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FE6 Remake

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Posts posted by FE6 Remake

  1. Who am I to argue with Serenes Forest but things like Harken > Karel is in my eyes opinion and not fact. Things like Supports unviable for Karel?

    I mean really? for ranked runs perhaps but ranked runs isn't everything there is. If you forget about ranked runs for a moment and take character potential into account I'n sure you would agree Karel has FAR better support partners then Harken. Sure Harken one rounds more often due to his superior bases, but Karel evades more. Again Harken is better if you are looking at ranked runs, but if you take character potential into account it's not that simple. My point is that Harken -> Karel is not always the case and depends on how you play the game. Are you doing a HHM run and your goal is to have the best possible rank, then Harken > Karel. But If you are playing to have the best possible team(s) including supports then Karel > Harken.

  2. Unfortunately yes, I've had the same problem. I did exactly the same thing as you did, order the bonus disc on Ebay from a seller and then the freeloader from a gamestore.

    Luckily i have both the American and European version, but my friend (who i reguraly play Link Arena battles with) only had the Euro version and had to get the US version on Ebay. Lot of trouble for us Europeans to get our hands on the bonusses...but i have to say it was worth it, the extra Con ring as well as the other stat ups help alot in making good Arena teams

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