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Posts posted by Lightcosmo

  1. 5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Apparently there are 251 Tyrants in XCX. XC1 has 157 Unique Monsters, with 8 locked to optional quests. XC2 has 85 Unique Monsters, plus the Ardun you can feed. Torna has 20 Unique Monsters.

    So you're actually right, XC2 has about a third of XCX's total, and only about half of XC1's. And can they explain the title change back to "Unique Monster"? Tyrant sounds so much cooler, and still makes the point these are different.


    When I recruited Elma and started filling in her Affinity Chart, I saw one of her lines in it is to the effect of "Wildlife is much smaller here than on Mira". And then I consciously realized that that might be true. Just running through the common monsters types from XCX and mentally comparing them with XC2, there is a size difference. Ignoring even the most gigantic of enemies intended to be fought with Skells only, more ordinary creatures tend to be a bit bigger. If one thought that Grexes and Voliffs were readily comparable, or better Simians with the also ape-like Gogols, then I think one could find evidence of this.

    This is my point, and of course since Xenoblade 1 is only on the Wii, less is expected from it, overall. But since 2 was on the Switch, I kinda expected more overall. Also, the Tyrant fights were much more interesting, to me. That's one of X's strong points, I think.

  2. 7 hours ago, Armagon said:

    X has more exploration-involved things much more than any other Xenoblade game because that was one of the focuses. Not that exploration isn't a focus in other games but it's much more emphasized in Xenoblade X. It's why Xenoblade X is a true open world game whereas other Xenoblade games are open world-lite.

    Xenoblade 1&2's awful jumping does not help at all for exploring places. another thing to mention about exploring Mira, it's much more interesting without a skell, If you ask me. Since with a skell it's more like, i'm just going to X destination like normal games, which takes that accomplishing feeling away from it. It's just too bad that it's on the Wii U, since that slows it down considerably.

  3. 1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

    I do this...but only if I want to give said skill to someone else.

    I dont know what "the best setups" are, so I just wing it. Like, I seen someone mention Legendary Alm being "broken". I'm not one of those that has to have him because he's an amazing unit, which I would consider a "casual" player. That's what I was saying, pretty much.

  4. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    But maybe there aren't as many high/top tier players here as I thought. 😛

    Im one of these, since im for sure not an expert. Which I'm okay with since I play for fun, using units I like rather than "good" ones. I dont really succeed in most challenges because of it, I just go for units I want to get and hope for the best, no "oh I want this unit for X skill" or anything serious.

  5. 13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I did really like those two tunnels in Leftheria, they were beautiful. They were better than all the faux coral the Eryth Sea had scattered over its land to attempt its nautical feeling; but I'm not calling the Eryth Sea bad, it was a quaint brain lake.

    The deep sea aspect was partly thoughts on reality from watching plenty of Planet Earth, and partly remembering the old JRPG Skies of Arcadia. The game has a brief segment where you have to descend to and scan the bottom of sky with radar to find something Minesweeper-style. Think Chapter 7 XC2 if Mikhail had to drop a crane into sand to find Jin, and often to only discover a giant manta ray he'd have to kill instead and then try again. SoA also had the Dark Rift, a giant black hole-like place that was in ways underwater-themed, and in others is a little creepy dark alien void world-themed.


    Underwater battles and locations in XCX2 would be great to me. Mira has a lot of water that amounts to just empty space, underwater environs could fill it in. Looking at the XCX map of Mira:

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    There is enough empty ocean here for another couple regions. Although since Skells move faster than humans on foot and are bigger, the areas could feel smaller than they actually are, which might be to their benefit with so much ocean to fill in.

    One couldn't retroactively add underwater portions to XCX1 though, owing to the Lifehold Core being submerged and for that reason it was undiscoverable until the very end of the game.

    I could see some saying Thermal weapons shouldn't work down there, but like an electric stovetop, really hot things don't require flames. If Skells can operate in space and air, then sea should be no concern.

    I actually really enjoyed exploring in Xenoblade X, there was so much to find and see, and it hardly disappointed me. I agree adding more areas to explore sounds really great, so I support this idea and a water themed area sounds like it could fit. One of the things I enjoyed about exploring besides the gorgeous views, finding the Tyrants. There were so many of them in X that 2 felt like it had so much less in comparison. Also, I don't think 100% logic needs to apply, since it hardly ever does anyways, as far as thermal damage goes, at least.

