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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Well...uhm...I wanted to confirm that I still would like to see the Mordecai profile. Well, Kilvas could have been invaded by Begnion during the three years between PoR and RD, since Naesala doesn't seem to be affected by the Blood Pact in PoR and in RD the warp staff was creared, so they would have been able to send Foot-soldiers on Kilvas. I may have forgotten some details tough. Anyway, It was really nice to know about Goldoa's climate as we don't get to know that much about Goldoa in the game(s), to my knoweldge.
  2. Sorry, I got confused between the Great lord and the Lodestar classes. I wanted to say Lodestar Laslow.
  3. Knows that she shouldn't talk about Valla or he would disap-
  4. Beruka: I like Beruka: her supports are generally nice and, as a unit, she is actually pretty good, with her worst negative trait being that she always joins alongside Camilla, who is just much better than her Caeldori: I really disliked Cordelia and Caeldori is literally her clone, so I never got interested into seeing more of her supprts Sakura: Probably my favorite Female Royal, I like her: she is shy, but she tries to stop having such a trait, which is something shown especially in her Xander support. She is also very nice and, as a unit, she is really good, just like the other royals. Also, I loved her chapter in CQ. Percy: He is considerable as a clone of his father, since the only differences are just being very lucky and being a child. I still like him as he is quite funny to me. Rinkah: Eh, I don't have an opinion on her. Ignatius: Just his paralogue was more than enough to make me like him a lot and his supports just made me to love him even more: he is a coward yet he wants to go in the battlefield, he wants to fight for those he cares and that is something I find to be very admirable. Garon: He sure is evil. Seriously, I don't really have that much to say about Garon. Rhajat: I like her more than Tharja: her obsession of Corrin is kind of justified, her design is cute and she is nicer thank Tharja. Plus, she is an amazing unit. Ophelia: Basically her father but cuter, this doesn't stop me to like her tough She is a best as unit, especially if her mother is Elise. Sumeragi: Sumeragi has such an amazing design and I really like fighting him with Ryoma, however, we don't get to know much about him, so It's nearly impossible to be attached to him.
  5. I'm fine with the ones we got, altough I admit I would have liked to see Noire instead of Severa.
  6. Shiro: I like how he is a prince that simply didn't know to be a prince, before going to his dad's world: It's a part of him I really and It allowed him to be the fantastic character he is now. Siegbert: Siegbert can be considered to be Shiro's opposite: he acts in a very formal manner; focuses only into becoming the perfect king for Nohr and he also has an inferiority complex towards his father as he considers him to be the non plus ultra between the kings or something like that, which are things...I really like actually and there are also the reasons why Siegbert is one of my favorite children in the game. Kiragi: I love Kiragi with my whole heart and I would even sacrifice himself to protect this precious child. Okay, joking aside, Kiragi is probably my favorite male child in the game: he is very cheerful and optimistic. His lines are also very funny as well. I don't think I can talk about kiragi as a unit as he is one of those characters I favor a lot. Forrest: I was quite surprised to see Forrest and how he was handled as, like others, I tought he was going to be another "Im sorry, but Im a guy". My compliments to IS.
