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Posts posted by HeiHei

  1. Chapter 24: Days Lost

    Turns: 23

    Attempts: 2

    Deaths: 0


    Nohr Noble Aila Lv. 13

    Wyvern Lord Jill Lv. 10

    Adventurer Kate Lv. 8

    Paladin Keith Lv. 11


    Grandmaster Alex

    Ninja Kamikaze

    Samurai TripleExit


    I pretty much fudged up the first go through and went in without preparing my units. Ended up getting my team killed when I reached Mikoto. I decided to go for the stealthy approach, sneaking my way past the guards to get to the final room. The most crucial thing in preparing was to stack as many defense buffs onto Kate as possible (Tonics, Jill's Defense Rally, Pair-up, Dracoshields, Visitation Seal, Boots for movement), as she is the only member of the group that has Locktouch. I also remember that Kate is supposed to have a defense bane, so the extra defense growths should have helped quite a bit there. After surviving the punishment, the others were able to come in to finish the job. In the end, the 20 000+ gold spent was well worth it as everyone managed to survive (RNG was luckily on Kate's side, managed to dodge a low hit rate blow that would have ended her). I ignored the last 2 chests as I was not interested in those items. Only thing I may regret is the missed opportunity at some extra experience. Next chapter will hopefully be soon.

  2. Chapter 23: Arete Undone

    Turns: 48

    Attempts: 1

    Deaths: 0


    Nohr Noble Aila Lv. 12

    Spear Master Kannon Lv. 11

    Sniper Niemehr Lv. 12

    Onmyoji Lissa Lv. 8

    Ballistician Auron Lv. 28

    Great Lord Clarrise Lv. 31

    Dark Falcon Ilia Lv. 32

    Witch Corrin Lv. 29

    Wyvern Lord Jill Lv. 10

    Adventurer Kate Lv. 8

    Hero Naru Lv. 10

    Dread Fighter Varus Lv. 30


    Grandmaster Alex

    Ninja Kamikaze

    Samurai TripleExit

    Comments: At this point, I wonder if I would actually lose any units, as I seem to be doing pretty well. Overall, pretty boring map, the gimmick made it feel pretty long. Luckily my fliers pulled through for me. Honestly not much to say. Next map is the silly stealth chapter, how enlightening. Whoever thought of this next chapter should just... Well I don't know, but it's terrible on lunatic.

  3. Chapter 22: Memories

    Turns: 33

    Attempts: 1

    Deaths: 0


    Nohr Noble Aila Lv. 10

    Spear Master Kannon Lv. 9

    Sniper Niemehr Lv. 11

    Onmyoji Lissa Lv. 7

    Ballistician Auron Lv. 26

    Great Lord Clarrise Lv. 30

    Dark Falcon Ilia Lv. 29

    Witch Corrin Lv. 29

    Wyvern Lord Jill Lv. 8

    Adventurer Kate Lv. 8

    Hero Naru Lv. 9

    Dread Fighter Varus Lv. 27

    Paladin Keith Lv. 10


    Grandmaster Alex

    Ninja Kamikaze

    Samurai TripleExit

    Comments: After another 5000 years, I have provided an update. Probably the most annoying part of this map is the fliers, since movement is pretty restricted due to the battle taking place in a forest. The general strategy was to defend at the top left until it was clear, then moved 2 groups towards the top and bottom. I managed to take down the enemy unit with Dragon Spirit by baiting them to attack Clarisse with full charged guard points. She has gotten pretty tanky on the physical side with a Guard Naginata, Keith pair up and Jill providing defense rallies. In the end I decided to avoid burning the trees leading into the area with all the ninjas and mechanists as it already takes a lot of work to just take down 1-2 shuriken users due to the accuracy RNG and I didn't feel it would be a good idea to take a chance. I looked up what that chest in that area carried and it was only a Recover, so nothing was really lost except some exp. Luckily the boss was mounted, so it was an easy kill with Varus equipped with the Hunter's Knife. Next update: Whenever, wherever, although considering how long this is taking me, I would be surprised if anyone still cared. Just too many things going on!

