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The Draco Knight

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Everything posted by The Draco Knight

  1. Other than the pairs suggested by the others users, you could always make him be the son of Azel, which would give him the magic to use the magic swords decently, with Pursuit also passed down by Azel. But really, he only needs pursuit to be a decent unit.
  2. Ah. Sorry for that, It happens sometimes, even when I pay attention. Also, I have some shame to admit that I forgot about that Paralogue, mainly because of how easy and forgettable It was.
  3. Man, Kilma surely has style. I like it. Also, I really love how you drew Hans: it strangely fits him really well.
  4. I agree with everything the author of the topic saiqd, exvept the Dragon Vein: they are actually done quite well and an example is the Hinoka, ehich I really loved: sure, you cana ctuslly use tje DV to counter the Hinoka's DV, but are you sure you want to leave this bonus to your enemy and also give the enemies on the land a buff on movement? Or the other one from Sakura's chapter, which gives you the opportunity to open new path for you but to the enemy too. So, the DV are something that gives you vantages to both you and the enemy, which makes them something that shouldn't be used in a reckless way but instead with great attention, because they can really help you a lot.
  5. I would change FE5 hit rates to make both the playable units and the enemy units able to get 100% hit and 0% hit, instead of making the hit rate go from 1% to 99%. Also, the support system returns in FE10, so that the new characters, such as Edward and Heather, would get some characterization. I would apply this to Shadow Dragon as well. For Shadow Dragon, I would also give to all the units the possibility to visit village, instead of giving this role only to Marth.
  6. I apologize for not being more specific about it, but the genocide I was referring to is the one done by the Kingdom of Rivough, which decided to kill all the people of Grandbell living in Darna and Rivough, for doing this, is destroyed by King Mananam(the grandfather of Shanan)
  7. I was able to beat Ike in normal during my first playtrough: even if I did it thanks to Edward using Astra, thus relying on pure luck, It was really satisfying. However, from my second playtrough, I stopped to kill him because I begun to spread the experience on more members of the dawn brogade, who were all on the second tier at that moment, where in my first pIaytrough I gave the experience only to Edward.
  8. I have to say that I'm quite surprised: I I came here with zero expectations and then I found myself all of my attention to your analysis. Also, I'm surprised by another fact: there is no mention to the genocide of Darna - which is the reason why the story is able to begin. They game never take the time to tell the reasons behind it, making it nothing more than an instrument to begin the story. So, May I ask why you didn't bring it up? As for the choice between Johan and Johalva, I vote for Johan, mainly because I like him more and having a horse in Genealogy is always a nice thing.
  9. Interesting. I always saw it in the way I said in my previous post more because of the genersl direction the various games took than anything else. Anyway, while I agree that Conquest is a more enjoyable and replayable game than Awakening. However, I have to say that, aside from the Gameplay, Conquest is very similar to Awakening in the others regards, so I tend to consider them to belong to the same "Era".
  10. Ah, Super Mario 64... I've many memories about that game when I played it as a kid, especially the ones about how I wasn't able to finish it. Seriously, I never undestood what i had to do in that game when I was a kid, but I still enjoyed going trough the various levels(at least the ones available)
  11. But FE4,5, 9 and 10 had skills and are considered to be classic FE, so It's not something that you could say tjat doesn't make Conquest a classic FE. Or I simply misunderstood something? But anyway, Fates and Awakening doesn't really feel like a classic FE game, but I like to think they are the beginning of a new era and while some of you are rigjtfully scared about this, I must say that I'm quite excited to see what this new era will show to us - and it's not the first that It happens: when Kaga left, IS with FE6 gave birth to another era; I mean, the games were still similar to their predecessors, but they were rslly different, at lest to me. And yes, I know this "Era" thing looks strange, but I want to see it in this way because it always keep my excitement for the next games really high.
  12. I have to follow the train and chose Awakening: It's a fun game, thar's for sure. The problem is that, in the forums I went, everyone praise it like It was the best game in the series(and I have to admit that I belived the same thing, before I begun to truly know the series) When It has so many problems that I can't consider it the best. I simply can't. Then again, every FE has its own problems and they are overrated by their fans, but I feel that Awakening is the one that has this "problem" more than any other game in the series.
  13. Akira from Live A Live: many people don't like him because of how weak he is in battle; however, I do not think he is so weak and I also find him to be the best personality-wise between the 7 heroes, alongside Sundown Kid.
  14. It depens: in the Ephraim's path, he doesn't want to truly destroy them, but the opposite(he want them to stop him), since he is aware of being controlled. In the Eirika's path, It's not "Lyon vs the Siblings", but "Demon king vs the siblings", since we are no talking to Lyob, but Fomortiis himself, who just wanted to revive himself. I apologize if I misunderstood you comment. Anyway, my favorite villain has to be the already mentioned Lyon because I can undestand him, I can understand how it feels to be weak, to be afraid of not being able to live up to the people's expectacion and we also have similar personality. However, I really like him as a character too: we get to know and to grow fond of him before we even know he is responsible of what happened in the game thanks to the flashback and, because of that, It can be quite difficult to land the final blow on him. So, he may not be the best villain ever, but I think Lyon is a very good example of how to make a tragic villain.
  15. I must say that the only one I don't really like is Soleil: personally, her voice just feels too young to me. But aside from this, I like the rest, in particular Kaze, Niles, Laslow, Jakob, Xander, Leo and Azama are the ones who I liked the most.
  16. Yes, I meant the monsters from FE8 and their problems weren't only the light magic and the legendary weapons, but also their stats were truly pathetic and only some of them were a little difficult, like the draco zombie and maybe the gorgon. I find this to be a little sad because in the story they are considered to be stronger than a normal man while in gameplay is the totally opposite.
  17. I would like to see the return of the monsters, but this time, make them strong enough to be a threath even in gameplay, not just in the story. Also, I must say that I miss the normsl battle themes: nothing against the Ablaze/Fire versions of the map themes, but the battle themes were much more memorable, at least to me.
  18. Well..uhm...there is me. No seriously, I don't know why, but I love the characters that act as a dick towards the others. Btw, for the topic, I must say Elise and Sakura: I mean, they looked like pretty cute to me initially, but after some time I started to find their personality a little annoying. I don't hate them, but I don't love them either.
  19. Thank you very much for this: It was really interesting. To be honest, I simply belived that the people of Elibe tought that Guy and Karel were the same person because of their similar aspect, giving to both of them the title of Sword Saint. In my mind, it totally made sense XD
  20. Probably Soleil and all the siblings from both Nohr and Hoshido. I also want to mention Jakob(I love his butler outfit) and Kiragi(he looks like a younger Takumi without the long hair to me. And I love it)
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