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Posts posted by HillaryForPrison

  1. Furthermore, you kept mentioning lots and lots of rape in Germany, but I fail to see the source of the fact.

    I'm telling you to post this publicly because this is a public forum.

    Your words, I'm sure this is something against site rules so please feel free to PM me or start a new section, out of respect for this topic.

    because it is not about the petty and unrelated arguments that we had, it is about the hate crime itself.

    I don't want to drag this topic any further here, aside from what I mentioned, its hard keeping track with the amounts of replies and edits made.

  2. The burden of proof is on you for bringing up the point. If I ask for a source, you give me the source, because I'm not doing your homework for you.

    I furthermore had an argument for that which you summarily ignored, and it was founded in logic. If you want to provide sources for things, then call it out and I will gladly do so. As it stands, you have never asked me for a source, so I have had no reason to prove it with sources, because I can do homework for myself. This is how it works.

    If my source is cherry picked and incorrect, the beauty is you can either a) point out flaws in methodology or b) bring up another source that does so. It's pretty easy.

    Please ask me what else you'd like to be sourced by PM, I'm tired of arguing with you on a public forum, it is not the place for any of these arguments.

    Rape caused by refugees in Germany.






    Statistics on single black mothers.





    I'm certain someone is going to say that the US government changed these statistics too.

  3. Why should Lord Raven (or anyone, really, I started to, then realized I wasn't responsible for all the googling) take the time to gather resources and refute your claims when you haven't done the legwork in providing the proof for your own claims? If you can start with some actual facts, then we can respond with sources of our own.

    I think he can speak for himself.

    if you could see the contradiction in what you just said, he only showed one source so far, he hasn't refuted anything and just mentioned the opposite, if I say black crime he says white crime, if I say muslim extremists he says church shooting, he isn't refuting as you say I'm not as well, people sure love living in an echo chamber and just repeat and agree with the news they want to hear and people they agree with, all the information I mentioned is readily available online, literally just search "amount of single black mothers in the US vs other minorities,, whites" for example you will be flooded with statistics, then you can cherry pick the resources that only you might trust, then you can argue with me about it.

  4. That's not the point I was making. We can all bring up anecdotes, but I have a ton of experience with American Muslims, and they tend to trend to American than to the Orlando shooter. But this is wholly irrelevant to the statistics. I personally don't care if you can read and speak Arabic, the argument that "I said you don't want these people in so you don't want these people in" is grounded in personal fact. You said it, but why did you say it? What is it about them that makes me not want them? Furthermore, you kept mentioning lots and lots of rape in Germany, but I fail to see the source of the fact.

    I'm telling you to post this publicly because this is a public forum.

    Please say that to the German teenager who was raped and murdered by an Afghanistan refugee.

    since you insist, just to preface again not all eastern muslims but the majority of eastern Muslims are very Xenophobic, they don't like people outside of their country, They are very racist, they don't like people of different backgrounds and skin color, including people of different eastern backgrounds.

    and they are Extremely homophobic, you keep saying source this and that and they aren't a threat but you will be the first person to be thrown off a building or killed in the name of الله (God) if you support same sex marriage or for being gay, don't try to question me on this unless you can actually argue.

  5. Then counter it.


    But the point is that he was born and raised in the US. This is an American doing the crime. This is not a refugee or immigrant as you were implying.



    They happen. It's just a bigger deal when they're not white.

    Thankfully I don't believe in nationalism.

    Okay, then tell me more. Source your claims. Are all or most or some committing these attacks ad nauseum? I never said you don't know what you're talking about (well I may have said it once, I'm not sure), I asked you to source your shit. This is not too much to ask. I will report you if you continue to make these claims without doing so. When did I say that they were unvetted? Because they don't come in unvetted, and I never said they should be unvetted.

    I grew up in a Muslim family so I can tell you that you do you want thousands of these people coming in at any rate. You see how ridiculous that argument is?

    This has turned into a huge mess since most of your counter arguments are just recalling what the other half has done or just saying I'm making a false claim, you're not exactly refuting.

