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Posts posted by KaBombz

  1. Surprise, I am not dead! Yet!

    Honestly don't know how much I'll be around, probably not at all, but I did get back into Awakening and Fates portrait splicing. If I was a better artist I'd try to custom some things, but I'm not so I won't.

    Spoiler'd since they're quite large. Pretty proud of these, even if the Kaden base is really obvious.




  2. On 3/11/2017 at 6:12 AM, Glaceo said:


    Wow this map looks really good! Your mountains are really outstanding. There's a couple things I just wanted to point out, though - first , the roads on the very left side of the map are very... square. It kinda clashes with the rest of the map a bit. Other than that, the map looks great, except for the palette. It's a bit blindingly white - mostly in terms of brightness. If you reduced the brightness and upped the contrast, that would probably fix it. Great work, man!

  3. Yeah the orange parts weren't intentional, I just was a bit lazy and haven't created the shadow from the hairline yet. In the meantime (until I've got more motivation for portraits) I've started a little mini-project: making 3DS FE-style map sprites of the GBA-FE style classes. The first two I've got are the Myrmidon and Mercenary, and I think I've gotten a bit better at manipulating these sorts of sprites.


    I've made the sheets (only idle so far) a la Fates-style so that I can replace the heads easily.


  4. I return from the grave with something fairly minor!

    Decided to try creating some unique character sprites, one of which became my new avatar. I'm probably going to make portraits for them fairly soon, too.

    58b5c199b4fd4_Kain1.png.96743312003fa737a3dac01578d7b29e.pngKain-1-Idle-Anim.gif.9a49aa1516074f5fdb0ae62013c7b48d.gifPretty big mercenary edit, and one that I'm really happy with. There is one minor issue, which is that I'm not sure what to do with the jacket during the animation. Right now it just stays still, but I think it would look better if it moved. Not sure how, though.

    58b5c21251e27_Scarm1.png.fbd7df9b4b5f364ac998c6c28a04d5c6.pngAnother big edit, this time to myrmidon. I haven't made an animation for this one yet because I'm not a fan of how this hair turned out. If anyone has any feedback on how to make the has look better, please tell me! I cannot figure this one out.

  5. And now for something completely different!

    I've been on hiatus all summer, due to my first job and other such fun things - but I've returned to sprite again! This time, though, I've been working on something a bit different: Awakening map sprites! I wanted to figure out how to replace sprites in Awakening and add new sprites for characters, to make everyone have unique sprites, a la Fates style. I'm still working on that, but I made these for a personal project in the meanwhile.


    A number of these are fairly simple edits - mainly the first few I did as I was adjusting to work with these sprites: the Mercenary, Fighter, and Soldier. Once I hit the Archer I began to take a few more liberties, such as the (almost unnoticeable) shoulderpad on the Archer. The Myrmidon was a nice big edit, and was inspired by the Tellius myrmidons. It's the last sprite that I'm the most proud of, though. It's an original, defense-oriented sword class that I've dubbed the Squire. The helmet is fully custom, as is the tabard.

    I've also animated all of them, so you can see how they look in motion:


    (Damn it I just noticed that Fighter gif is misaligned)

  6. Hmm... Having some strange issues with this and FE7. I've randomized it, and then used FEditor and nightmare to change Eliwood's portrait and palette - this has had the undesired side-effect of preventing all units but lord-classes from moving on normal terrain. Their MOV values are normal, but they can't walk on ground. Strangely, they can walk on villages? Except that the archer can't, he can only go to the entrance. I figured it might have something to do with the checksum, but I took a look in HxD and couldn't figure out what to do at all. Re-adding the randomizer one does nothing, and placing the randomizer one before the newer one causes the portrait to break the game. Any ideas?


    Portrait works nicely, good hair there ; Mini-mug also works, looks fine ; Eliwood can't move at all


    Lyn!Marcus can move fine though? ; Enemies can't move at all ; Bartre can visit the village though?


    Dorcas can just walk on the village ; Changing the checksum breaks everything, as can plainly be seen


    But everyone can move fine now???

    I think that this might have something to do with the randomized class movement from the randomizer - as it differs from class to class??? But that's weird, because that option was not checked when randomizing this ROM.

  7. That looks...so much better than mine xD I'm a bit jealous now '3' Good job

    Well, I did mostly just reference the original Awakening sprite for this, while yours was a full custom I believe? For mine, the shape of everything I got from the original sprite, I just detailed it with shading and whatnot. The nose and mouth I did as well.

    With the trim, I think it's the actual color that you should try and improve, as they sort of blend in too much. The face looks a lot better!

    So do you think I should change the yellow shade to a darker color, or should I lighten the other yellow?

    Oh yeah, while I'm here, here's this I made for the Battle Sprite contest:


    He's pretty alright, I guess. I'm not too great at battlers, and I'm not sure what I'd change about this sprite. Maybe the sheaths?

  8. Now that you mention it, the lining does look really jagged. Give me a minute and I'll try and fix it up:


    Old one on the left, new one on the right. I think I did a good job with the face, but I don't know how much I improved the trim.

  9. Finished another mug, and this one took me by far the longest. I know others out there have done Hooded Robin before, but I think I did a pretty good job here:


    This mug is semi-custom - I used the original for outlines, but then did the shading and details myself. What do you think?

    Personally, I think I need to re-shade the face, and I think I should make it lighter overall, but add more dark along the top. As it is now, there's a bit of a contrast between the face and the neck area, and I'm not sure how good that looks.

  10. So forget about that last sprite from the splicing contest, I've revised it since then and created the rest of the frames and the minimug for it:


    So what do you guys think? I'm not sure about that shading on the far left bang, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Maybe darken it closer to the hood?

  11. Sorry for the double-post, but


    Quick update, just finished this one - it's for the 139th splicing contest. I've already submitted it as-is, and I have no plans to change it (besides possibly removing the hat) and I wanted to get some feedback on this one, since I really like the design and kind-of want to make her an actual character.

    Speaking of actual characters, here's a WIP splice of another character, Ellen - it's really rough right now (as in only the hair and face are anywhere near different) and I'm a bit stuck on ideas. The shading along the hairline is non-existent, I know. She's supposed to be a mage, and I think I might change the hair color. What do you think, should I change the outfit or keep Fa's? (I was maybe thinking remove the hands and just custom finish the robe)


  12. Thanks! Yeah, the most glaring anatomy issue to me is the beard on Kain's adult sprites, I was thinking about touching that up so it angles better, right now it just juts out. As for the more custom sprites, I totally agree, but I've had some difficulty using hooded sprites, especially Ephidel's, considering he has no mini. The hood in the mini is actually from Denning.

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