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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Its been over a year since I been on this forum and I bet nearly half the people here don't know me by now. I was among a number of high profile member of this forum during its reconstruction and I've enjoyed my times posting here in SS. But yeah, I'm back and hope to stay around.
  2. When you were scrap dragon, I sold you for 40$
  3. Bianca is Barry's long-lost sister. It's no coincidence that they can be battled again on the weekends.
  4. As you probably know by now, today marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attack. I know it might not be comfortable to discuss this, but I feel like I have to express my deepest condolences for the family, the people, and all of America...
  5. I can finally take out Chaos Trap Hole. I have a feeling Scrap Dragon is getting a reprint. XD
  6. Why is it that bad things happen to good people? When the NDP became the official opposition; it was good for them, but when Jack dies; this is bullshit...but that's how life goes...
  7. Also, why is Reborn Tengu not semi-limited? Its basically a Level 4 D-Hero Malicious.
  8. Am I the only one who thinks that Tribe-Infecting Virus should be taken off from the banlist? Also, why the hell Konami unlimited Spirit Reapers? If they're gonna do that, then they may as well do the same for Marshmallon.
  9. I feel ashamed right now to be human. If this is how people act in their daily lives, then I'd rather die than put up with this absurdity. Ok maybe I've exaggerated to far, but seriously...?
  10. Just because BLS-EOTB got a reprint in Gold Series 4, it doesn't mean that there's a possibility it might come back. Why do you think CED-EOTE got a reprint in Duelist Pack: Kaiba(which was released last year), and yet its still banned? On a side note, I personally think BLS-EOTB should return only because Trishula and Shooting Quasar Dragon(which is coming out soon) would pose a treat.
  11. Obviously I'm aware that Hyper Librarian won't be banned for this September. I'm saying that he needs to be banned in the following Format(March 2012) and so on. Even if its going to be limited, there are many possibilities to get around without the 3. i.e.: Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted, etc. (btw: I also think Monster Reborn and Dark Hole needs to go)
  12. I don't know if this was discussed, but does anyone think Hyper Librarian needs to be banned? <_< By this, I mean its so obviously broken that it makes me wonder why this Format contradicts itself... This is the same issue for why Premature Burial is banned and why Monster Reborn is not? And since Tengu is currently unlimited, I wonder if Malicious will be unlimited again?
  13. Absolute Zero is getting a reprint in Generation Force: Special Edition! http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Generation_Force:_Special_Edition Now I can build a HERO deck!
  14. Here's my current deck: Monster(s): 20 Armageddon Knight Caius the Shadow Monarch x2 Dark Armed Dragon Dark Grepher Destiny Hero - Malicious x2 Elemental Hero Stratos Jinzo Junk Synchron Krebon x3 Mystic Tomato Plaguespreader Zombie Sangan Spirit Reaper Summoner Monk The Dark Creator Tragodia Spell(s): 14 Book of Moon Burial from a Different Dimension Dark Hole Emergency Teleport Foolish Burial Giant Trunade Instant Fusion Miracle Dig Monster Reborn M.S.T. x2 Pot of Advice R.O.T.A. Telekinetic Power Well Traps: 8 Bottomless Trap Hole x2 Call of the Haunted Trap Stun Return from the Different Dimension Mirror Force Solemn Judgement Torrential Tribute Extra Deck: 14 Black Rose Dragon Colossal Fighter Hundred Eyes Dragon Magical Android Reaper on the Nightmare Red Dragon Archfiend x3 Red Nova Dragon x3 Stardust Dragon T.G. Hyper Librarian Thought Ruler Archfiend Side Deck: 15 Allure of Darkness Dark Resonator Dimensional Prison x2 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Inferno Reckless Summon Instant Fusion Necro Fleur Prohibition x3 Reaper on the Nightmare Scapegoat Sorciere de Fleur Trap Dustshoot Normally I would always keep the minimum of at least 40 cards, but 42 seems reasonable for this deck...any suggestions?
  15. Man, and I though Justin Bieber was just as bad. I know she's just a kid but she should just go kill herself. Also I like this version better:
  16. Okay, I'm only going to say this once and don't take this the wrong way, Firstly, I'm an atheist so no I don't believe in G-d(s) period. Reason being is based upon my free will, knowledge and actions which defines my characteristic as a human being. Because of this, I see no reason for religion to conceptualize my understanding of how the world works as I'm able act and behave. Secondly, people abide their understanding in the world based on their religious belief, practice, etc. etc. and it ultimately depends on their choice(going back to the ideas of free will). Also, not all religion have a belief in g-d(s) anyways. I'm not in anyway contradicting myself, but if people are entitled to their belief(s) based on their choice then who are we to determine whats best for others? Why should we care what others believe or don't believe? Personally, people can believe whatever they wanna believe as long as they don't undermine their religious view on me or others. I'm in no position to debates so I'm finished here.
  17. Btw, does anyone know if the DLC characters(Jill and Shuma) will be available any time soon?
  18. Chris vs Leon...I vote neither because if I were to compare any characters from Resident Evil series it would be Claire VS Jill and of course I'd go for Claire anytime.
  19. As far as I know, that Structure Deck is sold out from where I live. Partly because of how good Caius is...
  20. I was hoping for Malicious to be unlimited again...:(
  21. Destiny End Dragoon Jinzo (PSV-000) Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning (Any Rarity) Dark Magician of Chaos (Any Rarity) Infernity Doom Dragon Caius the Shadow Monarch Elemental Hero Ocean Dark Grepher So far that's all I need...
  22. There are couple of ways to do it: -PM each other -Get address from each other -Stick the card(s) into the envelope on the address -Stamp it and mail it the old fashioned way And through selling and buying cards from each other I could just send the money through Paypal(if you or anyone uses it). But it would take a lot of work to organize that. Unless you happen to live in Canada... Also, this is kinda irrelevant but I watched Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Episode 148 and... [spoiler=Don't look at this unless you want to know that bad or you don't really care.]ZONE is F**king Yusei! I knew it!
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