  6. 10 hours ago, Armagon said:

    I think both are equal in this regard. The Visions were integrated so nicely into Xenoblade 1's combat. The Blades and anything regarding them were integrated so nicely into Xenoblade 2's combat. If you were to swap them around, it wouldn't be as good. Visions in Xenoblade 2 would be an interruption (and yes i know Visions are in 2 but that version is just more of a QTE; a less involved version of Xenoblade 1's Visions) and having Blades in Xenoblade 1 would just mess with the combat completely.

    Yep, that's why I enjoy it's combat system so much, it just has so much impact. I really enjoyed all of the Xenoblade games, combat systems, I just think the first one and Torna are fighting for the top for me.

  7. 5 hours ago, Armagon said:

    This is definitely a valid criticism. However, unlike other JRPGs and even games within the Xeno series, my playstyle in Xenoblade has pretty much been offense is the best defense. That's why my setups are usually geared towards attacking. Even my tanks, i'd give them a more offense role.

    In Xenoblade Chronicles, i never really used Sharla or Melia because the former is mostly just support and she sucks and the latter sucks when the AI controls her. I gave Reyn a more offensive role.

    In Xenoblade Chronicles 2, i used everyone but even when it came to Tora and Morag, who are tanks, i gave them more offensive roles. Even Nia, who's a healer, still had a more offensive role.

    In Torna ~ The Golden Country i.......didn't really change anything because everyone was actually perfect. Torna has my favorite combat in the series (jury's still out on whether Xenoblade X beats it. One day it'll be released from Wii U purgatory.

    But if you're someone who likes to experiment with different playstyles or you prefer support, then Xenoblade Chronicles 2 won't really give you that option. Though i'd argue that it still has more customization than Xenoblade Chronicles.


    I do really enjoy Xenoblade 2's system, I think that the first ones was well thought out in comparison. Like, the whole "vision" system just flowed so well with the storyline that it didn't feel like a forced gimmick. 2 doesnt quite stand out like that to me. 

    Also, the bosses feel much more memorable in the first one.

  8. Gosh, I forgot how I didn't like they handled the art system in Xenoblade 2 in comparison. Another thing I didn't like, why are almost all the arts the same thing with different names? It takes away from the uniqueness of it to me. That aside, made it to Uraya, which is probably my favorite area in the game, it's really gorgeous to look at. Along with the fact that I really like the theme for this area.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Armagon said:
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    There are two theories i've seen regarding Pneuma.

    1. Pneuma is the original form but she was awakened as Mythra due to Addam's subconscious fear of her.
    2. There was no Pneuma. Mythra was the original and Pneuma is the result of there being a second personality, Pyra, and fusing into one as a result of their Driver, Rex, accepting their true power.

    Either way, while the Aegieses don't follow normal Blade rules, they still need a Driver to unlock their "ascended" form. That's why Malos never does, because he rejects Amalthus.



    Sorry to ask so many should-be obvious questions, I guess I don't know the story as well as I thought. Is there any other relations to the Zohar, then? Regarding the Aegises, I mean.


  10. 13 minutes ago, Armagon said:
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    Here's the thing, it's a reference but one that makes a lot of sense in canon. Like, there isn't a reason why Malos can't use Monado Buster.




    Yeah, you're right, but I still want to play as Malos and wreack some havoc. So, Malos power is supposed to compare to Pneuma, right? Do Pneuma and Malos need their drivers to be stronger is that just a normal Blade restriction? I'm not sure since Pyra was weaker without Rex in the cutscene in Uraya. But later on, that doesn't seem to be as relevant?


  11. 53 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:
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    The Monado arts are the expression of the user manipulating ether to impose their will upon reality. The Monado users in XC1 have stronger reality warping because their universe is made of ether. There doesn't seem to be any particular reason for Malos using the same arts as Shulk outside of being a reference. Ascended Pyra/Mythra can manipulate reality too, but she needs to release ether into the air first and she and Rex never use any particular arts.

