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Posts posted by Lightcosmo

  1. 7 hours ago, Pengaius said:

    Personally I hate Canto, because it gives Cavalry an even bigger advantage than they already have, I feel it was best handled in the gba games, where it's more of a rescuedrop chain booster. Fe4s Canto is honestly disgusting with how busted it makes cavalry, it doesn't even make sense that you can swap weapons on the fly like that, like you'd have to strap the current weapon into a saddlebag or something and whip out a second weapon, and infantry would just have to sheath their current weapon and draw a new one so they'd have an easy time insta-swapping weapons (yes I know it's a just game logic, but it's still dumb) 

    Canto could be balanced out slightly by only letting you use only half of the remaining movement rounding down and taking up skill slots where applicable. 

    When you think about it, is the idea of carrying five heavy weapons on your person really sensible? Where are they kept, exactly? Echoes system of holding one item actually makes some sense.

    On topic: I'm fine with it, I guess. I suppose it's unbalanced, but this is FE we're talking about here, so... yeah.

  2. 2 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Well that's what my mockup is there for. Granted, Monolith Soft will make it look significantly better.

    I wouldn't want it took take up too much of the screen, either, making it too hard to see what's going on. Considering in handheld mode, the switch's screen is not that big, i'm a bit concerned about how they will address this.

  3. 2 hours ago, Armagon said:

    It'd be the same feeling. At it's core, Blade switching is just accessing a new set of Arts. And in Torna, Blade switching itself counts as an Art so like...

    The pallet has a charm that i like but after the Alrest games, i feel that the pallet doesn't make combat flow as smoothly. But maybe that's because Xenoblade 1 is more dated. I never played X, maybe the pallet is really good there. Who knows.

    Hmm, maybe your right, it would just take some time adjusting to, is all.

    Also, where would the abilty descriptions go?

    The pallete in x is... well, you need a microscope to read the text, which is awful. Other than that, it's essentially the same as the first ones.

  4. 21 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Well Xenoblade 2 and Torna already had eight selections (Three Arts, Special, the Blades and if you're playing Torna, Talent Art) so that's my main reasoning as to why i think it can be done. Obviously, my mockup is rough and has visual errors but Monolith Soft could definitely make it work.

    The method is also just a faster way of selecting Arts than the pallet which is the main reason why i want it. Xenoblade 1 combat just isn't as smooth to me.

    Right, but you use the pad to switch blades, and i'm not sure how I would feel using the pad to activate arts.

    Oh, really? I always liked the pallete, honestly.

  5. On ‎9‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 12:02 AM, Armagon said:

    So i've mentioned before that while i hope they keep the combat the same, i want them to use the streamlined Art selection of the Alrest games. So i did a rough mockup, one with the Art descriptions and one without.




    Other things to note: retreating and issuing commands would work like it does in Alrest. Selecting and healing and whatnot would work the same way it does in Xenoblade 1: press the Art and then select the target.


    I think the idea is good, but with eight arts, it takes up too much of the screen, making it hard to see, also it wouldn't allow the quickest way of scrolling through your arts.

    Anyway, I just played Xenoblade, and when playing I noticed that arts that daze do not fill the party gauge up even though it's an "artful execution" effect. From the games tutorial, this should fill it, I would like them to address this.

  6. 8 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    If I'm approaching you with a short hop and you respond with shield, you're effectively prepared for any of my aerials. You can also dash back than dash back in for a grab as I land if you have good timing. Or you can challenge my aerials with one of your own or a tilt, which may result in a trade. Many options with varying levels of risk and reward. The "right" one really depends on matchups and also on mindgames/conditioning because relying on the same options, even the safest ones, will get you outplayed eventually. But you're downplaying the importance of players' decision making if you think they get punishes largely on accident. Even average players can recognize patterns on the fly and fluke their way to a solution to a problem.