  4. Chapter 21: Going Forward

    Turns: 34

    Attempts: 1

    Deaths: 0


    Nohr Noble Aila Lv. 9

    Spear Master Kannon Lv. 8

    Sniper Niemehr Lv. 9

    Onmyoji Lissa Lv. 7

    Ballistician Auron Lv. 25

    Great Lord Clarrise Lv. 27

    Dark Falcon Ilia Lv. 29

    Witch Corrin Lv. 27

    Wyvern Lord Jill Lv. 7

    Adventurer Kate Lv. 6

    Hero Naru Lv. 7

    Dread Fighter Varus Lv. 26

    Paladin Keith Lv. 9


    Grandmaster Alex

    Ninja Kamikaze

    Samurai TripleExit


    Pretty easy map, it made the baiting strategy even better just because of the map gimmick. This made it easy for leveling up some units that I wanted to level up. Nothing on this map seemed very threatening and the reinforcements were very easy to dispatch. Only chest I couldn't get was the one with the Master Seal, but since all of my bond units have already promoted, it's useless anyway. I could have had 14 units, but unfortunately lost a few units from previous maps, so I only had 13. Not that big of a deal though. I think that's all I have to really say.

    Edit: Sorry to anyone actually looking through these logs, life has been busy and so many games I'm interested in have come out. As per usual, next log will come whenever.

  5. Chapter 20: Seeds of Doubt

    Turns: 45

    Attempts: 1

    Deaths: 0


    Nohr Noble Aila Lv. 9

    Spear Master Kannon Lv. 7

    Sniper Niemehr Lv. 7

    Onmyoji Lissa Lv. 6

    Ballistician Auron Lv. 22

    Great Lord Clarrise Lv. 26

    Dark Falcon Ilia Lv. 28

    Witch Corrin Lv. 24

    Wyvern Lord Jill Lv. 7

    Adventurer Kate Lv. 5

    Hero Naru Lv. 5

    Dread Fighter Varus Lv. 23


    Grandmaster Alex

    Ninja Kamikaze

    Samurai TripleExit


    Not much to say about this map, pretty much went counter clock wise and slowly baited out each enemy. My weaker units got put in a lot of work this time around and I finally got a chance to use Auron, who I haven't used in quite a while. Like the last map, there was quite a bit of nice goodies to be taken, so I took my time killing every enemy and getting all the chests. Only sad part about all this good stuff is that my units haven't the weapon rank to use them yet, but hopefully they will be able to soon (Waterwheel is so strong!). The summary of this map is basically "slow and steady wins the race". Some what amusing that they left the boss as a Kinshi Knight with a lance equipped, which basically made it easy pickings for bow units. Kind of like back in White Flames when they left Hans equipped with a Tomahawk, so he was easy pickings for close range units.

  6. Chapter 19: Hidden Strings

    Turns: 15

    Attempts: 3

    Deaths: 0


    Nohr Noble Aila Lv. 8

    Spear Master Kannon Lv. 6

    Sniper Niemehr Lv. 7

    Onmyoji Lissa Lv. 4

    Paladin Keith Lv. 8

    Great Lord Clarrise Lv. 25

    Dark Falcon Ilia Lv. 26

    Witch Corrin Lv. 21


    Grandmaster Alex

    Ninja Kamikaze

    Samurai TripleExit


    After another 10, 000 years, here is another update. I did not intend to take so long with this next chapter, but what was supposed to be a fairly easy chapter gave me a hard time due to criticals. As per usual, I did the turtle strategy with Aila baiting out/taking enemy hits then getting the others to try and finish it on their turn. This strategy is probably the only way for me to play right now since the enemies have extremely high stats and my units over all have somewhat low defensive stats. With this, I had to be extra careful since I wanted some of the free weapons from the bottom area after activating the replication Dragon Vein, since their health bars are connected. In terms of the last set of enemies on the last half of the top island, I'm not really sure what triggers the axe users to start coming forward. The first time I baited the knights, they didn't move, but the second attempt they did despite not being in their attack range. Anyways, Aila died the first two attempts due to critical shenanigans. For example, I believe one of the enemies had about 5% hit rate with 10% crit against Aila and it still hit with a crit. That pretty much made me drop the run for a while. Because of this, I decided on the third attempt to not be greedy and just get out of the map once things got a little too close for comfort. Next update: Whenever.