    Shulk is a Light Blade in XC2, so Alvis would likely be a Light elemental by extension. The Monado being treated as "evil" is due to it being owned by Zanza and not any innate characteristics.


    Oh, if it's simply a reference, that's a tad disappointing, I will admit. Yeah, I remember Shulk is a light blade. I was just curious if there was some significance to Malos using Shulks arts, is all. Since it isn't really explained at all, I wasn't really sure. I'll be honest, I wanted DLC to play as Malos to use his Monado arts, haha. Still hoping, in the future... maybe...


  12. 1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

    I assume you've played Xenoblade 1 and 2 already, so here's a simplified infodump:

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    The Conduit is the Xenoblade equivalent of the Zohar. Pneuma (Mythra/Pyra) and Logos (Malos) are two cores of the Trinity Processor, a computer made up of three AI created to control the Conduit aboard the First Low Orbit Station (created to house the Conduit for study). After his experiment, the Architect modified Logos and Pneuma to process data collected by the Blades (their cores becoming Core Crystals in the process, allowing them to be resonated as Blades). They maintain their connection to the Conduit as Blades, and the Monados/Aegis Swords are the physical representation of their reality warping capabilities (though Mythra initially cannot do so; the "third sword" is the full expression of her power).

    The Monados of Zanza, Meyneth, and Shulk are the expressions of Alvis's reality warping capabilities, the real creator of the XC1 universe who says he originated as the administrative computer of the First Low Orbit Station. Since the administrative computer is presumably the Trinity Processor, Alvis is usually assumed to be Ontos, the missing third core that disappeared into another dimension according to the Architect.

    Basically Malos and Shulk both have Monados because they're both connected to the Conduit, Shulk by proxy through Alvis.



    Yes, i have played every Xeno game but Xenogears. Oh, alrighty, So from what I'm gathering here, is they could all technically use "Monado" arts, pretty much. Does that mean that Malos created the Monado arts or is there a different explanation for that? I was just trying to figure out why Malos and Shulk share arts, for the most part. Striker Edge being "Back Slash", pretty much, the Monado Arts. So is the Monado a light weapon or a dark weapon? A lot of characters in Xenoblade refer to the Monado as "evil" which would make sense why Malos uses those arts. Maybe i'm just looking into it way too much.


  13. 4 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Yeah, i found out the final boss is Lv.100 the hard way. I'm uh, still in the 60s range, close to 70s. It's not like i'm avoiding battles, it's just that i'm not leveling up as fast as i feel like i should. When i beat the Wind Stone that was 15 levels higher than anyone in my party, nobody leveled up. Which is strange. By any chance, is there any equipment that increases EXP gain?

    No, Fei is better. Shion gets close because there's a lot that goes on with her. What i like about Shion is that you see her mental state deteriorate over the course of the trilogy. She starts off as a level-headed woman with small traces of emotional damage in Episode I but by Episode III, she's lost and is essentially controlled by her emotions. She's the way she is in Episode III because she's no longer the emotionally stable person she was in Episode I. Though i will say, she did do something that pissed me off in Episode III, and it's why i don't put her on the same level as Fei.

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    In the finale of Episode III, when she meets Kevin underneath the Michtam Cathedral, she still believes Kevin is on her side and that he will help her........despite Kevin very clearly attacking her friends. Hell, Shion even sides with Kevin during that boss fight. I get that she's emotionally unstable but i think siding with the man who is clearly attacking her friends is out of character.

    I'll be honest, I don't like Kevin. His character just annoys me, not sure why.

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    Given that's a late game spoiler in a plot-heavy game, you should probably spoiler that. He recovered it after he stole the data from Pyra's core crystal. Malos having a Monado in general makes sense when you consider the bigger implications. Hell, Pneuma's sword is a Monado, it's just never called one.

    The Testaments in general were kinda eh. Blue Testament is cool, White Testament got shafted hard (more on him later), Red Testament sucked and Black Testament is honestly one of the worst villains in the series.

    Yeah, Blue testament's comeback was pretty sad, in a good way.

    On White Testament

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    Albedo in Episode I and II is honestly one of the series' best villains so him getting hard shafted in Episode III was a bummer.

    Yeah, a great character ruined, sadly.

