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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Yeah I dont think the shortcut is available until after that point. I just prefer to get all that rare gear at that point. There's a ton of it there, too.
  2. Yeah, things like Masamune doing 20,000 each hit is really nice. Like the cerobbi steppe treasures, or getting the Gendarme, etc. I had to abuse rng to get them, I wouldn't have otherwise.
  3. I've always enjoyed a good run of this game, it never fails to please either. The mechanic changes from IZJS to this one are really nice, since I played IZJS I can say it's more convenient to have two jobs to use and the speed button not lagging the game so hard in towns. Also, switching jobs was not a thing on the PS4, I don't think? If so, that makes the game easier than before, for sure. I don't think either passed the 9999 damage limit in the original, and i'm one of those who shamelessly used the RNG manipulation to get the best items early for fun playthroughs.
  4. I understand the pointers fine, but when I try to give him a 3rd weapon, it locks up. I can replace his iron sword with a silver one just fine, though. The same issue occurs when trying to add another skill to units.
  5. I guess what I mean is, for example, Ike has iron sword and Ettard in his starting inventory, how do you give him a 3rd weapon without the game locking up? I know that Boyd starts with three weapons in his inventory. Also, I didn't know you could increase the file size and it would run. Do you play on an emulator then? I'm not sure if it's at all different.
  6. Is there really a reason to have such a negative/aggressive attitude? Not trying to be mean here, but shouldn't you be happy for someone else's vote that won? They were just stating they're feelings, that's all. No personal attacks no one was trying to force an opinion on you, at least that's what I read out of it. From what I see, they have been very kind, why not repay the favor? They aren't saying you can't have you own opinion, because yes, you are obviously entitled to having one, but there isn't really any reason to come off so rude to them at all. And why do you care who people like? They don't care if you like someone they don't, so it's just their opinion, same as you.
  7. I suppose so. Still, I dont think awful. I wouldn't say that's it's them trying to just punish you for using blade combos, rather trying to make you try something else for a change and not rely so much on easy chain attack wins.
  8. The lvl 130 superboss who's name I can't remember, was actually a nice change of pace in Xenoblade 2. Ophion? That was a pretty simple and straight-forward fight, which I thought was a little disappointing for this all - awesome artifice. I can't say that Xenoblade 2's boss fights really put me on the edge of my seat most of the time. In Torna, I can remember the thing in the desert giving me some problems, but nothing unfair to deal with. But it's a superboss, it's not supposed to be that easy. I can't argue that Xenoblade 1's boss fights aren't annoying to deal with without things like night vision and such, though. As far as Xenoblade X goes, yeah, the grinding was awful. After all, I did it, twice in fact and I didn't enjoy it one bit.
  9. I agree with this issue as well, it might be like that so there is a level expectation of sorts, to let you know that's where you should be. Not that I like it either, it's absurd to punish you for that, really. Does it go for the enemies as well? Hmm I don't remember having that issue in Torna, I thought they were much better done than 2,s original bosses.
  10. I can agree with this, running up and down the slope especially got irritating. It's not really hard, mostly tedious.
  11. To add another of mine, Xenoblade Chronicles, the battle against Zanza was a letdown. Considering he has both monados, I guess I expected a lot more from him, but he felt really lackluster, with all the possibilities that he had there I thought he would have this awesome moveset. I also felt like the battle against Dickson had a lot more impact than the finale.
  12. I have never had good luck with changing inventories of units. Quick question: do you know how to add weapons to an inventory? Every time I try, it freezes when loading said chapter. For this issue, do you have to re insert the dispos files?
  13. Xenosaga iii - E.S Levi - This fight was just awful. A lot of luck based factors the first time around, one shots any team mate not guarding or resisting fire, hard to damage because of his Vajra Armor skill, and overall really agile. I had a tough time beating this one, shout outs to the E.S Dan as well, although not nearly as bad. FF XII Yiazmat - Okay, in the original version, this fight was just horribly slow and boring, repeating the same strategy over and over for a few hours isn't exactly fun to me. KH3 - a lot of the reused boss fight ideas in general I suppose really disappointed me. While fun in other games, they just lacked something here to me.
