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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. I hoped that they would tell us how Elena and Greil met, but It's not a big of a deal.
  2. Petals in the wind: It's calm and happy. Perfect for the support conversation where It sounds and It help to relax a bit listening to it. Spreading Shadow: Generic "someone is doing a bad thing" song. Not a fan of it. The Water Maiden: It's calm with and quite peaceful, which is what Azura is(or should be, for other people). I like it. Glory/Ruin: Now we are talkin'! I love this track: Its instrumentation is fantastic and I love the constrast between the rather calm map version and the chaotic as hell Deeds version(This element remind me a bit of Chaos from Awakening, which is my favorite track from that game).
  3. Leo: the organization XIII Xander: Hero of Legend Laslow: Vamo' alla Flamenco( )Kiragi: Hunter's chance( )Shiro: Alder encounter theme ( )Soleil: Danshi Koukosei No Yukai Na Nakama( )Arthr: Bobby Fullbright - Our secret word is justice( )
  4. Rhythm Heaven/Paradise: I am about to do the second versions of all the minigames I've already beaten and, so far, I'm having a lot of fun with it! Some minigames made me a little frustrated tough.
  5. Probably knows that Ephraim doesn't pick uo fights he can't win.
  6. Walhart: while far from being my favorite character, I like Walhart: I like his personality, his supports with Robin(s) and his design. My biggest problem with him is we hear so much about him yet the game shows him for like two chapter(?), which isn't much. Still, I like him. Lucina: Strangely enough, even tough she is an important character, she didn't got much of my interest confirming my horrible tastes in character, so I'm quite neutral towards her.
  7. Samurai because I like Darting blow and Swordfaire.
  8. Ehm... Also, I forgot about it, but It would be cool to see another Murasame Castle, since It's an interesting series and I can totally see it having a gameplay similar to an action game.
  9. I use different avatars for each path. It's really boring to use the same avatar for every path for me.
  10. Abundant Solace: It's nothing spectacular, but It fits MyCastle quite well, tough I always choose another track. Puppet's Feast: It's pretty generic and nothing memorable. Quiet Burn: It really gives the feeling of doing a training or a battle just for fun, which is good because It's used only in these case. Justice RIP: Boy, I love this track: It has a melancholy that fits the name and, in particular, the ninja maps, in my opinion. Plus, I just love it musically-wise.
  11. Mah boy, where have you been when many people kept calling Eldigan "dumb" because of his actions and thinks that he should have rebelled against Chagall? Hezul was still the first king of Agustria and Eldigan's family descends from her younger daughter, who got the Hezul's major holy blood, so he is actually related to the royal family. Eh, a Camus is loyal to his king and country but knows that he is in the wrong: Wolf, Sedgar and Wyland actually tought that they were in the right as Hardin told them that Marth had some kind of evil objective(tough I don't what It was exactly), so I wouldn't consider them as Camus. Mustafa doesn't fit the archetype as well, in my opinion: He doesn't fight against you becuase of his loyalty towards Gangrel and Plegia, but because Gangrel would kill his family. And loyalty is probably one of the most important element for a character to have to be considered a Camus. You are right about the other characters tough.
  12. F-Zero It has been far too long since the release of (the amazing) F-Zero Climax. I would also like to see return Advance Wars, perhaps with the style of the first three games. Oh, and Klonoa too.
  13. Genealogy of the Holy war: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Ishtar and Areone aren't recruitable characters
  14. I like them, altough the wild pokémon doesn't give me good impressions as the older ones. Hnng, Stufful is so goddamit cute - I mean, even his cry is cute. Btw, the new details about the two Pokémon Sand castles made me like them even more: probably because I have a strange fetish for things that possess people.
  15. I see, thanks for the clarification! I think that they could have been more precise about it tough. Anyway, It's nice to see Rajajon in his goldoan outfit. Knowing that he was the second most powerful dragon in Tellius makes me wonder how powerful he could have been in PoR and RD as a unit...
  16. Dheginsea looks like some kind of cartoon villain, in this concept art. Or maybe I'm just weird. Also, Mia is from Begnion? I always tought she was from Crimea.
  17. Elise: Ah, yes, the girl that doesn't act as the adult she tecnically is(Is this joke still relevant?). Okay, jokes aside, I really like Elise in BR's story, but as a character herself, I don't like as much as she is quite annoying, tough I still enjoy some of her supports As a unit, Elise has high magic and speed, but her skill is really terrible. Ryoma: This man is not only the best SwordMaster in the game, but also one of the best in the series: high strength, skill and speed that allows him to one-round many enemy, Raijinto and has enough avoid to dodge most of the attacks he will get, tough he can be unlucky and get killed. I like his personality as well. Anankos: For Anankos, my opinion is mixed: On one hand, I like his dragon form, his final boss battle(especially in Heirs of Fate) and his backstory; on the other hand, tough, he is a very one-sided villain and his presence didn't really help the story - heck, I would say It has done the opposite. Japanese Emmeryn/ Mikoto(I add her as a bonus since It seems that It's purely our choice to talk about her or not. If I misunderstood your post, I apologize): Even tough she doesn't have much time in the game as a character, I like her: her design is beautiful and she knows how to make me feel sad, be It her death scene or (in particular) her dialogue with the Kana(s) in Heirs of Fate.
  18. Archer/Sniper: Fates Nomad/Nomadic Trooper/ Bow Knight: Fates Mercenary/Hero: Fates Barbarian/Pirate/Berserker: GBA Fighter/Warrior: Path of Radiance Cavalier/Paladin: Fates Great Knight: Genealogy/ Thracia 776 Knight/General: GBA Soldier/Halberdier/Spear Master: Fates Mage/Sage: GBA Dark Mage/Sorcerer/ Shaman/ Druid: GBA Monk/Bishop: GBA Troubadour/Valkyrie: the first one GBA; the second one, Path of Radiance Dark Knight: Fates Dread Fighter: Fates Pegasus Knight/FalcoKnight: Radiant Dawn Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord: Fates Myrmidon/Sword Master: Genealogy/ Thracia Thief/Rogue/Assassin: GBA Dancer/Singer/Bard: FE7(Ninian) Manakete: Shadow Dragon Beast Shapeshifter: Fates Best class present in only one game: It's a battle between the Kinshi Knight and the Mage Fighter
  19. Near to the defeat from Thracia is my favorite: It givesa sense of tense and terror that i personally never felt in any other ost of the series. Special mention to Lyon theme, The Prince despair, Dancing in the skies, Doors of Fate, Dark Fall, Alight and Resolve.
  20. Keaton and Kaden: I love them: their gimmick is kind of enjoyable, their personality in general is really decent to me and they were also very good unit in all the paths they appeared. Arete: Who is this woman? Azura's mother? Wait, She is actually dead? Okay. Oh, there are new characters too: Hana: Hana is very similar to Effie as they are both devoted to their liege, but, unlike Effie with Elise, she doesn't seem to be too obsessed with Sakura. As a unit, she was a lot of fun to use: sunrise katana + high speed means that she will avoid a lot and her high strength allows her to one round many enemy. Oboro: Good character with many supports that are quite enjoyable and she is also a decent unit as well thanks to being a spear fighter, which allows her to be decent in all the parameters. Anna: She isn't changed that much from Awakening, tough I liked her supports with F!Corrin.
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