    But yeah, while you won't really know the goals of the main villains in Xenogears until the end, it is done well imo. Some of the main villains, you start to get an idea of what their goals are at around the end of Disc 1.

    This is exciting news, looking forward to trying it!


    Gonna ask for clarification on this, since i'm a bit confused by your question.

    I was joking about Xenoblade's battle system since it's pretty buggy, overall. Like having Reyn stand there and do nothing the entire battle, random stuff, really.

    About Xenoblade 2:


    Sorry, I fixed that! Thanks for letting me know, I wasn't sure if I should have tagged it or not. Anyways, I'm not saying it's out of place, it's just, I thought that Pyra/Mythra's core crystal was tied to Xenosaga's Zohar. Isn't it supposed to be? Their Core Crystal is the Zohar, correct? and if so, how does the Monado tie into it all? No, Malo's Monado arts are awesome to look at, and I love the way his voice actor announces them, it sounds so sinister!


  14. 14 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Nah, not really. It took me about 40-ish hours to beat Xenogears so while it's not long for Xenoblade standards, it is about the standard length of a JRPG.

    The most negative thing i can say about some of the characters (specifically talking about the party members) is that they suffer from heavy character irrelevancy syndrome. After their arcs are done, they're kinda just there for the rideHowever, they aren't bad characters at all. And the characters that don't suffer from character irrelevancy syndrome are the best of the cast. Fei, the protagonist, is the best Xeno protagonist (and the best JRPG protagonist imo). Not even a contest. The only other Xeno protag that comes as close to being as good as he is is Shion. And this is coming from someone who has Rex as his favorite Xeno protag.

    The main villains are also fantastic, though i wouldn't rank any over Xenoblade 2's Malos.

    If i remember correctly, i recall you saying you love good romances in games, which is why you were playing through Final Fantasy 8. In that case, you'll definitely love the romance in Xenogears. Fei and Elly's relationship is one of the best romances in gaming. I'd argue it's the best but there's probably some of my Xeno bias leaking in there haha. At any rate, Fei and Elly is my favorite video game romance.

    I apologize if it sounds like i'm overhyping the game. Definitely not my intention. It's just that i get really excited when i talk about Xeno.

    I don't really mind this, since by now, i'm used to it. Playing FE teaches you this. Really, you think that Shion is the best in the series? I liked her in 1 and 2, but in 3 she's just so rude, and all the cutscenes consist of, "Shion, are alright?" It drags that games story down for me, like it's okay to ask if someones okay, but every other scene?


    Malos was indeed a very good character, I liked the way he talked, it added to his character so much. Also, i'm not 100% sure why Malos has the "Monado" in the battle at the cliffs of Morytha.

    I do like Romance in games, thanks for remembering! No, it's alright to openly like a game, that's why you like it! And besides, I would rather have a positive review than a negative one, so go right ahead!

    14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Xenogears is the epitome of a flawed masterpiece in gaming. One can see everywhere it works, and when it starts crumbling, you get a good idea of what was supposed to be there. Which makes where it crumbled all the worse, if only they had more time and resources.

    This is okay for me, I don't mind the imperfections.

    Besides developmental issues hindering the game, it has a few minor other faults to it.:

    • Setting aside the era's now-dated visuals, the gameplay is secondary. 
      • Whereas Xenoblade prioritized a making functional gameplay (though it has received its share of critics, I'm Switzerland on the matter) with a simplified story, Xenogears is story first and foremost, particularly towards the end.

    What do you mean by this< besides the gameplay part obviously.

      • It's a real simple Active Time Battle turn-based system. Takes a little inspiration from fighting games, but not as much as Namco vs. Capcom/SRTOGSEF/PXZ would, nor as the contemporary to XG game called Legend of Legaia did.

    Simple is good, so that's fine.

    • Esoteric jargon is another issue. Particularly later on, you get a lot of fancy terms thrown around, and a lot of lore history to keep in mind. If the game had a glossary to check this over with that unlocked and updated as the game progressed, it wouldn't be so bad. But it doesn't have that.

    Ah, so pretty much like Fire Emblem, then.

