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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Didn't actually look at Danman's ranting profile comments/review in the General Gaming subforum.
  2. Favorite Kingdome Hearts character? Probably The cloven Viscont.
  3. Knows the differences between the Star Shards in FE3 and the Star Shards in FE12.
  4. Is only 11 years old but is already more mature than me. Is faster than sanic
  5. Is there a game or anime that changed you even a bit as a person? Kozaki. I didn't like his art-style initially, but, as time passed, i ended up loving it.
  6. Thinks that i should go back to Zidane avi
  7. Is hyped for FFXV and, unlike me, will probably be able to buy and play it when It comes out
  8. You can shit all you want about Dialga and Palkia, but don't you dare to do so about Giratina Personally, I never liked Sinnoh geographycally-wise that much: I know that It wanted to have varies locations, but this didn't allow It to have a certain..."identity"(sorry for the lack of a better term) around it. I mean, Hoenn was very nature oriented, Johto was very japanese and Unima and Kalos were the most modern regions in the series; Sinoh, instead is just...bland because of what I said and is the second most forgettable region in the series for me. Then again, It has passed a lot of time since the last time I've played Pokemon D/P/PT so there could be some details I'm forgeting about Sinnoh.
  9. Thinks that FE3 is better than FE4 when It's the opposite.
  10. Favorite Fire Emblem artist? I like him a lot, tough I prefer yoshida.
  11. Will know that I tend to do that mistake a lot. French and France just looks so similar to me because I'm dumb
  12. Knows that the real Jeanne from French was a farmer
  13. Will know that one of the best way to level-up HP in FF2 is to let the characters attack themselves in battle
  14. About the main characters, there is the 2/3 years(or were they more?) between BW and BW2, where the MC of BW disapperead and we don't know anything about it, asode that he wanted to find N. It won't most likely be shown in this series tough and I doubt that there is somebody interested about it. I was referring more to today's episode, to be honest. Sorry for not having been more specific.
  15. But, in that case, Red was the protagonist, the focus of the series. In this case, the side-characters are simply the ones who takes the spotlight. Sorry for being so late! Anyway, I can say to you that the Italian script is the same as the German one in the beginning(during when the Elite 4 talks to each other), but then, It starts to go on his own, tough It's still...a bit similar to both of the german and English' script in some parts, such as Lorelei's first quote to Blue. There is a huge different between the English and Italian version of Episode 4 as well: for example, Lance, in the english version, says "That Red Gyarados...It wasn't acting normal. Was It forced to evolve by a mysterious radio wave? I have to find the source.", but, in the Italian, versione he says "That Red Gyarados...It had something suspicious, there are no doubts. They'll have forced it to evolve with some anoumalous waves. We have to understand from where they come from." Another example is about the TR recruits: in the english version, whenthey see Lance, the first one to talk is male recruit, while in the italian version is the female one who talks. But then again, I'm not really surprised about these differences, considering how the various localization teams likes to take their liberty with the Pokemon Games in general. ​Anyway, the episode itself was really good: Lance and Dragonite were Amazing and the four TR recruits had the best walk I've seen in a pokèmon related series. It was kind of similar to Jojo, in that point of the episode, but maybe It was just an impression of mine
  16. Probably didn't as well Oh. Sorry for this mistake.
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