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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Knows that the fact Fae's dragonstone is the only thing that let her to attack sucks.
  2. Well, to be fair, the other two fire starts that started quadruped but later become bipedal - Fennkin and Tepig - were already bipedal by the time they were in their first stages(Braixen and Pignite), while Torrecat is still quadruped, so there may be a very small ​chance to have Litten's second stage as a quadruped, tough I'm aware It really isn't saying much. I dunno, I was thinking more about Tiger Mask for Litten's final evo(I know, I'm getting very repititive with this and I'm very sorry for that): Then again, It could be just me seeing similarity when they aren't present at all.
  3. Gender is undisclosed Is fast but slower than sanic
  4. Well, he is tra-oh, I think I understand what do you mean. To remind us that a Ground/Electric type Pokémon exists It's probably better than not getting a notification at all. Seriously, sometimes people would quote me, but SF doesn't gives me a notification about it.Anyway, to be honest, I don't think that there is something like the worst pokémon designed. Really, It's all up to one's tastes. I mean, I hate Tentacruel, but others seems to love it, while I'll love Serperior until I die, but some people aren't really a fan of it. I know I'm saying the obvious, but It never hurts being reminded of such a thing
  5. Favors the most underrated game in the FE series.
  6. Do you mean this Tiger Mask? I'm sorry But anyway, I'm happy to see another person that saw the similarity between Tiger Mask and Litten's final evo. And here it is another proof that Rowlet's final evo will probably that Leaked one. Seriously, the proofs that we have are more than enough to...well, prove it. Anyway, I was unsure on what starter to choose, but now I think I'll go with Litten, mainly because that final evolution seriously needs more love because of how amazing It is(or maybe i just have horrible tastes), to be honest.
  7. Well, the first evolution of the starters was revelead, which is what I wanted: I must say that I like all of 'em, tough Torracat is the one i like the most. At last, it seems that the Pokemon in the PC will be finally able to do something other than taking "dust" and i'm really happy for that. Mega-evolutions are back, tough I think It was something we all expected. Ash-Greninja was truly a nice surprise and I admit that I'm looking forward to use him. Someone won't surely be happy about this
  8. Favorite anime? You already know who he is, but my favorite KH character is Xemnas: I love everything about him.
  9. Avi has one eye covered by her hair Ninja'd me
  10. I just want to see the first evolutions of the starters. Really, I think It's the first time that so much time has passed without said evolutions being shown. I don't want them to show plot-related stuff, to be honestf: I'm just afraid that they would show too much about the story.
  11. Likes an animated series that uses CG graphic.
  12. Didn't die fighting for his cause I mean, I never said that he was a bad character - just that the fanbase likes him not because of his personality, but because of what happens to him. And while he is indeed a decent character, I think that the title of best KH character gos to either Xigbar or Xemnas omho Also, for Sora, yes, he isn't deep, but he doesn't need to: He is just a normal boy, which, around so many unique people like riku, Kairi, Roxas or Naminé, makes him a very special character for the series. I can see why many don't like him tough
  13. Will know that the fanbase likes Roxas just because he is a "tragic" character rather than his own personality. And Xemnas is the best KH character btw
  14. FE8 for both gameplay and personality: I like all of the characters from that game and, thanks to Its low difficulty, all of your units can be usable.
  15. Will know that I'm not really a big fan of Roxas, even tough I like him.
  16. Raven because I can't resist his edgyness I just prefer his design and the fact that he joins earlier makes him more appealing to use, to be honest. Also, I'm one of the few people who like Raven's personality a lot.
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