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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. And that he doesn't have pursuit, which means he needs 20000 gold to get the pursuit ring from Arden. Anyway, I recommend using Beowulf as well: not only he is the perfect husband for Raquesis(in gameplay), but he is also a very good unit, having a mount, the best type of physical weapon in the game(sword), decent stats and useful skills.
  2. Consider herself to be old enough to Jeigan
  3. Paradise(Light/Dark) I like both of them, but I too prefer the Dark version since the light version sounds a little too rigid for me.
  4. Favors the path of Fates with the best gameplay
  5. Isn't praying to Nintendo in order to get Advance Wars 5.
  6. Vanity judge: Initially, I didn't like it at all, but It's growing on me day after day and I don't know why It happened: perhaps It's because I started to appreciate the dark and oppressive feeling that It gives. Btw, I like both the normal and the roar version.
  7. Likes what is considerable as the most famous anime that Urobuchi has ever directed in his career.
  8. Past light: It's far from being one of the best map themes, but It's still good nonetheless. I like both version, like for other hoshidan map theme.
  9. I have erroneously put the link to "Soleil's theme" instead of what was supposed to be "Arthur's theme". My apologies for this mistake, I've fixed it now.Anyway, I think this would fit Figa very well: Fuga: Live a Live: The Bird fly in the sky, the fish swims in river: https://youtu.be/90d9S-ZXL_E
  10. I'm unsure, to be honest. At the end of the day, there isn't much of a difference between the two system and I don't find it to be more annoying if anything else: It's cool that your mounted units does no longer have canto and their typical high movement, so that they are at the same level of your foot unit, but It hinders them not having their weapon of choice(pegasus/wyvern knight-lance, axe knight-axe, etc...) and, even of It's minimum, I don't like that -1 in all the stats. Plus, in Thracia, the good lance users in the game are mounted, while the two that can use lance in-door are terrible imo
  11. Will know that I have slow reflexes, which screws me in many situations.
  12. Likes the game that has three stories, which are sold separately.
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