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Posts posted by TadpoleSuperHero

  1. 22 hours ago, henrymidfields said:


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    Oh, another good thing: I actually don't like J-Pop (or the majority of pop music), but I like the majority of the songs in TMS - especially Labyrinth and Reincarnation. I'm starting to wonder if Shoji Meguro had a hand in composing some of the songs - his music pieces can never seem to fail in the Persona games.

    That's interesting! I'm not a fan or non-fan of J-Pop, it's really a song-by-song kind of basis for me, but I really appreciated how TMS went all-in on the aesthetics, not just going "hey look, you like J-Pop, right? Well, our game has J-Pop!" The music and industry are integrated into the story and world, the entire game is suffused with it and that makes it feel like something meaningful, rather than just trying to cash in on pop-culture or fandom. And I like how they used the different elements of Japanese idol industry, not just music but acting, commercials, photo shoots, variety shows, there's a real eclectic mix of things in there that the characters are involved with, and they used their struggles in and desires out of the industry to develop the characters across the story, I really appreciated that attention to detail and that they used the aesthetic, music, and industry to craft a really immersive and creative fictional version of Tokyo. I still just love running around in the different districts and talking to all the weirdos!

    15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Looking at Barry, if you pause the trailer at 0:58, you get a good look at his Carnage Form.

    Or a Basilio Mirage. I could it being see either, though Vaike is a blonde like Barry. And whichever he doesn't get I could see being added as a new boss in some side content.


    Barry either way should be a "Barbarian", the non-Armor Axe "class" of enemy which the heroes didn't have anyone belonging to. Although he is wearing silvery armor, it is much less than Mamori's. And, nobody on the player's side share classes. Itsuki and Yashiro are "Lord" and "Myrmidon" respectively.

    Maiko should be getting her own class, given there isn't a third sword one as is. And Tiki will have a new one too, with a Wyrmcide weakness if enemies get to use that now.


    Some basic deducing of the new playable trio's primary attack attributes:

    • The trailer also makes clear that Barry's weapon attribute will be Axe, and his primary elemental attribute will be physical Force.
    • Tiki will have Fire as a primary elemental attribute in the form of magical Fire.
      • That will be good, since Touma and Yashiro were both physical Fire primaries, unable to learn Bolganone and leaving out of the player's hands; Tiki should be getting that ultimate spell.
    • Maiko we know is Sword for her weapon attribute, but we don't know her elemental and whether she is physical or magical regarding it.
      • Nobody in the base game has two weapon attributes, so we can rule that out for now.
      • Having Sword makes her like Itsuki and Yashiro, so she can't have either's primary elemental attribute or else she is the exact same. Itsuki's primary elemental is magical Elec, and Yashiro's is physical Fire.
        • Since Body and Mind cannot be Session'ed off of barring the addition of new Sessions Skills, if we exclude having the other of magical Fire or magical Elec, then that leaves Maiko with either Ice or Force. 
          • Of these two, given the black dress and change from dark to light blue hair, we can assume Azura as Maiko's Mirage.
            • If we assume Azura, then we can recall Azura can bend water in Fates.
              • As ice and water are the same thing in two different forms and SMT usually only has an Ice element under which watery things are placed, then, it is safe to say Maiko will be Sword+Ice.
                • As for physical or magical ice, Azura canonically would say magical. And it wouldn't be impossible due to redundancy with Kiria, since Touma and Yashiro already overlap as physical Fire.
    • Tiki's second primary attribute is unknown.
      • Dragonstone or Breath or that TMS enemy-only "Bite" as a weapon attribute is unlikely. Because then that would mean inventing new Session Skills to flow from it and assigning the new weakness to enemies. Sounds like too much work. Save ManaTiki to Special Performances and whatnot.
      • Tiki does use a staff in the Bloom Palace, and see she is magical Fire. Kiria uses "Rods" as her Carnages to cast magic, which look similar to staffs. So it is not unfeasible that Tiki's own Carnages will be Staffs and that she will be like Kiria a double primary magical unit.
        • When Touma, Eleonora, Mamori, Yashiro, and what appears to be Barry, are alllllll purely physical, another "mage" like Kiria will be appreciated on the "superficial balance" level. Tiki would fulfill that role.
        • What then will be Tiki's second magical elemental attribute for the sake of Sessions? She already has Fire.
          • I would rule out Force, since Barry is already adding a Force Sessionist. 
          • Since I deduced Maiko will get magical Ice, I can rule that out. Why add two Ice Sessionists?
            • Furthermore, SMT traditionally considers Fire and Ice opposites weak to each other on demons that exude the one or the other. Which gives more reason to doubt Ice on Tiki.
              • Therefore I can assume Tiki will be Magical Fire & Elec.