  7. Chapter 18: Veiled Kingdom

    Turns: Clicked a too fast, this seems to be a recurring problem. I should stop being so hasty.

    Attempts: 1

    Deaths: 1 (Not included, but RIP a certain woman)


    Nohr Noble Aila Lv. 6

    Grandmaster Alex Lv. 23?

    Wyvern Lord Jill Lv. 4

    Spear Master Kannon Lv. 4

    Adventurer Kate Lv. 2

    Sniper Niemehr Lv. 5

    Onmyoji Lissa Lv. 3

    Paladin Keith Lv. 5

    Great Lord Clarrise Lv. 23

    Dark Falcon Ilia Lv. 24

    Dread Fighter Varus Lv. 23

    Hero Naru Lv. 3


    Grandmaster Alex

    Ninja Kamikaze

    Samurai TripleExit

    Comments: After 10, 000 years, I have finally posted another update. Thanks to dumping most of my stat boosters on Aila, I basically used her as my fail safe unit with how strong she is. Strategy was to basically lead two groups, with the left side being led by Aila as it looked quite a bit harder to get through. A somewhat tedious map since I had to get Aila to activate all of the dragon veins, but it wasn't all that bad since I had some fliers around. Of all of the units given to me, I least expected Alex to perish, as he was pretty darn strong, if not the strongest Corrin given to me. I will definitely be missing his help, as he really helped pull through the ninja forest. Unfortunately this time it was my fault that he got killed, I forgot to check a Master Ninja for Poison strike which weakened him enough for the next enemy to finish him off. The final room was the scariest part of the map, but managed to clear out enemies with little damage on player phase, so my units were able to survive on enemy phase. I think the next map is another annoying forest, so I guess I'll be having fun with that! No idea when the next update will be, but I guess whenever like how I've always been doing these.

  8. I'm looking for a Takumi, Azama, and Setsuna with Vantage. Preferably easy seize, thanks!

    Setsuna and Azama are up.

    Hey I'm looking for Azama with Counter or Vantage (any would be great tbh) and are there any skills recommend for Silas? Right now he's a Cavalier but I'm leveling him up to make him a Paladin. Thanks in advance ♡

    Azama is up.

    Looking for Ophelia with Bowbreaker and Kaze with Armored Blow.

    Also Elise with Certain Blow and Armored Blow would be nice as well as Inspiration.

    Ophelia and Elise are both up.

    Hi now im looking for rally bot Shigure.

    Shigure is up.

    MyCastle code in sig.

  9. Chapter 16 & 17: White Flames / Black Flames

    Turns: 10 & 23(accidentally pressed a too fast)?

    Attempts: 2

    Deaths: 1 (Accidentally let Leo die, sorry Leo fans but I'm not doing this again)