    I lived with muslims, and grew up with muslim people from all parts of the east, I can talk about this here but I would rather there be a separate section to discuss this, I am fluent in Arabic and I can prove so, send me a piece of Arabic text and I will gladly translate it, be sure to send it in picture form so you won't assume I used a translator but of course knowing how you have been through these entire arguments, that won't convince you either.

  6. No, he said this;

    Illegal or not, he was referring to Mexican immigrnats as a whole. He never stated whether or not they're legal or illegal.

    What's the source on this? Racism? FYI, people were fine with bringing in Christian refugees, but not those Muslims! Even though it's clear that politics shape racism and not strictly relgiion.

    They used guns to hijack the plane.

    And he was born and raised in America.

    The system for vetting a refugee is exceedingly complex and immigration is incredibly tough. Just as an anecdote, it took my mom 20 years to get citizenship, and it took her a solid two years to get a visa to come to the US from Pakistan (and it took my dad around a year), and I have no doubts that the process has gotten stricter.

    You're saying immigrants commit more crime on average then? Is that how you understand where he's coming from? Because this is a claim rooted in lies.

    No, the difference is that by saying "half" and not "all" she allows the freedom to choose which "half" you belong to. She was also apologetic the next day.

    So no, she was still somewhat careless, but she never said "all." What's ironic is that the reason why Trump won is precisely those second half of people - and it wasn't because they were accused of racism, it was simply because Trump was a "change" candidate, and Clinton was a "status quo" candidate. There was more Trump campaigning in those rust belt states. Let us do away with the idea that PC culture lost the election, and not poor campaigning, given that the reason why Trump won was stated explicity in the second half of that speech, but this has nothing to do with Clinton's campaign so please do not shift the goalposts. Clinton had this one quote among a plethora of Trump quotes.

    Oh my lord the amount of one sided belief you have is shocking.

    Regardless I will say he is right about the mexican illegals, there is a huge difference between the amount of mexicans that actually help the country grow and integrate into it and the mexicans that only deal drugs, rape and other crimes, we are bringing a lot of poor qulity citizens and illegals, be they mexican or otherwise, that needs to be resolved.

    And are you serious? regardless if he was raised in the US, he's still a Muslim Extremist, 9/11 had Muslim Extemists, the shooting was because of a Muslim Extemist, not christians not atheists, not jews, How disgustingly unpatriotic some people can be, refugee or not these were committed by muslim extremists.

    I lived with the Muslim refugees you so happily seem to defend (I'm fluent in Arabic), you do not want possibly thousands of them entering the country unvetted, so please stop talking about a subject I know much more about.

  7. He's saying the argument is dishonest. It's implicitly calling you dishonest, but it's also a dishonest argument.

    Oh because it's worse elsewhere doesn't mean we should fix the system here?

    SJWs are made-up and an extremely small part of this left you're talking. The fact that people think SJWs exist and are influencing politics is nonsense. Furthermore, there is at best somewhat less racism than before Obama came in office. He was opposed from day 1 for being black, and people will continue to hate him because he was black, rather than Republican obstructionism that actively made people's lives worse.

    EDIT: You should explain that racism in detail and also explain why, just because it's worse in another country, doesn't mean that other countries should aim to reform in order to be better. I mean, fuck, the economy is shit, but economy is a lot worse in other countries, why fix ours? This line of logic is faulty.

    I think he can reply himself, as I said you don't know me and I don't see in any way how it is dishonest as I simply stated a fact and whether he or you implicitly meant it, I rebuke it and will ask that you refrain from calling me so.

    Yes you do have to fix it but it is not nearly as bad as outlets like CNN make it out to be is my argument, it is not nearly as bad as it was, it is not nearly as bad as other countries, why on earth would people thinking I'm undermining racism towards black people? I never made any such notion, racism in all forms should end.

    I could explain more about that racism in detail and also explain why, but I don't think it is the best place to do so here, if you mention the point again I will though, it would be best if you PM me.

    SJWs are an extremely small part but they are an incredibly loud, violent, obnoxious part and most of all highly influential part, don't try to say otherwise.

    many people oppose Trump because he is white, both black and white people so there is not much of an argument there.

    lol this is where I stopped reading.

    I don't need to know anything about you personally to comment on how offensively dishonest it is to pretend white and black people are just as racist to each other and there isn't s complete imbalance of economic power and likelihood to survive a police encounter.

