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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. I don't know if this question is already answered but I'm gonna ask anyways: Is it possible to grind in Nohr's path despite the limited Exp./Money funds?
  2. Speaking of Assets/Flaws, I often choose +Mag/-Luck for my FeMU (whenever I start a new save). For some reason, I feel that its consistent but that's just me : /
  3. Well you're welcome to choose whichever unit you want of marrying off. I mean for me personally, I end up having my FeMU x Priam!Morgan because I'm bias and I fucking love that pairing with a burning passion! Also, Sumia x Chrom is both fast and convenient for an early Galeforce inheritance on Lucina IMO.
  4. There's also a Sumia x Henry!Cynthia choice btw. Edit: Speaking of which, it just came to my attention that I have yet to pass down an inheritance skill for my Henry!Cynthia before recruiting her! Any suggestions on which skills to pass down from Henry?
  5. There's also Gregor!Severa as well since Gregor can pass down Myrmidon set (which I've frequently use on my main save).
  6. tl;dr: If you wanna have a Galeforce on Noire, try Gaius!Noire instead. Its probably one of the better choices (at least to me).
  7. So does this mean that units like Say'ri and Emmeryn are an example of 'overkill' since they can get Galeforce? Sorry, but I failed to see the logic of this...
  8. I...I don't get it...how can Galeforce be an 'overkill' for Apotheosis...? ?_?
  9. I kinda feel sorry for Kellam being ignored in the story, its depressing... : (
  10. I would have suggested a forged-Noble Raiper if its Sumia!Lucina Great Lord, though its been a while since I've used this set... I'm not sure if it's effective...
  11. Just for the sake of argument, I'm just gonna go off on a limb to say that not every unit has to have Galeforce as a staple. Yes Galeforce is a magnificent skill and whatnot, but there's certain units that could potentially benefit without the need.
  12. - Avatar's gender: I normally go for FeMU primarily for Galeforce inheritance on Male Morgan. - Avatar's asset and flaw: +Mag & -Luck for me. - Avatar's reclass options and skills: Sorcerer or Grandmaster. - Panne's reclass options and skills: I'd keep Panne as a Taguel, otherwise I can't think of any other suggestions... - Yarne's reclass options and skills: Depends on who fathered Yarne...? - Morgan's reclass options and skills: Sorcerer of Grandmaster. - Support class (I will need a range unit such as a sniper and a sage or a sorcerer): It's up to you. - Grinding or not: I'd prefer non-grinding for the extra challenge. - Getting all the childs or not : For non-grinding, it seems unlikely possible, but its up to you. - Who I marry: Personally, FeMU x Priam, because I'm fucking bias. Otherwise, it depends on your discretion.
  13. The real reason why Owain makes a good Magic user is due to Lissa's crappy -2 Str and +2 Mag Mod. It unfortunate because he's meant to be a physical unit, though by no means it's bad... : /
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Virion!Gerome only good for just passing down Bowbreaker (for a full-breaker set)? Just curious. Edit @ Alastor15243: Thank you good sir!
  15. I tried Gregor!Severa for Axefaire on my main save before and it worked out for me personally.
  16. mmmm I'll just wait until the game is released, too soon to consider. : /
  17. I've seen Ricken!Severa - Sorcerer set before, but Sage Gerome?! Such things are unheard of! D:
  18. The only reason I could think of running Vaike!Owain is if one were to run a physical set maybe...? Can't really blame Owain since his character is meant to be a physical-based unit, but that's just me.
  19. hmmmm....I just realized, Gaius!Noire doesn't get Hero class...any recommendations of which skills should I pass down? At the moment, I'm currently leaning towards Counter but I don't know.
  20. Female Robin: Despite me being a guy, though the real reason for my choice of FeMU preference is so that Male Morgan can inherit Galeforce. Male Morgan: ^ And Lucina > Chrom imo.
  21. Well I'm for it. Seeing as how Owain can potentially be Lucina's 'companion' in Awakening...
  22. uhhh...sorry...? o_0

    1. eclipse


      Eh, rules are rules. That's one of the really minor ones, so don't sweat it!

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