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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. I think Keaton might be even older, since he look to be older than Kaden in his human form(at least for me) and Ulfhdein might age in the same way the Kitsune does.
  2. Has a picture with Ophelia wearing normal clothes
  3. Well, Fin, in his dialogue with Altenna, cries and It's not improbable to say that It's because he is indeed glad that Altenna is alive, but It's just an assumption, sinfe he couldbe crying for other reasons, such as not having tried to search her.Leif, in my opinion, is kinda of justified to not have such a feeling towards Altenna since he has literally no memories about her. Anyway, Areone probably assumed that his father didn't want him to surrender by the way Travant acted towards the Liberation Army until he decided to "suicide". Or maybe the devs just wanted to make the player fight a wielder of the gungnir.
  4. Is listening to a remix posted in this thread
  5. Has posted the link to a remix in this thread
  6. Has the name of the pre-evolution of pikachu on his username
  7. Has the same character both as his avatar and in his sign. Is it a character from the Fate franchise? Because he looks like a servant from said franchise. I apologize if I'm wrong.
  8. I vote Johan because he has a horse and he has more skill than his brother, which is what axe-user really need, in my opinion.
  9. I would say Father and Son from FE8. It just feels so epic for me. Last Hope(which is from FE8 too) and The True Enemy(from FE6) are also very good chapters, in my opinion.
  10. I'll probably buy it too(not immediately tough), since It will be a good way to play some classic of the Nesand also because I'll be able to pretend that I have Nes
  11. Has been challenged by Ryoma, High Prince of Hoshido
  12. I agree, but I also think that, if Fatigue returns, the stats cap. should return to be 20, since, for me, the fatigue was really manageable thanks to the 20 cap. and the fact that the enemies didn't have high stats even in the Lategame, aside from the bosses.
  13. Apparently thinks that Hayato is Ricken 2.0 only because both wants to be treated as adults, even if only Hayato has a good reason for it.
  14. I'm realy sure if a messenger could work: Alm and Celica's stories both happens at the same time abd the two are also very distant, so the Avatar would have to travel for days and days just to go towards Celica or Alm, while the two are doing...well, their thing regarding the story itself. It's veen a long time since the last time I've played Gaiden, so I may be wrong on some points. Personally, the only way I could see the avatar working is him being another villager from Alm village that joins with Alm in chaoter 1, but then, when Celica arrives, can decide to stay with Alm or to go with Celica.
  15. Is a Thracia Fan that also likes Tana from FE8
  16. Faval, with Jamka as a father, will hit very hard but he will have some problem to hit, but that shouldn't be a real problem, especially if you give him the killer bow and a skill ring.
  17. Personal skills were probably one of the things that I appreciated the most, since they make sure the units are more different between each other in battle. However, just like Nekoknight said, in future games IS must balance them more, in order to make sure that, in a way or another, they are all useful.
  18. I understand Fates, but Tellius doesn't seem to do such a thing. May I ask you what the Tellius games take from Thracia, aside from the escape objective? I'm just really curious to know.
  19. For races, I went with Wolf since they are my favorite race of animal in general As for the characters themselves, I say Mordecai: he seems to be that kind of person that would become your friend, regardless of the personality you have.
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