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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. I never really bother with AS+2 unless I'm grinding up my low-leveled units. Otherwise I find Tonic items/Tiki's Tears more useful every now and then (despite the temporary boost...)
  2. Personally, I find that playing through Lunatic+ requires tremendous amounts of commitments, which I lack tbh... : /
  3. Actually what I had in mind was if only Dragonskin is a available Skill, I can imagine it being associated with Manakete. It's kinda asking too much I know XD
  4. I feel compel to have Donnel as a father (for any child) mainly because of Aptitude...just the fact that its tempting...: /
  5. The main reason why I considered Frederick!Yarne is mostly for Wyvern-inheritence Skills. As for Kellam, I actually had considerations to pair with Miriel but ended up with Stalh instead (more or less due to the mods). I'm starting to regret that decision... : /
  6. Well sorta, Its not really so much for Apotheosis, its also for doing speed-run in other DLC maps (like say if I want to complete a Five-Anna Firefight in less than 5 turns or something). I have completed Apotheosis on my 'Main' file but with different pairings etc. And as for FeMU x Priam, I'm bias when it comes to this story and I'm sticking with my choice don't you judge me! >_<
  7. Its a real shame that Dragonskin is an enemy-exclusive skill in Apotheosis too... : (
  8. On my other walkthough, I took the time to think about the pairing and I feel confident with my choices. Here are the following: FeMU x Priam!Morgan - Because I'm fucking bias, and I want my FeMU's son to be the next Radiant Hero!!! Chrom x Olivia!Lucina - I really wanted that +2 Str mod and her Myrmidon-line inheritance (besides Galeforce). Lissa x Ricken!Owain - Honestly, I only went for this because it was conflicting with my other choices, as I wanted Libra for Sorcerer. But I've already made plans for Brady as seen below... Olivia x Chrom!Inigo - Seeing as how I went for Olivia!Lucina, I mind as well take advantage of Rightful King (not that it's really my intentions, but w/e). Maribelle x Libra!Brady - It was either between Henry or Libra for Sorcerer. Though I wanted Cynthia!Henry and I had other plans for Gaius and Frederick, I blame Sumia's lack of marriage options >< Sully x Vaike!Kjelle - Probably one of the most popular pairing choice (I think?), though tbh I never bother using her in the past, and I'll probably never gonna bother idk... : / Sumia x Cynthia!Henry - I don't like Frederick's speed mod... : I Also, Sumia can pass down GK for Luna so theres that... Cordelia x Lon'qu!Severa - I find it unnecessary to have Stalh as I already have Chrom!Inigo for Luna, I'm just saying. Cheche x Gregor!Gerome - I know it seems like I should have probably gone for Stalh but the reason why I went for Gregor anyways was his Mercenary-line inheritance. Plus Cheche x Gregor is personally one of my favourite canon pairings... <_< Panne x Frederick!Yarne - For Aegis/Pavise mainly, plus having Frederick would save me the trouble of grinding Panne since she can't pass down Wyvern lines for some reason...smh Nowi x Donnel!Nah - Galeforce, Sol, and Armshifted +Dragonstone, I don't see why not. Tharja x Gaius!Noire - Probably one of the most popular pairings, and my personal favourite really. I mainly use her as an Assassin since I find that it matches her personality so well and the fact that she can use bow lol Miriel x Stahl!Laurent - This is somewhat my last-minute choice (probably not a wise-one after having second thoughts... :x)
  9. tl;dr: it depends on the Assets and Flaws of your FeMU's stats, otherwise FeMU!Lucina will guarantee to have all female exclusive classes/skills.
  10. So, I ended up with a Frederick!Cynthia (I would have considered Henry as a father, but he's already taken by Brady...<_<) and I'm debating whether I should make her my Falcon Healer or anything in particular to make up for that -1 Mag :I...
  11. Okay, decent is a wrong choice of words to associate my bad. All I'm saying is that Vaike!Owain seems like the only mod that's physically based, but thats just me. Also, Maiden!Lucina doesn't provide any class inheritence unlike Vaike!Owain...
  12. Well, I wouldn't really consider Vaike!Owain really bad, I mean Vaike's mod would make Owain a decent physical unit. Though in the end, he pales in comparison with others...I just wish there's more options for physical... : (
  13. The only female kids that requires Luna's inheritance are Severa and Nah, there are other options than just Vaike...but that's beside the point tbh.
  14. I could always try Vaike since his he can pass down Sol via Hero Class. Then again, +2, +1, +1, +2, +2, 0, 0 looks pretty balance for a ideal Swordmaster sorta...hmmm...
  15. Out of all of the children, I find Owain to be one of the most difficult for building a physical set... : /
  16. Personally, I find that unlocking all of the characters (not counting the Einherjar) to be a real accomplishment for those that wants more than just having them, but thats just me.
  17. The very first video game that I've ever played is Pong/Tetris (forgot which came first...). Also, I had memories of playing Neo Geo games like Metal Slug, and played SNK-fighting games (Fatal Fury, Samurai Showdown, Art of Fighting, and King of Fighters 94-97) back when Arcade was a thing in the late 90s lol.
  18. With regards to DMC: Devil May Cry, I did in the beginning scold Dante's 'new' design after seeing the very first trailer (back in 2010 iirc...?). Since then, I actually did give the reboot second thoughts after playing the game I find that the plot aims to appeal 'western' audiences (i.e. the references of Bob Barbas). While I can openly admit that the reboot might not be the best entry as part of the series, I feel that its worth considering. Also: 3 = 1 > 4 >>>>> 2 for the main Devil May Cry series.
  19. Personally Nohr, the option to start a revolution sounds more badass IMO. Don't really find Hoshido's Japanese-based theme appealing, feels like Samurai Warriors for some reason. :x
  20. Pretty sure there were more excessive female designs from Awakening (can't think of any atm...), its not like this is anything new. : /
  21. Name: Teffy Gender: Female Build: 1 Face: 2 Hair: 5 Hair Color: Dark Blue Voice: Female 3 Asset: Magic Flaw: Luck Husband: Priam Main Class: Grandmaster (primary) and Sorcerer (temporary) I guess I could consider this to be my 'main' Avatar, or my primary save which I personally use for trivial and post-Endgame purposes (i.e. my entire collections of every Maxed-stat units; especially my Olivia!Lucina unit). I had (in the past) made multiple saves under different alias with opposite genders base on my choice of preference, though I had no motivations of keeping them which has long been deleted.
  22. Don't know if this topic is etiquette, but with the upcoming release of FE: If for Japan in less than a month from now I was wondering if anyone would still be playing FE: Awakening. While you could ask the same question for any other FE games in general, but the reason why I'm specifically discussing about FE: Awakening is due to its reputation and receptions that the game received. Truthfully, FE: Awakening was the reason why I got back into the series, along with all of the new features and mechanics introduced, I throughly enjoyed every bit of the replay values. To think that this was thought to be the last entry of the Fire Emblem series, its phenomenal of how much the franchise has grown since FE: Awakening's released to this day. That said, does anyone have any thoughts from the transitions between FE: Awakening to FE: If? Personally, I'll still play FE: Awakening even after FE: If gets released (depending on the release dates for NA).
  23. Perhaps associating more towards Hoshido has something do with the storyline of the game? Considering the fact that the Avatar is the main character in FE:if and the fact that Hoshido happens to be his/her birthplace, it seems understandable.
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