    -Deployed (used the same roster for both)-

    Nohr Noble Aila Lv. 5

    Onmyoji Lissa Lv. 3

    Adventurer Kate Lv. 1

    Spear Master Kannon Lv. 1

    Wyvern Lord Jill Lv. 2

    Grandmaster Alex Lv. 21

    Sniper Niemehr Lv. 3

    Dark Falcon Ilia Lv. 21

    Paladin Keith Lv. 2

    Great Lord Clarisse Lv. 21


    Ninja Kamikaze

    Samurai TripleExit


    Finally completed after a few weeks, the back to back chapters, White Flames and Black Flames. White Flames is definitely the easiest of the two, the strategy was to go up to meet up with Ryoma's group then move right towards Hans. Hans himself is a fairly easy boss since he's equipped with the Tomahawk. The next chapter, Black Flames is the one where I failed at the first attempt, which was quite frustrating since these chapters are back to back. All of my units were not able to withstand the huge number of strong units and I had to heavily depend on Xander and Leo, which did not feel right for this challenge. Because of this, I decided to do some of the free challenges provided and a few paralogues after grinding out some supports with what characters I had. Managed to get a lot of experience through this, giving me the ability to promote some units. Also decided to use some of the stat boost up items I've had lying around. The strategy for Black Flames was to go towards the right side and go in a defense formation against the huge number of enemies. Once that was over, pretty much just went downwards, took out the orb/ballista users at the center/right and moved in at Iago. At first I was going to make Aila a Hoshido Noble, but decided not to since I liked Nohr Noble's design better, is more balanced with def/res and Kate has become my second healer since Adventurers thankfully have staff access. We are now at the point where there will be promoted units and Dragon Veins everywhere. Great. Not sure if First Blood works on recruited MyCastle units, if so then I might just do Hidden Truths a few times and try to decide which units should have it.

    EDIT: Monster Hunter Generations will be eating up time, I'll get back to this once I've had my fill.

  10. It's nice to see another person doing a Rev run with avatars (doing Lunatic/Classic myself)! I'd like to contribute a Kamui!

    Unit: Katmui

    Class: Level 11 Vanguard

    Talent: Oni Savage, but would definitely like to have him end in Vanguard.

    Boon/Bane: +Str/-Spd

    Skills: Wary Fighter, Death blow, Heavy Blade, Nobility, Veteran Intuition

    E rank Swords, D rank Axe

    Notes: This was actually for another person's avatar run, but thought maybe you might like to use him too! Hopefully he's not too strong.

    Let me know and I will switch MyCastles.

  11. Chapter 15: Rainbow Sage

    Turns: 40

    Attempts: 1

    Deaths: 0


    Princess Aila

    Onmyoji Lissa

    Witch Corrin

    Ballistician Auron

    Outlaw Kate

    Mercenary Naru

    Spear Fighter Kannon

    Dread Fighter Varus

    Wyvern Rider Jill


    Ninja Kamikaze

    Samurai TripleExit


    This chapter felt really long, the entire strategy was to basically utilize defense formation and bait only one or two enemies into a confrontation on their turn, then finish up on my turn, which meant I had to be very careful in where I placed my units. It was pretty scary since most of my units tend to be on the frail side, but luckily they had just enough to survive a single hit. I honestly don't like this map very much, as it's pretty slow since defense formation is heavily needed for this. It's pretty shameful to say, but I left one room alone (bottom right side) as going through the back would have been suicide for me, while getting units back to the front then back to the boss would annoyingly take up a lot of time. Plus side, I managed to befriend Shura, Kannon now has C rank in lances and I have obtained the Alpha Yato! On the minus side, the next 2 chapters are back to back, so screwing up will really suck. Just great.

    NOTE: It will probably be a while until the next update, need to find time (and drive) to get the next 2 chapters done.

  12. Hi im looking for this skills:

    Avatar: Replicate.

    Selena: Replicate.

    Soleil: renewal.

    Caeldori: bowbreaker and dragon fang.

    Xander: Replicate.

    Elise: Replicate and rend heaven.

    Laslow: renewal.

    Kanna: Replicate.

    Thats all for now, if anyone have one of this please pm.


    I'll cover what the other poster didn't.


  13. Chapter 14: Orders

    Turns: 32

    Attempts: 1

    Deaths: 2 (5)


    Princess Aila

    Shrine Maiden Lissa

    Dark Falcon Ilia

    Witch Corrin

    Ninja Kamikaze

    Ballistician Auron

    Samurai TripleExit

    Outlaw Kate

    Great Lord Clarisse

    Mercenary Naru

    Spear Fighter Kannon

    Cavalier Keith


    Ninja Kamikaze - I wasn't careful enough and lost her to a Paladin.

    Samurai TripleExit - Died in battle against a Paladin, got a very unlucky miss which sealed her fate.