    Then how easily offended you seem to be, Racism is not limited or more in one race, white people can be racist and black can be just as racist, I didn't in any way imply otherwise, please read up on the amount of single black mothers and compare to other races (white, asian, nigerian) and the number of crimes committed by black people including against other black people then ask why there is an imbalance of economic power and likelihood to survive a police encounter so enough with the victim mentality that non-whites and minorities are victims in everything, be they black, asian or whatever.

    For the record I in no way said anything against black people (my mom is half african) but I can't stand that the only argument people seem to have against me is I'm undermining black people when I no have mentioned so.

  8. long ass post coming up

    Yes, Trump is the one spreading the hate.

    How's he gonna fix this, pray tell? Jim Crow laws? A registry for all blacks and Muslims? Being white or non-white has little to do with willful ignorance about how he ran his campaign.

    People are influenced to do things and enabled. This election was built from the ground up on hate - Hillary Clinton never said shit like "knock the crap out of him" at a heckler, nor did he offer up paying the legal fees. She also didn't build a campaign on fear nor did she actually encourage violence.

    No, Trump did not say explicitly to target people with hate crimes, but his rhetoric - and this is the key word, his rhetoric - was all about spreading fear of a country that "lost its way." Lost its way from what? Slavery, Jim Crow? Not giving a shit about poor people from the 60s onwards? Nixon's campaign advisor saying that he was basically anti-black? Sending jobs overseas for cheaper while the middle class in America suffers, and then lying to them that it'll be alright as long as those immigrants are kept out of this country? There's not a point where this country was ever "great" unless you completely whitewash the history of it.

    Yes, people do shitty things on both sides, but the issue was that his rhetoric puts people on defense about as much as it puts people on offense. You ultimately can't blame Trump due to personal autonomy, but you can't disregard hateful rhetoric as a factor in shit like this happening.

    [citation needed]

    I'm tired of "I'm not white but..." being used as an argument. The difference between asian and black people being racist and white people being racist is that the former's "racism" hasn't actually affected the state of US politics for the entirety of this country for its entire history and the latter's has and will continue to do so. Having that said, hate crimes out of racism are unjustified, and the law agrees with the rest of us that the four black people should be jailed, given how they promptly were.

    And furthermore, you know that the mainstream media didn't respond on police shootings of people like Trayvon Martin right? It was actually called out because the issue went viral on social media. The Freddie Gray riots were covered as a bunch of black people rioting and not because of Baltimore police's history of giving settlements to victims of their rough rides - which is torture from the fuckin system and not from civilians. Arguably much, much worse. And the cops that killed Freddie Gray had no justice at all despite actually fucking killing him. The justice in this case was completely swift, and the perpetrators are in jail. Freddie's killers were found not guilty, and this wasn't the only case.

    [citation needed]

    The actual statistic states that only about 3 refugees have committed crimes in total... since 2001. To assume that a refugee would want to commit a crime here - and by the way, the vetting process for a refugee is significantly longer and more complicated than just getting a visa and immigrating - would immediately turn off a terrorist from entering in as a refugee. The goal of a terrorist is significantly less organized than we think and their job is to get the job done faster and give more of a divide that way, giving people like you fear to actually pretend that bullshit is fact.

    He asked you specifically about breitbart. Don't dodge the point, especially because the rest of your point made zero sense.

    The difference is that these four people have been sentenced to jail, and the white guy is still alive. There are many cases where the black person was killed or harassed, and the white people behind it (often cops but sometimes vigilante like George Zimmerman) had their trial out for days and didn't result in a conviction.

    No they don't. Certain people use different definitions of racism, other people use the more direct "bigoted" definition. The latter is what the alt-right is about, that the white race and white culture is dying (whatever the fuck that means). The people who say that racism against white people doesn't exist believe in a more academic definition that involves a degree of systemic power.