    I could very well be wrong, and Elec isn't traditionally very draconic in FE. But this is my guess.

    Whoa! Thanks for the analysis. It would be cool to see them pull characters from more than Awakening and Shadow Dragon, bringing in Azura could be a neat way to do that. Whether or not people like her in Fates, each of the Mirages in TMS have interesting changes on their original personalities. Whoever Maiko and Barry's Mirages are, it'll be really neat to see how they both reflect and contrast with their counterparts from their source games. I'm so excited that Maiko, Barry, and Tiki are all going to be playable! And now Sessions are going to be even longer and more ridiculous, which I'm all about. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, henrymidfields said:

    I feel there are a number of good moments about this game. Firstly, the setting was an interesting and unorthodox take on how the two premises interact - I've never seen such interactions of the medieval and modern before.

    Then there are the character interactions and story involvement, which I think actually works better than FE did. Especially, Itsuki seem to actually backs off every once in a while and let Tsubasa and Kiria shine unlike what usually seem to happens with a number of FE Lords in the cutscenes. Instead of how Alm (*1), Ike (*2), Corrin (*3) or Roy (*4) ends up hogging the spotlight, it feels (and probably is intended to be) more like Persona 3-4 where SEES and IT members contribute to the main plot in meaningful ways and major amounts, and how the game unambiguously portrays the very fact that Hamuko/Minako and Yu/Souji need their companions, if they themselves are to ultimately save the day. (Ironic, considering how FE is also supposed to be about strategy and teamwork.)

    Finally, if the series ended up being grimdark like SMT, then I probably wouldn't be anywhere near interested in games from Atlus. I only decided to bother checking Persona 3-5 because of this game, and that led me to check other Atlus games such as Radiant Historia.

    *1 - Hey, wait until Celica's done her turn!
    *2 - Hey, wait until Micaiah's/Elincia's done her turn! Stop hogging the spotlight!
    *3 - OMG! NOO! You failed politics forever!!!
    *4 - Actually, I'll let you off. At least you're not a dumbass in Sun Tzu.

    All my thoughts exactly! I'm very much not a fan of the grimdark, which is why the initial announcement of "SMT x FE" was not even interesting to me, despite my love of Fire Emblem. When the first trailer for Tokyo Mirage Sessions hit, though, I was all aboard the hype train, and I haven't gotten off since. 

    The stuff about character interactions you mentioned are a great point! Itsuki's kind of very bland as a protagonist, but it works out well because everyone gets time to shine and be the focus of the story, and Itsuki plays more of a producer/supervisor role than a "main character" role a lot of the time, which is a neat change from what happens in a lot of games. And it lets the other characters shine even brighter alongside him because he doesn't overwhelm anyone else in personality, he doesn't hog the spotlight, it's great! 

  3. SO HYPE!!!

    I loved the game on Wii U, and now it's getting a brand new song, new costumes, new dungeons, and THREE NEW PLAYABLE CHARACTERS??? This is way too hype to be believed! I really hope people who skipped this either because they didn't have a Wii U or because they thought it looked stupid give it another chance. One of my favorite JRPGs ever, and a fantastic type of "crossover" that's very much its own thing, while just taking ideas and concepts and some characters from the series it draws inspiration from. Gave it tons of freedom to be what it wanted to be without being restricted by its "crossover" status. 

    I was just gearing up to play New Game + on the original, now I'll just wait for the Switch version and play it twice through on there! 

    Seriously, this is one of the most fun turn-based RPGs out there. The battle system is second to none, stunningly fast-paced, and does an amazing job of including your entire party in every battle even though you can only have three active party members at once, through a combination of FF X-style switching (switching party members in combat doesn't cost you your turn) and combo chain Session attacks that even involve characters on the bench. It's flashy, stylish, fast-paced, surprisingly difficult and tactically engaging, and you get to use your entire cast of characters in every fight! It's great! Even if maybe the story doesn't grab you (I LOVE the story and characters, but a lot of people don't) the battle system is not to be missed. And the music is great, too! Also, if you're like me and instantly love any JRPG that lets you unlock and equip various costumes (i.e. the Tales series, recent Pokemon games), then that's another big plus in Tokyo Mirage Session's favor.

  4. I'd like to see a Genealogy remake, maybe bundled together with a Thracia 776 remake, or have both of them launched as separate games but close together, no long waits between.

    But for an actual new FE, not a remake...

