. <_<
  19. The closest 'canon' pairing as far as I could think of (at the moment), is MU (both Male/Female) x and Felicia and Jakob respectively. Though imo, Oboro at first glance looks more appealing to be Shinonome's mother but thats just me.
  20. Sage because Lissa's sprite is so unique.
  21. iirc in Paralogue 19, reinforcements spawn right in front of the tomb...so theres that.
  22. Yes, we already know that Lazward is my son.
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