  14. It's not as useless as you make it out to be, really. You shouldn't really be letting people die in the first place, it's just a backup in the in-case scenario, really. It isn't meant to be used on every battle. Why would they expect you to get a lot of people killed? I agree, but wouldn't put it that way, that sounds a bit harsh. Someone can't just judge something with little experience, it's unfair, obviously. But to be really rude to them, I don't think that's right, either. Not trying to judge or anything, sorry if it comes of like that, but if someone doesn't want to change, they aren't going to. Their loss, really. It's a great game if given a chance, like any other, but oh well. I don't think it's really worth arguing or getting upset over, is it?
  15. For challenges sake probably? It's supposed to have limited use, I'm not sure what else to tell you, other than reviving people shouldn't be so easy to pull off. Also, it's hard to say, maybe you should play the game. Its alot easier to judge things if you actually do.
  16. Well how good should free revives be before it's completely broken? Its fixing your risk, so it's worth it in that regard. And managing gold is not that hard, honestly, and that's coming from a casual player. As far as the player not knowing things goes, what's new? Alot of people dont know how Karel/Harken appear, they expect you to figure some things out on your own. Wanted to get Stefan? Same issue, FE4 is not the only game that does that. How can you argue it has all these flaws when you haven't played it? It's hard to say some things are "issues" when you never have attempted it at all.
  17. It's not quite the same considering you can deploy everybody. I mean, is a unit that isn't deployed useless or pointless? They are supposed to be like that, you shouldn't be rewarded for getting someone killed, that would be what is called a negative. That sounds absurd, really. How good should it be before enough is enough? Some things really should have limits, and that's one of them.
  18. Is it really? I mean, you do get your unit back, with no drawbacks. Also, my counter argument still stands. I think this is right. If it were casual, it would be much more available to the player. But I dont think it's completely invaluable either. It's kinda like, a nice extra, really. Its use also kind of depends on how good you are at the game, if you aren't, like me, expect to use it quite a bit.
  19. Thats the idea, though. It's fine the way it is. It's not exactly hard and it's free, why complain about it? I wouldn't say that's enough to consider them worth it. Going out of your way would be more like, using dark magic in FE 10, isn't that a bit more inconvenient?
  20. I think that's the idea, not to make it so flexible you could just clutch off of it. If you could, why bother actually playing? It's supposed to be more difficult, a lot of SNES games are like that, it's not any different here. I mean you could argue the FE7 "ultimate's" have way worse usability, So this is pretty generous, actually. I mean, what's the point of it if you get it for 1 1/2 chapters?
  21. Well FE4 has unique mechanics to separate it from FE5. Love bonus, lovers, pawn shop, sibling bonus, holy blood.
  22. Gameplay is also mostly SD, though. And even then, what makes the gameplay really stand out? The personal map sprites is good for those who want to know who's who right away. Palletes is a personal opinion, not that it's bad. Right, the game certainly didn't get what it should have, I think.
  23. It's also lacking basics like character palletes, personalised map sprites, multiple attacks for sprites, new mystery reused most graphics so I dont consider that an upgrade.
  24. Yeah, I think the DS really slowed it down. I dont think the DS is a great system, so I might be a bit biased, but if any of the FE's were remade on the DS, I think they would be lacking mechanically. As far as FE4 goes, I think alot of compromises could be made between players. I don't see why not, things change, and can change for the better I think, so why shouldn't FE4 update as well? Sure you could argue it will ruin the original game, but there is no question it has alot of design flaws, all games do. I mean besides just changing the map design, of course.
  25. But isn't the system holding SD back alot? That's the main issue to me, at least.
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