    • Translation constipation. I just picked a word that rhymes with translation, there aren't any symptoms of constipation with this game. But, the translation isn't up to modern non-NISA/cheap Switch visual novel standards. Not FFVII bad, but given the complicated plot the game tries to tell, this is a little bit of a detractor. It's to be expected of the era, the mentality of "video games are just for kids so who cares about the plot?" was only partly broken here.

    Poor translation's always make me laugh, so this isn't going to be a problem I don't think.


    The main protagonist, Fei Fong Wong has a lot development. A little complicated, and I can't quite find a single sharp moment when he changed amazingly for good. Shulk, Elma (who is already matured and doesn't get development), Rex, and Lora (who sadly exists only for a tiny DLC prequel), are nothing compared to Fei. 

    I think this is a good sign for me, I like to learn how to character really feels, if that's what you're saying.

    Elly as the heroine is certainly second fiddle to Fei, but she isn't particularly bad or anything. I like her, I think I prefer Mythra in Xeno heroines, although I haven't access to Xenosaga. I do like Elma too, and Lora. But Elma has the issue where I'm uncertain whether she'll retain the center of the stage in XCX2 and if she does, whether her development puts her under the butcher block and forcefeeds me her stuffed small intestines. Although after Lora, I'm more optimistic that might not happen.

    You know, I personally thought Mythra got shafted storyline-wise in 2, which was a little sad. I can say I liked Lora a lot more as a character.

    The rest of the cast has a lot less importance. A fine but distant third wheel, a fourth who grounds the plot for a long while, a character who the idea of matters more than the character themself, and four others. The cast is bloated, and have little reason to exist in the long run, but aren't grating in any way.

    See, Fire Emblem... again.

    Villain-wise, not to say too much, but the game develops an elite group of the highest evils. Each with a very different flavor to them, willing to work together for a common interest, but of radically different goals. Besides these, you get a slew of lesser baddies, and the entire matrix of these is sorta nuanced. You won't know the true aims of anyone until very far into the game, so the game leaves you wondering for most of it.

    To me, this has to be done right. The Testament in Xenosaga 3, for example, their plotline was so confusing to me.

    Stuff bolded since there was quite a bit to go through.

  15. 53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    Knowing that your a fan of Xenosaga and Xenoblade, you should definitely play Xenogears. It has the best story not just out of any Xeno game but the JRPG genre as a whole. Personally, i haven't found a game that tells a better story than Xenogears. But that's just my opinion. Gameplay is a kinda dated, as is the case with most PS1 JRPGs and there's significant less gameplay in Disc 2 because of what i mentioned earlier but it's still enjoyable.

    I don't mind older game's gameplay, so that's not an issue for me at all. I've never looked into it, is it a long game like Xenoblade Chronicles 1-2? Storyline wise, I mean. And are the characters really well done?

  16. 11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    I'll admit, i'm still salty that the reason Disc 2 of Xenogears ended up the way it did was because Square took half the budget so they could fund Final Fantasy instead but It's not that i dislike Square Enix. I'm actually pretty indifferent to them. I do think modern Square Enix isn't that great though but that's a sentiment i've seen echoed a lot. 

    I'll also admit that i just do enjoy poking fun at them.

    But the reference to the failure of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within in Megadimension Neptunia is genuinely great and has nothing to do with my indifference towards Square.

    Hey, i'm not saying SE hasn't made mistakes that they shouldn't have. (Such as butchering KH's combat) Poking at things is fun, sometimes, heck I do it about Smash U all the time, since it gets everybody going. Never played Xenogears, so I can't say about that.

  17. 3 hours ago, Armagon said:

    What i like about S-Sha is the jab they made at Square Enix

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    The whole "failure to make a movie ending in disaster" that caused S-sha and E-sha to merge is 100% a reference to Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, a movie so bad it nearly drove Squaresoft to bankruptcy, which lead to the Squaresoft and Enix merge.


    You really do not like SE at all, huh? Anyways, playing Xenoblade Chronicles again, and just got to Valak Mountain, haven't played in a while so I forgot how much I love this game's story, it's so intense and always keeps me interested, even after 20 playthroughs.