    First point: As you say, Citation needed, if your response is just he said something racist ten years ago or that he said something that offended a woman or he wanted a heckler removed, not really much of an answer, there is not a single elect that has a clean slate, Hillary made fun of Trump supporters, that's not rhetoric or spreading hate though, its only so if a white male is president (sarcasm).

    as for your second comment, I do not know how he might fix it, I never said anything about blacks being murdered and how it wasn't reported, so please don't bring that point up, the US media does a lousy of reporting any sort of hate crime, no argument there as well, its funny how if any one mentions or denounces Black on White hate crime, they immediately feel the need to overshadow it with crimes against black people or try to make me seem as I disregard black people, you wonder why there's a huge racial divide in this country.

    look at 9/11, it only took several muslim extremists to kill a huge number of people and ruin the state of the country for future years, it only took one extremist to commit the gay bar shooting, there needs to be a system for vetting these refugees, regardless of the number of incidents, no matter how minor it is, it needs to be at least considered.

    I don't enjoy going so off topic but look at the last four or so US presidents, the racial divide is staggering and reaching new levels, the US is even more in debt, the amount of hate crime is increasing, I would rather take Trump over someone like Hillary who follows in Obama's lead, so yes in some ways the country has certainly lost its way.

    if you feel the need to discuss this further than please PM me, unless the moderators don't mind.

    Second point: Racism in all forms is bad, whether it is an asian or black person, affected politics or not, so I see no argument there.

    Third point: I honestly missed his question, he replied twice so its hard keeping track of responses, as for breitbart, I personally see no problem with it, I could discuss this further but I would rather not here.

    Fourth point: if it made zero sense then I advise you to look up the many times CNN has been caught fabricating and lying, if you couldn't I would gladly PM you them.

  9. CNN reporting something doesn't make it automatically false, that's how cult members think

    "both sides have bad apples" is a dishonest way to brush over how only one side is taking on the systematic racism the country was founded on.

    I didn't say everything they say its false, I simply take everything they say with a much greater dose of skepticism and doubt than other outlets.

    You neither know me nor know that I have spoken against "actual" attacks made by both parties so please refrain from calling me dishonest, you're not helping your arguments in any way.

    Please enough with the social justice, there is racism in the US but compare it to racism to countries such as china or any other asian country, as an asian myself you wouldn't believe how racist and xenophobic countries like China and Korea are, again not all asians are, that is real racism, not just some SJW playing "find the bigot" on CNN, there is far less white on black racism compared to before, look at Obama who won where the majority was white people, they obviously must be racist too, and there is certainly far more racist countries than the US, people in this country don't know how good they have it.

  10. OK, got back home and found a few things.

    Two articles (from CNN and WGN-TV, not sure if they are reliable or not) say they have been charged for hate crime, despite morons like Don Lemon and Symone Sanders saying it's not hate crime on CNN.

    What also bothers me is that there are articles from publishers like the Independent where they are only focusing on the hashtag being racist for blaming BLM on the attack. I personally don't care if the culprits were BLM members, what really bothers me is the double standards of this subject and how a defenseless person got attack because of his race and political opinions. Also just because the 4 criminals aren't BLM members, doesn't mean they weren't influenced by BLM.

    Why am I not surprised, it is CNN after all, Symone Sanders is a vile, race baiting and terrible person.

    but glad in some way at least they said it was a hate crime.

  11. €: Thatonething, how would you catorize Breitbart? You know, the webside whose former executive chairman is now the Trump's chief strategist? I honestly can't help but shake my head when Trump supporters whine about the oh-so-manipulative mainstream media.


    So... who in this thread do you think didn't know that? Because I did.

    Media is different in each country, German media is different than US media, when a mainstream media outlet uses its own camera men to be fake Hillary supporters, you bet people will not like that and start seeing how manipulative, biased and basically full of shit they are, there are many other reasons why I and a great number of people don't trust outlets like CNN, such as how they attempt cutting off anytime someone brings up the issues with Hillary and her campaign but I already derailed this discussion further than I said.

    as for the second point, I know people know that, that's why I said on another note.

