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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Wait, they're doing voices over? That's both exciting and a bit disappointing. I think they nailed most of them perfectly, everyone felt very fitting for their roles.
  2. After I seen this I was excited to see what more they had on it. Hope they add to the extras post game.
  3. I know how this feels. Anyway, completing the extras in XC2 is very tedious, to be sure. But I'm still on it!
  4. Really? I dont remember this being too difficult. Getting the treasure... that was a pain, indeed. Some of them are well hidden in towns, that's where I missed some.
  5. Ouch... that's pretty bad. But if it happens, then the character ahead deserved it, I think. Oh, I can understand this, people are always salty after losing, what's changed? It's too bad people take it so seriously, though.
  6. Nope, we've talked on previous VG topics! I just don't read much on it and wasn't too sure on how it worked.
  7. Do behind units always get multipliers to catch up in points? If so, that's not really fair, is it?
  8. Awww, I couldn't be upset if that were the case. But that's sad to hear, anyway. It could have been much worse, and it's not that difficult to get everything back in XC2 either way.
  9. It does make battles go by quicker as well, meaning more levels! Honestly leveling is easy if you use the Slime room to do so. Have fun with that run, i'm sure that'll be interesting! Also: I finished XC2 again, and out of all the areas to explore, I realized that Mor Ardain is easily my least favorite. There isn't any beautiful scenery, places to explore, just a lot of bare ground and factory styled buildings. Uraya and Tantal are easily my favorites, the former is gorgeous to look at, and for Tantal, I think they captured the whole "mountain" theme really well. And the exploration in Tantal is fun as well, since it's so big. Tantal's theme is one of my favorites to listen too. Lastly doing extra stuff right now again, yay.
  10. I don't see why not, sure it's nice to have, but in my case, it never got any use, so I wouldn't say it "ruins" anything. It's just nice for players that are starting out, or just aren't that great at strategy, and that's considering i'm one of those who aren't great at FE.
  11. Oh, really? I had it on pretty much everybody. I was level 70 when I completed the game, I think? Using six cost AP moves for three is amazing, for damage and speed. Although I agree status immunities are useful as well, but those only cost 7-10.
  12. Maybe, it just seems like it was set up like that, though. I could agree with alot of this, although I never noticed any framerates drops, but I played the PS4 version, so who knows. As for the bate system, I actually enjoyed it. It was a different idea to me, and working as a team to fight was pretty neat. I do agree the bar charges a little slow. but with half AP equipped, it's not that bad. Also agree that enemies tank a little too much.
  13. Okay, I guess that does sound pretty pointless as far as level caps go. What I mean is, in Torna, Mythra's Lightspeed Flurry is 60% at max, in 2, it's 100% at max, I was curious if this was done on purpose to fit the story more of Addam not being the right driver for her, like Jin says. And I don't think this would be a balance change because Jin's abilities are... totally broken, which would make sense as he's the strongest blade and Mythra acknowledges this. If it is setup on purpose, that's good attention to details. I would argue Jin is better than any 2 Blade that isn't Corvin, and he doesn't count since he's DLC.
  14. Ouch, that's a level cap... i'm not going to try and make. I'm playing Xenoblade 2, Torna, again. Playing through, I appreciate how much more I like the games combat, than Xenoblade 2 originally. I really enjoy the strategies you can use in battle because of the switching mechanic alone. Are Addam and Mythra intentionally bad at working with eachother because he isn't the "right" driver for her? Their synergy just seems so poor compared to Rex/Mythra, maybe it's just me. Or is it because that's showing that in 2, she grows as a character while with Lora and Co, and therefore is a better fighter in 2? I mean this from a gameplay POV, obviously.
  15. I was the same way when I was lost, then I over leveled which made things easy. I've mentioned this before, but I like the simplicity of the battle system. Also I have no idea what the level cap is! I got to like, 108 or so?
  16. This was also after I completed the game, then I started collecting, etc, so it's longer if you count going through the game as well. As someone before mentioned, yeah the guidance is pretty bad at times, but there was only one time I couldn't figure out where to go, so it isn't like, terrible.