  18. 8 hours ago, Fenreir said:

    some recruitments do not have any sort of direct hint probably because they were meant to be partially secrets(i said partially because in the end it's always all about talking with your current deployed units and see if someone can actually recruit an enemy), however that's always been the case for some units in previous games too.

    as for other FE titles having different results/routes through story chapters based on player choices, it depends.

    yes, there's titles with multiple routes from the GBA era onward, it's just that they didn't had the same depth that Thracia 776 has.

    some titles are more linear than others, but Thracia was probably the very first one that always kept in consideration the survival of both ally/enemy units during the entire game.

    FE5 is still a work in progress for me(just finished chapter 18), but so far i've seen that even keeping enemy units/bosses alive by the end of a chapter will eventually lead you to new chapters and/or give you new units in the process, along with alternative ending conversations.

    to be honest, while there are indeed different results/routes in other titles from the franchise as well, i have not seen the same dedication and love for the details that they've put in Thracia 776 in any other FE title so far. we'll see about Three Houses.

    Yeah, I can say Thracia feels alot more unique, I guess. Again I think Thracia is great, even if it has some strange ideas. That's what makes it Thracia, I think.

  19. 10 hours ago, bløød said:

    Hey guys, it's been some time. Just checking in to let everyone know that the project is not dead (nor complete 😐). I recently got a new job and I've been very busy. However, I still plan to address the issue with some units not making sounds when they move, and will try to see what's up with that Melkaen Coast bug.

    I'm pretty sure there's a patch for this. If not, can't the builder edit this?

  20. 9 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    That depends on your motivations really. If you hang around here for any length of time you'll start noticing that most people here have their own quirks when it comes to collecting units. Some base their summoning on their fondness for a specific character, some for a specific game in the series. Some love building glass cannons, others like to invest in absolute tanks. Some love the seasonal units, some absolutely despise them. Some make it a goal to collect as many different units as they can, some prefer to just focus on a few and heavily merge them, while also giving them rare exclusive skills from other 5-star units.

    With that in mind, the question is whether you've decided for yourself what you want in a unit. As a free-to-play player, orb income means you'll get on average about four 5-star units a month, including duplicates and unwanted off-focus units. As a consequence, you can only really afford to focus on one or two characters per month at best to really target. If you don't have any specific preference for playstyle or character yet, then it may be wise to try to figure that out first before spending any major number of orbs.

    Most players here who've been playing for over two years will likely have approaching 200 unique 5-star units. That's just a natural consequence of randomness. However, realistically, most will only be actively using a fraction of those. Personally, I have maybe around 20 units I use very regularly, and another 30 or so that I use now and then. That means I only really use about a quarter of my 5-star units at all. Not saying that quantity isn't helpful - some have helped me decide on my preferences, some were useful but now obsolete, some could be good but require too much investment to get to that point, etc - but the name of the game is powercreep, so as long as you keep playing and getting new, recent units, you're not going to fall behind.

    I thought this game was more of the "right tool for the job" kind of game. You can't just focus on the same four units all the time, since some maps counter that setup your using.

    Oh I don't mind using units who aren't "great" so that's not a problem for me. I'm just playing for fun, really, I go for units I like for the most part. I'm not sure which units I should focus on, at the moment I've just leveled a lot up during the 5x exp season since it was easy at that time.

  21. 1 hour ago, Fenreir said:

    what i meant was that unless you know wich character is needed to recruit other units, you're bound to miss someone along the way eventually. same goes for specific items and characters if you don't pay attention to conversations and backstories. secret stuff is a whole different story though.

    as for completing objectives, i meant doing stuff like keeping everyone alive, be it current units, NPCs and even enemy bosses. the fact that you need someone to get captured in order to unlock and extra gaiden chapter wasn't my main point.

    that's also another unique thing that Thracia 776 has over the other titles, because depending on your gameplay choices you had different results and eventually alternative conversations by the end of the chapter.

    I guess so, but it doesn't really give you any hints in some cases. Like having Karin recruit the Mage Knight, who I don't remember the name of. There is no hint, no conversation, nothing. They just expect you to have Karin in... unless she's fatigued of course, then you won't be recruiting him.

    I see your point here, but other FE games do have this, i'm pretty sure.

    Isn't RD like this as well? Maybe not to the same degree, but it still sorta has this.

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