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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Pretty premature to assume otherwise, I'll just wait until the game is released... Edit: Do we really have to pick between like and dislike for this thread? I'm just saying because it seems like we don't have much choices... : /
  2. I personally like Gaius as a father for Noire not just because of the mods but moreso for story-wise. (iirc I think this a popular choice...?)
  3. For Gaius x Tharja, I don't know if having Counter for Noire would be beneficial (as a Sniper)...is it worth investing/grinding Gaius as a Warrior until he reach Lv. 15...? -_-
  4. So like...I think I'm lost for being too far from the forest... o.0
  5. Personally, Cordelia is probably my least favourite. Even when she's married, she still has feelings for Chrom (as evident in the random Barrack conversation)...
  6. Just my curiosity but is it safe to assume that 'Lord - Great/Master Lord' classes are unlikely returning? Considering the current details at the moment...
  7. Male MU + Lucina (On my very first lunatic/classic playthrough which has since been deleted...) Chrom + Sumia Frederick + Panne Gregor + Nowi Lissa + Lon'qu (Mainly because Owain so happens to start of as a Myrmidon as with Lon'qu) At the moment, thats all I could think of, its been a while...
  8. I've recently cleared Lunatic/Classic Mode on my 4th playthrough and I'm thinking of replaying it again (only this time as a female Avatar instead). Though I'm a little bit hesitant to play Lunatic+....hmmm... : /
  9. With all the emphasis placed upon the player's decision-makings between both FE titles, I don't know if this would have a profound impact of having multiple saves (3 save slots) or if they'll likely return...? : / Then again, that remains to be seen.
  10. ^Has never played DMC: Devil May Cry then lol
  11. How are you old friend? :']

    1. NTG


      Namie Amuro?!

      I'm good! you?

  12. Fact: I don't know you, and I don't think theres anyone here that I know anymore...o_0
  13. Well I haven't been active here for a while, it feels like I've just joined this forum. n_n
  14. Come to think of it, I do like the idea of a remake for Colosseum/XD; just because of the storylines overall, and the idea of 'stealing' trainer's pokemon. But I don't tend to consider Colosseum/XD as one of the main series, since the lead developers were Genius Sonority and not Game Freak. For that reason, I doubt this series will ever get a remake...
  15. ^ That was suppose to be a joke. Also: Terrakion + Head Smash: Just for the high Rock STABs over Stone Edge. Unless better Rock moves are introduced by Gen. VI, this will have to do IMO.
  16. Here are some of my updated thoughts: Breloom + Close Combat: Just to replace Focus Punch. Kyurem-B + Ice Shard: For priority/counters just to compensate for its slowness. Ferrothorn + Rapid Spin: Just because of the way it looks, and could easily help rid of hazards. Golurk + Fissure: Just to make its No Guard ability more useful and epic. Wobbuffet + Wish: Since it has really high HP base, and Wish heals 50%; though Recover is good too. Heatran + Doom Desire: For Steel STABs. Volcarona + Magma Storm: For even more Fire STABs.
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