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Konrad the Red

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Posts posted by Konrad the Red

  1. 46 minutes ago, Vividerbruxte said:

    Oh ok, now it's clear.
    Maybe in the future I we will change the difficulties descriptions. After the first playtest a lot of people found hard mode too hard, so I preferred to encourage people to start on normal mode.
    Now that difficulty can be toggled every chapter, we might change that. 

    Where are you in the game right now? I think I never sew anyone beat chapters like 9 or 12 first try on hard mode. 

    I'm in chapter 9 so thanks for the warning. Leroy is happily trying out his new Purge tome. I didn't mean to imply I beat all the chapters on the first try. In chapter 2 I got surprised by a fire mage skeleton. In chapter 3 I send the draco knight to clear the left side on his own. In chapter 6 I found out RNGesus doesn't like bad people. And in 8x my entire right side got trampled by the mass of enemies. Twice. So I'll play on, then probably tell you you have to make the game easier.

  2. What I meant is that I, who skill-wise is probably the intended target for normal mode, picked hard mode because I value having a consistent experience  even if it is more difficult. Despite this I am getting the impression that the difficulty I have chosen is balanced for me and am beating chapters on the first try.

    In contrast Coldhands25 and Shrimperor, who both picked the difficulty they thought appropriate for their skill, were disappointed in the game not challenging them enough. Suggesting that they would have had a better experience if they picked a higher difficulty.

    That suggests the description of the difficulties should get adjusted so that new players don't make the same mistake. Atleast based on the sample size of 3 here at Serenes Forest.

  3. 19 hours ago, Vividerbruxte said:

    Thank you for sharing your opinion, did you played it in normal or hard mode?

    Hard. But I might have picked normal if you didn't warn that normal mode wasn't finished yet. I also only had 13 units. I lost the spear infantry and probably missed a recruitment somewhere. With Coldhands25 and now Shrimperor complaining about difficulty maybe hard should be normal and maddening hard mode?

    I also played the map much slower than intended. After a relaxed turn of shopping, my army mostly concentrated on grabbing vulneraries and giving kills to weak units. So my best experience came when the map was already supposed to be over as the armored archer boss moved and with his steel bow forced me to abandon my formation in front of the castle. Maybe something to add to earlier waves?

    I only sent 2 flyers supported by Nolm to the south. I killed the brigand but refrained from visiting the village. The other village had told me I would get a unit and I feared I would get someone unable to fight or retreat. Not sure what I thought I would get there. If I had just grabbed Petunia and flown to the main army I could have ended the map much sooner. For me all the cavs moved to the castle and all the flyers went to the south.

  4. 2 hours ago, Vividerbruxte said:

    Replying to a feedback:
    "Stat-boosters like talisman and dracoshield seem to be non-functional. " I will check later but, remember that every stat booster (that does not boost hp or con) gives a passive boost to the stats by holding it in the inventory.
    This might have tricked you.

    Sorry that's exactly the mistake I made. Only made possible because I stupidly relied on the simplified use item menu. I could have just checked the character's data sheet which displays your example correctly as 6+1 before and a simple 7 after usage.

  5. On 6/8/2020 at 1:17 AM, Deenward said:

     I'd replace the love points system with C-S support conversations that can be activated once per chapter. That way, each potential relationship can be fleshed out while also remaining relevant to what's going on in the story at the time.

    Great way to modernize relationship system while still keeping them on the map and not the hub.

    Regarding problems people have with the maps I think it's not their big size but them being artificially split into parts. Story-wise it often makes no sense why the ruler of a castle should wait till the previous castle falls to make his move. Let all the action take part at the same time, add some enemy reinforcements, counter-attacks and side-objectives and the maps will be over quicker and all 24 units will be busy.

    Of course this will lead to a more strategy focused game-play and some Fire Emblem players will hate it. But it's better for each FE game to be unique.

  6. Don't be an asshole and spoil stuff. Soothsayers exist solely to check love progress and putting units next to each other is the obvious method to improve their connection. If he is not an complete idiot he will figure it out on his own. FE4 is full of ingame tutorials. It's also a very easy game. If he pairs up his units solely on personality seeing how the kids turn out will be even more fun. He can make optimal pairings and trigger all secret events in a second playthrough.

  7. Instead of trying to fix the arena's bugs, wouldn't it be more productive to adress it's fundamental problem: the arena is a horrible, unfun and completly superfluous part of the game.

    the arena:

    - involves no strategy, it's free experience and money so every unit has to do it

    - takes way too much time, you spend half the time having fun conquering a country, half the time watching boring arena matches

    - you can't shorten animations like on the map

    - you fight the same enemies 10-20 times

    This patch gives FE4 a translation able to make it popular in the west but old graphics aside people also regard it as too tedious. And that critisism is correct imo solely because of the arena.

    If possible replace the arena fighting with a free level. Or ideally 1-3 levels, some money and the possibility to get wounded. I'm always amazed people can actually hack snes games given they are just a collection of workarounds to begin with. The civilian rescues provide a free level mechanic so maybe this is possible?

    Edit: Just seen update 6 fixes the arena bug so this post has been adressed. Thanks for the great work.

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