    Effie, Arthur, Charlotte - Couldn't save the first two from the Paladins and I messed up with Charlotte, going for a defensive maneuver against a mercenary, but forgot to check Charlotte's attack range. Had to kill her since Elise wasn't close enough.


    I slightly underestimated this chapter since I didn't remember it being too hard. I was therefore punished and lost two of my units. The Paladins that spawn every now and then were the biggest problems as most of my units can barely take a hit from them so I had to depend on player's turn to kill them, taking a few of my units to take down just one of them. I guess the lack of grinding is really showing now. On the bright side, Lissa got to level 20 and is now an Onmyoji. Strategy was moving left towards Charlotte first then moving right for the finish. This map definitely wasn't as hard as some of the previous maps, but my slip ups caused some unnecessary deaths.

  14. If you ever do this run again, can you use someone's Corrin with point blank? I think the skill comes out today.

    P.S. This run is awesome! It'd be a great AGDQ speedrun if the Corrin's were loaded before the run.

    I'm now a little more lenient with the Corrins I'm taking since I'm past the very beginning, so I will actually take one with Point blank if the opportunity ever pops up. I just wanted to make sure I didn't completely destroy the first couple of maps with extremely over powered units. I definitely would never do a speed run, as I play pretty patiently/slowly, which is probably how all of my units have survived thus far (outside of my own unit).

  15. I'm not bored. I'm happy to be reading your progress. Admittedly, I haven't played Revelation yet, so I can't empathize with chapter difficulty.

    I'm glad to hear! It just felt sort of weird just posting updates with no one commenting, but I suppose there's really not much to say about it. The difficulty isn't too bad, it's definitely easier than Conquest. Of course, I'll always have difficulty with maps involving wind or multiple Master Ninjas. It's a good thing I don't say too much about the maps though, that way I'm not really spoiling you.

  16. Chapter 13: A Lost Peace

    Turns: 38 (Same as last chapter, what a weird coincidence)

    Attempts: 2

    Deaths: 0


    Princess Aila

    Shrine Maiden Lissa

    Dark Falcon Ilia

    Witch Corrin

    Wyvern Rider Jill

    Ballistician Auron

    Grandmaster Alex

    Outlaw Kate

    Great Lord Clarisse

    Mercenary Naru

    Ninja Kamikaze

    Spear Fighter Kannon

    Comments: Just a note, I don't count game overs with Aila as a part of deaths. With that being said, I messed up the first attempt with not putting out the box sooner and Aila got killed on the enemy's turn after some misses on the Swordmasters. The promotes were pretty hard to deal with on their own, with my units ranging around level 15. General strategy was slowly getting through enemies as I approached on the left side where Xander is, placing obstacles around with the fliers. Didn't go towards Ryoma's side as it looked much harder to me. I wonder if any of you guys reading this are getting bored, as the only real deaths I've had thus far are with Aila. Also, it looks like Lissa has reached level 19, should I promote her one level early or wait for that last level? If so, should I make her an Onmyouji or a Priestess? Let me know what you guys think!

  17. Chapter 12: Frozen Sea

    Turns: 38

    Heroes: None

    Attempts: 1

    Deaths: 0


    Princess Aila

    Shrine Maiden Lissa

    Dread Fighter Varus

    Dark Falcon Ilia

    Witch Corrin

    Wyvern Rider Jill

    Ballistician Auron

    Samurai TripleExit

    Grandmaster Alex

    Cavalier Keith

    Outlaw Kate

    Great Lord Clarisse

    Comments: Sorry everyone (well if anyone is still keeping up with this) for not updating in a while, some things in life were taking a priority. Also to be honest, there were some other games on my back log I wanted to try, so it kind of took a back seat for a bit. Anyways, this chapter went by far smoother than I thought it would, compared to my very first time playing it on Hard/Classic where I had a bit of trouble. I played quite patiently, baiting the enemies to get close enough so I can finish them on my turn. From what I've seen, every few turns or so, enemies seem to always spawn from the far back ship and Flora's ship, so I guess it spawns infinitely? Either way, some units that really needed some leveling up got a lot stronger now.

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