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Posts posted by Elise

  1. The accounts weren't banned because you failed to prove you were different people, it's because you signed up with so many that you shot yourself in the foot from the beginning and made your story completely unbelievable. Not only did you sign up with half a dozen accounts, but ALL of them were gimmick accounts with gimmick emails, one of them being a "Shrek" gimmick. If you read the code of conduct, what made you think the staff would not react to a bunch of dumb gimmick accounts signing up at the same time from the same IP? You'd not have kept this one if I hadn't intervened, and I made that call under the belief that you were a kid who thought they were being funny, not because I believed the accounts were genuine and not intended to troll lol.

    There is no chance of any of the gimmick accounts returning, only your "brother" really has a chance depending on how Jyo feels when he reads the email. Here's a tip though, when you've read the code of conduct before signing up to a forum, don't flagrantly break their rules without contacting the forum's staff first. You won't end up in these situations; common sense goes a long way. We don't need proof that you're different people, if you and your "brother" contacted us before posting or using our chat (and didn't sign up with a bunch of troll gimmick accounts..) there is a 0% chance we would have banned either of your accounts. We have never banned someone who has contacted us first, even if they're suspicious, because there's no point in being that strict if they haven't caused any trouble yet and were respectful enough to let us know. If someone does not approach us when they make an alt, it will almost always be banned when discovered.

    He said he wanted to contact the staff, but couldn't because he doesn't have an outlook server and nobody would tell him the staff E-mail.

  2. this person made five different alts all with almost the exact same email name, different only by the number at the end of it, and made these accounts supposedly for five different people they knew all in the same location

    I don't think this person knows how to hide their tracks

    He made those E-Mails specifically for his friends to sign up to things that need E-Mail verification.

  3. this really isn't a thread for far from the forest

    outlook is not necessary to contact someone through email. he sent it with gmail, which is just fine. I don't know how long he has been waiting for a response so I cannot tell you if he should follow up.

    secondarily but very importantly, your brother was not simply banned "just because [you] made an account." please don't air it as such to start something.

    Sorry, Far from the forest was just the first place I found that I thought wouldn't get me in trouble for this post, because it says spam and necroposting are allowed.

    Yes, he was banned because we failed to prove we were separate people, and my name and picture combination don't help.

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