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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Okay, fair enough. I didn't mean for that to come off as rude, if it did I apologise. It doesnt seem like they cared too much about the sprites to fix it.
  2. Good luck with this! I personally have bad experiences with this mod, so i'm not too fond of it. But i'll enjoy this playthrough nonetheless.
  3. I suppose another thing that bothers me a bit is that Priestess and Celica still use the same promoted sprites. I would prefer her to be a little more unique, but oh well. This made me laugh because I kinda thought the same thing. But it isn't just this game that has that so I can't hold it against it. Take Smash for example, that game is awful for clipping, and that's on the Switch.
  4. Oh I'm just one of those that prefers to level and watch characters grow, this game doesnt really support that Is all.
  5. Unfortunately, I dont think there is a patch out there yet, sorry. The best you can do Is have a power stat, like Echoes where they're shared pretty much.
  6. Hmmm, okay I'll check that out. I've changed the displayed amount which is in the script files, though. Thanks for taking the time to reply either way.
  7. Maybe to you, but to me it did. So by your logic, it's therefor an awful game that never deserves a chance. Also, you said slow and clunky, which I think it is. Other FE games do have flaws, you just try to justify them by hating FE4's more. Like I said, since I don't like it should be changed, that is what your saying, after all. Is my opinion less valuable then yours?
  8. I would argue this about PoR, does that make it terrible? hardly, it's just not the same as everything else, oh well. Mechanically, the game is fine, it's just not for you, nothing wrong with that. Can't expect to like every FE game out there. Your opinion is just that, no need to be rude to everyone that starts a topic about it. Anyway, as for the topic, I think it would be a good idea, but in the wrong game. Probably best to save that idea if you ask me.
  9. Fire Emblem has always been this way. Unit growths? Certainly not balanced. Prf weapons? Don't see that being fair either. Class caps/growths? Same problem. Skills? Don't get me started on this. And of course things like Move, etc are an issue. Weapon balance isn't really a thing either. Not really fair to judge one when all of them are guilty of this. Sure they can't balance it, that doesn't mean it can't be done right. The system isn't the issue, their balance is.
  10. Well if people want to enjoy the Tellius series, it's kinda hard nowadays. How much of a remake is it? Like pretty much a port with updated graphics, or are they modifying some things because of engine updates? I for one, liked the pictures you got unlocked with Marin, they were cute! Well, some of them anyway. I don't really watch videos so I don't know much right now.
  11. They're getting out of hand cost wise, I mean. I paid 65.00 for a mint RD, which wasn't bad. That's a good reason to remake them I suppose. And I loved the original Link's Awakening so it's more like I have to give this one a shot. I would prefer Oracle of Seasons or Ages, but that won't happen.
  12. Nothing wrong with wishful thinking. It would be nice if they were remade, though, I agree. (I'm glad I have my two copies of both PoR and RD in great condition and mint for the latter) Anyway, for the topic, I would like more Link's Awakening info as well, I am a pretty big Zelda fan, so that's my number one, here.
  13. Oh, sorry! The topic header mentioned HP caps, which ties with that patch, with it you can go to 120, i'm pretty sure? As far as units go, unfortunately, no much you can do there, sorry.
  14. I'm a huge KH fan, and I'm pretty sure after that disappointment, I'm not looking forward to the next game. The gameplay killed KH3 for me. My expectations for FF7 arent as high, so I'm not going to be sorely dissapointed.
  15. Double maximum possible stats version 2 works with the skills patch.
  16. It's in the patches section. Use the search function to find it.
  17. You have an excellent point, which is a bit disappointing no offence of course. I'm not one of those that thinks it will ruin the experience because it's not the "true" FF7, but I honestly enjoyed some of those little skits. How are they going to fill those gaps, then? Like jumping off the dolphin, or recessitating the girl? If they get rid of them, okay. But they are kinda a part of the game.
  18. Okay, thank you. I'm not sure if you have any clue or not, but is there a way to change how many units you need to kill to complete a chapter? Like when Micaiah is in the lead and your killing laguz, you need like 40 or so kills, is there a way to change this?
  19. Well, here's hoping they dont butcher scenes like the cross-dressing one, etc. Or not include them at all, that would be really disappointing. Also, some of the neat mini games and such you play through the game.
  20. I'm one of the FF fans that never liked 7. Hopefully this reignites it for me.
  21. If your talking the original FF XII, this one is so much faster.
  22. I think that it will be handled the wrong way, but could be a good "idea". I would prefer a more minor role for the avatar, story line wise, of course. About them being too nice/well liked? I dont understand why you would want someone to treat someone else poorly, so I prefer the more friendly characters.
  23. I think that's a good way of looking at it, all the characters were the same in the original, huh? Now if only the extra boss fights weren't so tedious, I would be much happier.
  24. This is the only thing I can see as the problem as well. Right, that's a pain to do. The weapons are organized the same way, which is rather disappointing but oh well. Can you add classes and such to chapters by adding them at the end of the file or do I have to organize everything to compensate? As for swapping, yeah keeping the data size the same isn't too hard, either so I can't complain on that end. Thank you for explaining by the way, it helps out a lot.
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