  7. Well... Siegbert/Caeldori Siegbert/Shiro Camilla/Xander Leo/Xander Azama/Arthur Azama/Effie Takumi/Kiragi Takumi/Leo Takumi/Hinata Leo/Nyx Leo/Xander
  8. FE4: Peak: The battle against Arvis in the second generation. It felt really epic and It was very satisfying to defeat him with Seliph. Rock Bottom: Probably the parts in the desert of Chapter 5 and 7. It's probably the most boring part in the game and, in chapter 5, It kind of ruins the great atmosphere that the chapter has. FE5: Peak: All of Chapter 14. I love everything of that chapter: the design of the map, the atmosphere, the music, etc...everything. Rock Bottom: Chapter 16B. It's basically a desert map, but with tree instead and, to make things even worse, there are some tiles of the map that your foot unit cannot traverse. Easily the most boring part of the game for me. FE6: Peak: The Western Island arc. I really love it gameplay-wise and even story-wise. Bottom Rock: Chapter 20x. I didn't really like the concept and I wasn't able to enjoy it. At All. FE7: Peak: Probably Ninian's death. It's a scene I really like because of how well it is done. Rock Bottom: Ninian's revival. It is just way too random and It nullifies ninian's death. FE8: Peak: The flashbacks with Lyon and the final battle against him. I know, I'm a bit predictable. Rock Bottom: The Phantom Ship from Ephraim's path. I don't dislike it, but I find it to be quite frustrating with the various flier in the fog. FE9: Peak: Stefan and Mordecai supports plus every lines of Soren. Rock Bottom: Chapter 7. Everytime I play that chapter, I swear. Boyd likes to die and keeps me to reset everytime FE10: Peak: the cutscene where Greil's Mercenaries arrives to save Lucia. I screamed like a fangirl watching it. Rock Bottom: Part 4 as a whole. I don't know why, but It makes me really bored when playing it. FE11/1/3B1: Peak: The battle against Medeus, especially in SD. Rock Bottom: The ridicolous requisite for unlocking the Gaiden's chapters FE12/3B2: Peak:Hardin's death. It was the most touching moment in the game and I everytime I think about it. Rock Bottom: Chapter 11(Anri's way) FE13: Peak: Owain and Inigo supports Rock Bottom: The Walharc, especially on the map design FE14BR: Peak: Absolutely Leo's cutscene in Chapter 18 Rock Bottom: Flora's death. FE14CQ: Peak: Chapter 10 as a whole. Rock Bottom: The Endgame. FE14Rev: Peak: I would say the Endgame. Rock Bottom: Scarlet's...not fantastic moment(if you have played the game, you know to what scene I'm referring to)
  9. Probably knows that death comes to everyone
  10. FE2: Cliff FE4: Areone, if villain counts; if not, then Seliph FE5: Leif FE6: Rutger FE7: Raven FE8: Lyon if villains counts; if not, then Lute FE9: Stefan FE10: Edward FE11: Shiida/Caeda FE12: Catria FE13: Inigo FE14: Azama
  11. Angry Ike is angry Anyway, I really like how Ike, in his lord outift, when he gets angry, seems to be ready to pull out his sword at any time.
  12. I pretty much agree with this. Plus, for me, as a unit, Xander has never failed me, becoming always one of the most useful unit in CQ and he would still be so even if he didn't have Siegfred. Asugi: I still have to see many of his supports, but I can safely say that, thanks to his paralogue and his supports with his father, he seems to be a little more interesting than Gaius, for me.
  13. I'm surprised to see that there were concept of generic female archer/sniper as we don't even get a female playable archer/sniper. In general, I'm surprised to see the female counterparts of classes that feature only male characters in the game.
  14. 1) A metroid game with a gameplay similar to the prime Series that takes place after the events of Fusion. Seriously, It's time that we get to know what happened to Samus after the events of fusion. 2) A new Punch-Out!!!: yes, I know that It would be very similar to his predecessor, but I don't care, I want to see this franchise return. 3) F-Zero: how long has It been since we had an F-Zero? Too much. This series needs to return and the NX may be a good occasion for this. 4)StarFox: I really loved what SF Zero offered and I wish that we get another title of this series, even tough SF Zero didn't sell that much. 5) Advance Wars: I would like to see a new AW with the style of the first threee games, that's all I ask for it. I also would like to see a new FE, but these have the priority.
  15. Hinoka is the one I would forget the most, if she wasn't a very good unit, but, aside from her, there isn't a royal I tend to forget.
  16. Setsuna: I'm quite neutral towards her, but she was able to be funny sometimes tough Soleil: I like her design and, as a unit, she was reslly useful in CQ, but, as a character, I don't hate her nor I dislike her. These are also my toughts about Reina as well, tough I kind of like Reina's bloodlust: It focuses on the death itself of the one she kills, which, while is something really crazy, is actually quite interesting(unlike Peri and her obsession with blood) and It's one of the reason why Reina should have had more supports(altough this is something that can be said about every Corrin sexuals)
  17. I can totally see Noah from FE6 being able to reclass into a Mirmidon, as a sign of his high esteem towards the Sword Saint, who saved his village in the past. Tanya from FE5 may be able to reclass into a fighter or a brigand, as she grew up around brigands. Canas from FE7 could be able to reclass into an anima mage as he is the husband of a powerful anima mage and It may also be a chance for him to test his knoweldge regarding Anima magic.
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