  12. I, a middle-aged (or let's say young-ish) white man, am still convinced that Trump's campain was based on lies, hate, bullying, fear-mongering and chauvinism, and that he is a horrible choice as the leader of any nation. This crime is horrible, but it doesn't change my stance because it is based on Trumps words and behavior (and now that he's starting to use his political power, his actions), not that of his supporters.

    not that it has anything to do with this news, I don't mean to derail this more but I would gladly take Trump over Hillary, she had plans to increase the refugees influx by some sources say up to 500%, the US doesn't need that much more unvetted potential terrorists, not saying they all are but look at what happened in Germany, there are rape cases by the hundreds and with the recent death of the teenager (I can't recall her name at this time), I certainly won't want there to be an increase in potential terrorist attacks in the US more than what you claim is chauvinism or hate.

    There are many other reasons why I support Trump and Not Hillary but I don't want to add more to this discussion out of respect to staying on topic

  13. still do, tbh

    this is really vile, but it doesn't somehow absolve "the other side" from racism, that's pure tribalism. also bet no one would be covering this if the roles were reversed.

    of course there's bad apples on both sides, but if you compare the amount of "actual" cases and I'm not talking about the many many proven false cases where people claimed to be attacked by trump supporters, you know the ones that biased and bought fake media like the Clinton New Network (CNN) so readily reports which lead to even more crimes, I'm talking about cases like these that so easily get disregarded on the mainstream media and do not get labeled as hate crimes or racist, then you would notice which supporters are responsible for spreading more hate, the ones who claim to be loving and tolerant just show how hypocritical they are.

    I'm certain at least the very few rational minded would cover this regardless if the roles were reversed or not, this is just pure hatred and an actual hate crime, it should be reported by every major and independent news outlet, on another note also I'm tired of hearing that only white people can be racist, I'm not white and I can say that white, black, asian people can be racist too.

  14. hope everyone had a nice christmas or a happy hanukkah or whatever it is you celebrated and is looking forward to the new year.

    thought I would try to revive this section a bit with some of my cipher caravan items before I get my comiket 91 items, I didn't have time to show off everything so I'll be showing the rest of my stuff like the playmats sometime later.


    and close ups:




  15. From the discussions I had with Thane on other topics, he criticized some aspects of Fates (story-telling, etc.) but doesn't hate it as whole and recognized its qualities... Y'know, world isn't just black and white, you seem extremely binary in your posts. I completely agree with Thane on this point, it's ridiculous how people complain about every aspect of something they don't like 'cause "it's new" or "it's not exactly the same as the original formula", which makes no sense at all because we'd be getting 14 Black Dragons, and that'd be boring af.

    If Awakening isn't exactly a good Fire Emblem (same could be told about RD in fact), it's not a terrible game either, it has good musics, design and a good replay value.

    I don't see how I'm being binary, I said in my eyes for a reason since it's how I see it, I never attacked him for his opinions or denied that he recognized its qualities, that wasn't my intention at all.

    and I never mentioned Awakening or Radiant Dawn being bad or good and I never mentioned Fates as perfect, so I don't see how that has to do with what I said.

  16. I didn't even know it was a thing to dislike it, but then again, while I understand the criticism against Awakening, some people take it and really go with it and complain about every single aspect of it, making it sound like it was the spawn of the devil that tainted an otherwise perfect franchise.

    Not much different from yourself and fates in my eyes.

  17. You're free to criticize something (as long as you don't break any rules while you post on SF). And everyone else is free to criticize your opinions. One can't exist without the other.

    I am aware of that, I simply was reinstating it to the person above, I don't see why this was directed at me.

    As for your actual opinion, if those options don't directly affect you, what exactly is the problem?

    There is no problem, as I already said before in my previous comments, anyone can not like or criticize a feature, the "it doesn't affect you, it's optional" argument doesn't mean I can't say I don't like a feature whether it's optional, casual oriented or even directed at experienced players, saying I'm an elitist for criticizing any such feature doesn't hold any argument is all, I don't really see why I'm being asked this by a moderator.

  18. I'm sorry, but that really comes across very elitist

    There is nothing elitist about not liking a feature whether it's new or old, I don't see how you can decide what is a "valid complaint" and what isn't, I can criticize and not like something that's aimed for casual players or experienced players without immediately being called an elitist, just like I can criticize and not like a plot or any other game mechanic, as long as I'm not bigoted or hateful towards people I don't see why I'm an elitist, this whole "you can't dislike it if I like it" argument is getting tiresome to see.

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