    I never had much issue with the spells once I understood how they worked and the RNG was datamined. Some are pretty great, but also rare. And most are filler or unremarkable. A good player can easily steal a glance at the menu to see if something problematic (like Magic Burst or Snooze) is in play. And that information always shifts how I decide to rush him down or zone him out. Like I said in my first post:


    There's a reason attacks like Flip Jump are hated so much, it's not as simple as "challenge it". It's usually lucky if you can knock her out of it, and that's assuming you react at the proper time. And players use it over and over, and the opponent still can't punish it. Sure you can recognize certain things, but with a lot of characters, their attacks have either too much range or not enough end lag to easily punish, it's a lot more noticeable with the better characters, of course. If Hero is in the magic menu, the other player has more than enough time to get away, since he's just... standing there.

  7. On 9/13/2019 at 8:12 PM, Just a Kuudere said:

    I've been working on a ROM hack of FE8, but can't seem to get a character's face to change direction after moving to the other side of the screen, so that they face toward the center again. I've tried reloading the face in the new location after moving, but that didn't work when I tested it. It worked when I cleared the face and reloaded it, but the brief moment where the face is gone is a bit odd. It there a way to have the face flip direction without erasing it?

    Pretty sure erasing them is the only way, as that's how it's done in game normally. It would be nice, though.

  8. 6 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    That is sort of what I said in my initial post. But with the post you quoted it's...confusing? Nobody performs a neutral air in smash and is surprised to see a side B happen instead because they're playing on a different region of the game.

    What I mean is, how do people react to specific attacks incoming? Say you go for a forward air and I suspect a neutral air, would that be considered luck if I got hit? Low chance to predict that alone punish it. You cant just know what attack is coming 100% of the time, and I think that Heros magic is no different. All I was saying was that I dont think it's a problem, and even if it were, I think Ultimate has much bigger problems.

  9. 8 hours ago, Ced von Lewyn said:

    It does indeed allow for corrections of mistakes without replaying the entire map, but it's not the best system to put in place. I would impose a limited resource. One that saves your game in the middle of a chapter, that can't be repaired, and incentives you not to use it.

    This makes me think of Tear Ring Saga's save staff. Anyway, on topic, I'm okay with the game being the way it is. Some people enjoy being high level and powering through enemies, there is nothing wrong with that. Sure you could also say things like "fliers being to good makes the game no fun". Well, a lot of FE's have things that are "too good", it's not much different, really.

  10. 8 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    I do not know what you are asking.

    Say somebody comes at you with an aerial, how do you know which one? It's luck whether or not you defend against a neutral air or forward aerial, you pick the wrong one, and you could be dead easily, and I don't think Hero's magic is much different. Also he can't move during his, so the opponent can jump out of the way, it's not hard. Most of the reactions to certain things is luck, considering how fast everything is in Ultimate. They aren't different, really, is what I mean.

  11. 11 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    This would work if not for the fact that spells share MP cost. It'd be pretty silly if you saw an 8 MP spell, thought it was Sizz, then zoomed yourself away, giving up stage control. Or you saw the 16 MP Oomph while the other guy is recovering, but you fire off a Snooze instead. Even sillier for the opponent having to guess which is which since they'd respond differently to any of these spells.

    And even if the MP costs were completely unique, the character was designed with both players being able to read the command list. So asking players to have to memorize 20 different MP costs just because they're in the wrong country is very much a language barrier.

    I guess so, but you cant predict what another player will do either way, so how is it different?

  12. 11 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Hero's critical hit smash attacks and instant kill projectiles are dubious, but the only problem with his design I have when it comes to competition is the language barrier. If you're a japanese player and you're coming to EVO, you better have those spell names memorized in English. Because the idea of switching the game language to Japanese on their behalf places their opponent in a disadvantage because now they can't read the choices. 

    The language barrier complaint is still a thing? You can always look at the MP costs, if you know which spell costs what. I personally don't think Hero should be banned at all, as I don't think he's that great of a character, really. I understand that luck takes it's place in most games, so it doesn't bother me at all.