    • No more avatar. Not one you create yourself, not a silent protagonist, not a character you name but is a character themselves and drives the story, none of that. The only way I'd be okay with an avatar is if you're basically just a cog in the machine, a soldier who's just there, along for the ride, watching all that happens but not a major part of it. Or something like FE 7's tactician, where you're not a playable unit at all and maybe not even seen, but instead of a tactician being someone who chronicles the events, kind of like the game's narrator in a way. That might be neat. But please, let individual and unique characters drive the plot, not a player-created hero-worshipped idiot, I'm so sick of that. Whether they're a great tactician, or an idiotic royal, or a silent mercenary, every time the avatar character has been subject to obsessive hero-worship and it's so stupid, I'm utterly sick of it. It was bearable in Awakening, terrible in Fates, and terrible again in Three Houses.
    • Lighter character customization. This is really just that I like character classes and abilities to also reflect their character and story, which is why I'd prefer characters to have a set class or a small number of classes they're capable of, rather than full, wide-ranging customization. But I understand that there are some who really like "I can make my characters whatever I want!" and as long as a free-customization system does have a sort of "this is how they would canonically be" or something like that, I'd be okay with that (and Three Houses does have that in a way, it's just a little too free and open for my tastes, feels like diluting the characters). This is probably my least important point and one I'm most okay with others disagreeing with.
    • Complex enemy AI. Especially for harder difficulties! This, I think, is the future of FE in terms of advancing the tactical gameplay. It's not as simple as enemy placement and stats, but also different units follow different patterns and have a variety of responses to the player's gameplay decisions. In fog of war maps (yes, I'd like fog of war to return because it's potential hasn't come close to being realized), the enemy could have patrolling units with a set line of sight, and if they spot you, then on their next turn they'll call for help if they're still alive, but they can only call a certain distance, and different units will respond differently. Some come running to help, others rush back to base to report, etc. Gives you more of a stealth feeling to it, and design it so the enemies also have limited sight-lines. Combine more complex enemy AI with more indicators for the player, like the lines showing who the enemies will attack in Three Houses, and we can see some really intense and interesting battles the likes of which we've never seen in the series.
    • More complex "route choosing." Basically, it's not just choices made in dialogue from a menu, but also choices made in battle influence how the story progresses. Characters on the field that you save, or fail to save, or choose to kill, or choose to spare, or who escape before you can kill them, these can all influence what enemies you'll face later, what allies you'll have later, what alliances your enemies and potential allies will form, and more. If you have more characters involved in the story (see next point), then they have their own ideas of what should be done, and some of your choices might push them away, some of them might even leave if you, say, don't let them be the one to fight the boss (because of a specific character dynamic between them), or you choose to show mercy to a foe they hate, or you fail to save a dear friend or family member of theirs, stuff like that. Not just "here's a multiple-choice menu to clearly decide your story's path," but more gameplay decisions influencing how the story progresses. 
    • Perma-death MATTERS IN THE STORY. This is the biggest, I think, missed potential for FE to date. Perma-death is gameplay only, and at this point it's just gotten to be stale outside of the few who enjoy ironman runs. That's a legitimate way to play and enjoy the game, but it's still leaving out a big potential of perma-death: complex and layered storytelling. Have all of the characters have their purposes in the plot. Don't keep characters in the background just because "well, if they die, then they're gone for good so we can't have them involved later." That's not true. It requires more writers, more planning, and more coordination between writing staff and everyone else, but it absolutely can be done. Having your entire team, or at least multiple characters, actively mourn a character's death after a battle, and not just a story-required death, but any death that happened in gameplay, would be impactful. If you have a hub location like in Three Houses to return to, then the fallen can be buried there, and in a calendar system depending on how far the calendar goes could even mark the anniversary of their death, or there are events for the birthdays of the fallen, a more somber affair to remember them and ensure the dead are not forgotten. And you have different types of conversations later in the game depending on who's alive, not this "story-relevant characters can't ACTUALLY die" because that's so contrived and Intelligent Systems has to have the staff and funding to be able to move beyond that by now. FE isn't niche anymore, and this is a big way they can take advantage of the new funding and resources afforded to them in their recent successes to advance FE to something it's always had the potential for. 
    • If you have multiple routes, let us make major choices later into the story. Don't have the most impactful choice (side with Hoshido or Nohr or neither; choosing your house to teach) happen extremely early in the game. Still have early-game choices, but if there's a big moment of decision and a turning point for the plot, let that be where the major decision happens. In Three Houses, we could have taken longer to choose a House, there's no need to have us be the teacher as early as they did, and even then why not allow us to simply switch sides if we see our House leader going a direction we don't like at the big moment before the time skip? That could be the point where allegiances are either more deeply forged, or broken forever, and could be much more impactful. Of course, this would be even better when the story is written from the ground-up towards that goal, fostering investment over a longer period BEFORE the big moment of decision. I'm personally not as big a fan of choice-driven narratives, but when they're done well they can be really amazing. I don't think Three Houses handles the player choice side of its different routes well at all. That's not saying anything about how the routes themselves are written, just that the way the player decides, and WHEN they make the biggest decision of the game, is very poorly handled and happens far too early with far too little understand of what's at stake. 


