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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. I'm actually not sure on that either, sorry! Best guess would be more repointing, though.
  2. Right, you probably have to move some data around for that to work right, then. Not really sure on that one since repointing in FE4 is kinda a pain.
  3. Pretty sure there's an enemy holy blood editor somewhere as well.
  4. Hey, this pretty much describes me! That's okay though, I know i'm pretty bad at FE/strategy as a whole. Also, I know how this feels, but with the opposite, I love completing a challenge that I can't stand.
  5. This is a great way to summarize it. I know that they use a lot of things from Banjo and Kazooie as well, which makes it that much better.
  6. You need to use the nightmare program to use Lamia's FE4 nightmare modules, and open FE4 player weapon editor. From there go to 09-0A and either change the Silver Sword there, or change it in the offset I told you before. Changing it via nightmare is a lot easier, of course.
  7. I generally enjoy SS, it's just a little short for my tastes, I think. I don't think there is anything wrong with the game not being designed around difficulty.
  8. Not that I don't understand being upset, but isn't it a little silly to get upset at somebody for disagreeing with you? Also, you really shouldn't be okay with treating people poorly like it's justified, I mean, don't you want to treat people kindly?
  9. How do you get the materials to upgrade weapons? I know the arena medals, but the other one i'm unsure of.
  10. I seen the Spiral Mountain stage and it's looking great! Glad they used it for Banjo.
  11. Thank you so much, I'm sorry for all the simple questions, again. Also, thanks for the tip about asset/flaws, I never noticed that there either!
  12. How do you get characters off the favorites list? every time I get someone new, it adds them on to it. i'm running out of space.
  13. I know how to change a lot.... that's not one of them though. Sorry.
  14. Ummm, I think theres a way to set it by character id rather than class, not sure though.
  15. What do you mean by this, do you mean what it looks like or what it says?
  16. That's interesting, although it's strange that you have to jump through so many hoops to make another file. I'll have to give this a try!
  17. Going through Xenoblade Chronicles again, just for the great storyline. Every cutscene feels so tense and mysterious in the beginning of the game. Just got to see Xord for the first time. Xenoblade 2 is next, but i'm unsure whether or not I want to delete my save with (almost) all the Blades, and stuff. The grinding was rough, and I hate that you can't have multiple saves like Xenoblade Chronicles.
  18. You know, the "best" doesn't mean much when they are all pretty much awful. Heck, i'd be ashamed to compare to Smash 4 in balance. I can tell you 100% that adding pretty much no landing lag across the board was a terrible idea, where is the decision making now? it's all brain dead, back air or nair approaches and in some cases unescapeable infinites since the DI in U is total crap. there is no creativity. And besides, pretty sure most attacks that were broken in smash 4, stayed that way (yes there are few exceptions). And most characters don't even have to aim attacks, I know, I play Lucina in U, so don't say I don't know. There is no effort in learning the game, it's pickup and win and then there is the small hard to learn cast of characters that gets left behind. I don't recall referring to tiers at all in my posts? All I said was " U's balance is terrible", thank you. Sure player skill is important, but there is a reason characters like Lucina are played so often/win so often. Simply put, the statistics aren't fair, of course they aren't things like dolphin slash are 100% free recoveries, not sure how that's "balanced" at all. then you have characters like Link's recovery... which is pathetic, not that this game is the only guilty one for these things mind you, but they should have fixed stuff like frame one I frames, how stupid was that?. And it shows by which character can actually put some wins on the board. And lets face the fact that the game highly supports rushdown characters simply because the games engine is that way. And does Nintendo understand that fast characters should be weaker? It's not the hardest concept to understand yet, you can look up stats and see it's not even close. Cause with Marth's speed and range, he should probably be a lot weaker to balance it out, yet he's really not at all, not to mention the absurd recovery defense issue, which isn't fair. Also, for the record, I didn't even say I believed in tier lists, since people simply rate characters better cause a good player wins with them. Also, really kind of you too assume i'm terrible at the game, which i'm not, since I've played other people a lot, and a lot of them have said I should compete, which i suppose means your wrong in assuming i'm awful at the game. EDIT: This is a great way to argue your case, by the way. Just state i'm wrong with no facts at all. What's next, gonna say I don't know how to play? Petty argument right here. Yeah, but I enjoyed it for some reason, it's not for everyone, I can agree with that. Sorry, that wasn't directed at you. I meant generally, sorry for that misconception.
  19. Super glad Banjo is in, since i'm a huge fan! Hero's pretty neat as well, since I've got a little experience with Dragon Quest, I can say he's an okay choice. Not on Banjo and Kazooies level for me, but that's okay, i'm happy.
  20. II's combat was pretty good. I dont understand why people dont appreciate 3rd party characters. Well of course it doesnt U's balance is a total disaster.
  21. I really like the games dialogue, for sure. Grunty's rhyme's are pretty humerous overall if you ask me, and things like the quiz are pretty fun to do. also, the games pretty difficult if that's your thing, unlike Mario 64.
  22. Is that all there was? Two characters? Sure, i'm glad Banjo's in but I kinda expected a little more, I guess.
  23. Mmkay, thank you. I noticed that but never did anything with it, so that's my fault for not checking it out. But thank you for letting me know!
  24. Oh wow, thank you, how do I go about that? sorry for the silly/simple questions.
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