  17. I'm sorry, where's the joke, exactly? All I see is you three being downright rude. You sound pretty angry to me. Your last line... ah, you couldn't be farther off, obviously it's you trying to justify your attitude toward me. Sure, the three of you arent upset, let's just look at the latest posts and see what they say. He doesnt agree with you, and you and everyone else make way to big a deal over it. Paragraph 2, my point was saying a miss happens in FE is absurd, it's going to happen, obviously. I was saying you were right on that end, so I'm not sure what your saying, really. I'm not defending anyone, also, again, you think I'm an alt like the others, so you really are ganging up on people, shocking! I'm not, in case you were curious, go look in the FE4 threads where I clearly debate with him about it, or would that be too much? You have fun making fun of people... that's just sad. Here's another follower, what a surprise. Just fuel the fire here, thank you. Coincidence that you all say the same thing? I doubt it. But im not about to sink to your level, thankfully.
  18. As I stated before, I've argued with him before in the FE4 thread, this isn't unknown to me. He's one of the few that says in every FE4 thread: "the maps are large which makes the game terrible" every time the game is brought up, but I certainly didn't use statements like the one bolded, I actually tried to have a reasonable conversation to get my point across, not just throw insults back and forth like kids, what does that accomplish? You aren't going to change his views, obviously, so why get so upset over it? As far as luck goes... this is Fire Emblem, what else can you expect? Getting angry about it is silly, since it's going to happen eventually, and I agree that it doesn't make something terrible, cause gosh, even Sigurd can miss, it certainly doesn't make him awful. But I think there's a better way to prove a point than name-calling. Cognitive bias certainly is a problem here. I don't know much about Fates, and I can say I've missed a fair amount of times in clutch situations too but that's what you get for playing Fire Emblem, really. How does Fates relate to Three Houses, they aren't the same game, and don't have the same mechanics?
  19. I've had discussions with him before, I understand he comes off as aggressive, obviously. But that doesn't mean his opinion doesn't matter. Not everyone is the same, just cause i'm mellow doesn't mean everyone is. A one liner doesn't really tell me why i'm wrong on what I said, though. He disagreed with no reason why, what am I supposed to say? Bolded: Now I agree with this, it's not ideal to be so negative, but that applies to all parties, not just him. I guess what i'm trying to say is, shouldn't people want to have fun discussing it, not want to tear their hair out trying to convince someone else? Discussing Conquest... Personally, I am not a fan of fates, so I never bother. I could throw ideas out, but they don't mean much as I don't particularly care about the game. Also, last time I've played Vanilla Fates... gosh, who knows.
  20. Tell me what this sounds like, because to me, it doesn't sound like your "defending" him at all. He could be right, he could be wrong, I don't care at this point. Being rude doesn't go one way is more on point here, what makes it "right", for those others to say what they do? Because they "know better"? This is clearly an insult, obviously. I don't think there's a reason for this kind of attitude, that's all i'm saying here, I don't care who does it. It's an opinion! Why bother with something like this?
  21. I'm not sure how this was implied: But in this context, it sounds like criticizing someone. Like he's 100% wrong and you had to punctuate that fact. That's what I gathered, anyway.
  22. I get that, I meant stuff like this:
  23. I didn't say it was, just wondering why it's such a huge deal, is all. A lot of people seem to take an opinion very seriously, when it's usually just that. Again, i'm not saying he's right or wrong, since I sure don't know. Just that people should give him a chance before calling him out on trolling and such.
  24. This response is so useful, maybe next time, you might actually contribute something! Don't give me that one-liner like what your saying is justified. What makes you "right" on all accounts anyways? He can believe what he wants, no need to be so rude about it. Also, I never said he was right or wrong, just that believing in something isn't a bad thing. Everybody is like this, it's not really a unique case here. I don't understand why people can hate FE4 so much, but hey, that's their beliefs who am I to stop them?
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