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The Greil Mercenaries

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks! I would also love some critique on the map as my friend and I are just starting out and are doing this as a side project for fun while in school. I'm going to be the programmer and he's going to be the mapper/spriter (since he's the artist) so I would love some feedback!
  2. My friend and I decided to make our own hack of Fire Emblem 7 since we both love fire emblem and wanted to make our own version of it, but when we inserted our custom map into the game, some textures were off. I've followed Blazer's Ultimate Tutorial and I still don't know what's wrong. Please help? And here's what it should look like: Sorry for the long links and not just images, I'm new to posting.
  3. I knew that, maybe... Anyways what Dr.Sholes said.
  4. Your questions could be answered by going here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=22051
  5. For some reason i see the original Erika instead of the beta fighting sprite. Did i do something wrong? EDIT: Fail i didn't read it right, ignore post ^
  6. hey frag how far are you or you probably finished... but im on the final chapter woot!

  7. you should fix the shop to get the second promotion items because after you finish the map it doesn't let you get it anymore...
  8. well i got them promoted (finally) and im chapter 19 and i am so annoyed at how hard defending is . But for me the hack is good and addicting o.o
  9. (i know this is a nooby question) could we promote the lords by using a promotion item or no? cause i have a lvl 20 aristocrat Ephraim and i want to promote him .
  10. Welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay around here.

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