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Posts posted by Lightcosmo

  1. 1 hour ago, Wasta said:

    Peach’s dancing taunt always pisses me off. 


    I remember fighting a peach back in Smash 4 who spammed the hell out of that taunt. She’d go “lalalalalala!” every single time I died and I kept losing and it made me furious. The ways she sings and dances is insanely mocking and more annoying than any other taunt.

    After a few games, I’m fully pissed off at her, and then she has the nerve to go “Aww, did I wiiiiin?” after the game. THAT’S what set me off. I slammed my controller in frustration and rage quit the game. 

    I don’t understand why they made Peach such a cocky bitch in Smash. She has the most infuriating taunts in the game and she isn’t like that at all in the mario games. 

    I guess you haven't played Mario Strikers Charged, then.

    Anyways, i'd say Zero Suit Samus' "is that all"? Taunt takes it for me. The way she says it sounds so arrogant, which is the idea.

  2. 15 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Yeah; it would be good to see some gen 2 or even gen 3 Galarian Pokémon. It's one reason I've been suggesting a Galarian Whismur/Loudred/Exploud that's a Bagpiper. 

    My other ideas include a Galarian Ariados that has a more tartan colour scheme and the spike on its head becomes an axe-head (it's a reference to Robert the Bruce and a legend about him witnessing a spider weaving a web inspiring him to continue his fight against England). It would be Bug/Fighting.

    I don't mean to imply I dislike the Kanto region of Pokémon, just that, like you said, Pokémon like Ariados could use some care as well. Here's to hoping! 

  3. Give Lucina Dolphin Jump, I guess? I dunno, I never liked the custom moves.

    In all honestly, this sounds all well and good, but I don't think it would be enough to make them different enough. I still think they need to take the melee Marth/Roy route with attack angles. It makes them play a lot different, even though they have the same moveset. Not that I think this is a bad idea at all, it's a decent start I think.

  4. 2 hours ago, Flere210 said:

    People that use fist and kicks are not a category mostly made of anime pretty boys with a down B counter. It's a category that happen to be very samey whit only meta knight really breaking the mold. And then there is the fact that we have few people that use a melee weapon other than the sword despite the options existing. 

    It's my third most disliked category after "character that have been the symbol of a competitor" and "Fire emblem pretty boys whit a sword and a down B counter". Ironically, i actually like playing those, but i just thing we don't need more of them for a while.

    What does being a pretty boy have to do with anything? Mario kicks for his nair… Luigi kicks for his nair… Dr. Mario also does... see where i'm going with this? Countering is a main factor in FE... why wouldn't they have it? People complain because their movesets are too similar...

    Them having the same moveset is irrelevant, in melee/PM, Marth and Roy are different, even with similar attacks, you can't play them like the same character at all. The fact that they can't design a character to be engaging to play is the issue, not whether or not they wield a sword. There are plenty of ways to make them unique, they just aren't smart enough to realise it.


  5. 10 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Check the Serenes page on adjutants. Basically adjutant attack kicks in way less than it should because if you're at C+/B+/A+ support level internally it counts as no support at all, and most supports ultimately max out at B+ or A+ so this is most of what you'll see. I don't think I've seen a single adjutant attack yet on my current run.

    Also while I think the mages are too similar statistically their different spell lists makes them feel quite different in practice.

    Oh, wow I must have been lucky, then.

    The White Magic spell lists aren't that much different, really. It doesn't even apply to mages, it's the whole cast. Bernie and Ashe are similar, Ferdinand and Sylvain, etc, it just makes it boring to me, is all.

  6. I'm starting to replay the Megaman Battle Network series, and I forgot how much I dislike the first one, mostly for the fact that they don't have a run away function. Oh and of course the puzzles are a pain to navigate through. Excited to play 2 and 3 since they are my favorites, though.

  7. 5 hours ago, TomLeggosaurus said:

    I've already worked on ch8, but the rejoin on ch15 is still there for me to see. So I just completely winged it and copied the ch15 event more closely, adding the SVAL and SET_STATE codes in that occur after the REVEAL and it worked???

    Obviously I'm happy I got it working, but any explanation about why it works or what the codes do would be appreciated!

    Which other codes did you use? Glad to hear you got it working.

  8. 7 hours ago, TomLeggosaurus said:

    I haven't seen anything like that in my chapter events so unless it happens in between chapters in some sneaky way I don't think that's it. I've also tried a "character rejoin" code just in case and it doesn't seem to change anything.

    Look at chapter 8, the turn where Ephraims team rejoins, there's a reveal flag to put him back on your team. You have to "remove" his date using the REMU event code, then reveal him in a later event.

  9. 2 hours ago, TomLeggosaurus said:


    Using FE8/FEBuilderGBA

    So I'm pretty sure I fixed this before, but it may have become un-fixed?

    Regardless, in chapter 6 I have just "Eirika" deployed at the start, and another unit rejoins at turn 7. When you open up the unit info menu and scroll through your units the new unit isn't shown up (unless you select him first, then he disappears when you scroll), and if you move "Eirika" first it skips to end phase without letting you use the other unit.

    It's kind of a pre-existing problem that I've been able to avoid until now. I've only been able to have player unit reinforcements if they were joining in that chapter, not units already on the roster, or I would find similar issues.

    Would love to be able to understand why these issues occur and how to fix them in the future, thank you for your time!

    Did you remove them from your party using the REMU event code? I'm guessing your trying to re-add them like Ephraim on ch 15?

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