  13. 12 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    The fact that it's Stamina (rather than a normal battle) and that I only have 140HP to play with, and there are three Dr. Mario's spamming pills at me. Also, Final Smashes are garbage in Stamina Mode as they don't kill the enemy like they do normally. So yeah, 0/10, would not take advice from again.

    I wouldn't say his advice is awful, I think the issue lies with your skill as a player. It's not really THAT hard, honestly.

  14. 12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    That I think is the bigger issue. It at first looks like a minigame, but actually you have no control over anything. You take two characters with low affinity and bad gem growth skills (Heroponx7 being ideal), get as close to but not at or over 100% as possible. And then use a high Affinity duo like ReynxDunban to go for Mega Heat, resetting if you don't get it.

    I like not having an actual minigame to deal with, but this isn't ideal either. And, it sorta forces you to never use a certain two characters together.

    Oh, I just meant that it usually takes me half an hour to finish gem crafting, which is far too long. But your right, resetting for the perfect outcome is kind of a pain.


    12 hours ago, Armagon said:

    I'd say Gem Crafting needs to be clarified more. I still don't understand how it actually works.

    This is a good point, actually... I never thought about it, really.

    Another thing, I know this doesn't need mentioning, but hopefully the accuracy reduction on being a lower level than your enemy by 5+ doesn't kill your accuracy. It's a pain, and it takes away from trying to have a fun challenge, some people like to make it a little more difficult.

  15. 6 hours ago, Jedi said:

    Unfortunately I think Shadow missed the one chance he had to get in. Likely would have had to be an echo of Sonic and well that's a dream now. 

    But hey I got Richter and Terry to compensate me at least.

    I don't want to agree but your right, which is too bad. Shadow has plenty of potential for a moveset, excluding his Shadow the Hedgehog appearance, of course, since they obviously wouldn't give him guns.

    I'm also on board with Megaman Zero.

  16. I wouldn't say it matters for the damage as much as for the extra special gauge you gain from sessions. Also, I don't think it's really a "bad" thing, just that some people like more freedom in who they use, I think.

    On ‎9‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 8:01 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

    And, a solution to being able to remove Itsuki, would be adding a Radiant Skill that lets Itsuki Session before the members in the active cast do. From what I recall, Sessions always have to start with somebody not in the sub-cast, though I forget if the third active person also has to Session before the sub-cast does.

    This would be a good fix as well. I think giving the others a little more versatility would help.

  17. 11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
    1. The ability to swap Itsuki into the sub-cast, this is the biggest problem I have with the game as is. Only 3 battle slots, one always occupied by Itsuki

    Wouldn't this require a bit of a rework on the battle system? Itsuki can combo with most characters, and a lot of enemies are weak against swords/thunder. It would make some battles hard, for sure. I do agree with this, though, it's a bit annoying, even if he is the main character, in some battles he does slow you down, and you can't help it.

  18. Just now, Armagon said:

    Well we know for fact that Adam Howden did some work. Whether or not it's with DE is yet to be confirmed but it's likely they will because of the Bionis Shoulder. 

    My tweet was more in reference to the fact that Jenna Coleman is the biggest name out of any of the Xenoblade voice cast. So it's hard to say whether or not she comes back to voice Melia.

    Got it, that's good to hear, then.

    Oh, I didn't know that, wow. I heard they're putting some of the cut content back in, what's that about? Or is it even true?

  19. 1: More enemies to fight. There felt like very few options here. since it was always the same enemy just upgraded for the most part.

    2: More costumes. Well, performers need more outfits, right?

    3: Making the battle system more in depth. I think it's fun the way it is, but it's a bit basic, I guess.

    4: Make moving on the map a bit quicker. It takes kinda long to get from one end of the map to another.

    5: Put more classes in. With different classes means more options, and I like how they're stat focused, like Chrom has an offence based class and a support based one, just expand on that.

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