    I understand most of my hopes require a much more robust writing staff and more earnest planning on the story side, but that's not something that's impossible or even unreasonable. And with how FE has struggled with writing in many of its entries, especially recent ones (and strangely enough, Three Houses was mostly developed, and written, by Koei Tecmo staff, not Intelligent Systems), now is the time, with a huge surge in popularity and financial success, to invest in stronger, more complex writing that not only tells better stories, but is written in a way only video games can take advantage of. 

    There are lots of little details I could talk about, but things like the weapon triangle, weapon durability, combat arts, gambits and battalions, marriage, children, all of that really often depends on context and execution. All of those things I've been fine with or without depending on the entry and how they're handled, so I really wanted to touch on the things that I think matter most and can really push Fire Emblem as a series to bold new heights. This is one of the best strategy RPG series out there, so focusing on how they can lean into that and make it truly innovate on and advance strategy game design would be really amazing, and I think there's absolutely the potential for it to be done.

  5. 5 hours ago, User name said:

    So with the Nintendo dream goofing up and showing new character renders.

    Iam going to make a claim that white haired evil looking dude with beard is revived Flame emperor, and Flame Emperor himself is Jeralt.

    There is also a Palpatine looking dude with F up eye,and a red head loking manakete chick, who is getting frightened by white haired bearded evil loking dude.

    Whoa that a mouthful!

    Where are these new renders? I haven't heard about them anywhere but here, and I can't find anything no matter what I search for. 

  6. Went in with 200 orbs, hoping for Legendary Lyn since I failed to Summon her the first time. 

    About half the time, didn't even get green as an option. 

    When I did, it was almost always only one. Had three greens once, and two greens once.

    Ended up getting two LA Lillinas, though! That was nice, if not what I wanted. And on one of the times there were no greens or blues I pulled colorless and got another Brave Lyn. 

    But no Legendary Lyn. Time to save up for October when she comes back...

  7. On 7/12/2018 at 7:48 PM, Sunsurge said:

    I don't understand why you wouldn't WANT to merge. Like what's not the appeal of having stronger characters? Who cares if content is beatable or not, how about just having favorites? And moreso, what fun is it, if content is only beatable with CERTAIN base 5 star characters? That's not fun if I have to run a stupid loli team to beat something, when I want to use Robin, Lucina and a rotating base of two others.

    I'm 100% a casual f2p player, but my Robin is still +7. And Soren is +6 and my Boey & Lucina are +4. It just makes me able to use my favorite characters more, what's the issue with that? I don't even care about Arena Assault or whatever. What's wrong with loving a unit and merging for that. My Robin is -Spd and is now 30Spd so he's no longer CONSTANTLY doubled by everything that breathes in his general direction.

    I spend the feathers because who else am I going to put to 5*?? Random characters I have no attachement too? I'd rather upgrade a 4* to 5* and merge for a couple extra stat points. They've made all the difference.


    Same here, I'm a 100% F2Per, and I merge my favorites. I've been playing since launch so I have almost forty five stars by now, so I don't need to worry about variety. And I've used more feathers for upgrading a new character to 5 stars than for merges until recently. Now that I have a ton of 5 stars, and most of the new ones I want come summonable at 5 stars, I don't need to spend feathers on upgrading new characters, so I spend them for merges. I also don't have any reason to have EVERY character 5 star - there are a number of characters I actually actively send home for feathers every time I summon them, rather than ever keep a copy, because I don't like them or know I wont' use them and they don't have skills worth passing on. Some people want a full catalog of 5 stars. I want all of my favorite characters, and for all of my favorites to be the absolute best they can possibly be. So I merge, and I do SI, sometimes in ways that are "wasteful" in terms of meta, but this is how I have the most fun with the game. 

    And like you said, it's no fun at all if certain content is ONLY beatable with specific characters. That's why I work on my favorites, so that I can run the team I want to beat the content I want to beat in a way that's fun for me. It doesn't feel rewarding to me to win even the highest level challenges with teams that I don't like. And ultimately, to me, the appeal of FEH is the characters, not in gameplay or the meta or in min-maxing or "being the best." It's in having the characters I love all in the same game, and being able to use them to their fullest potential. For many, that's only possible with merges.

    (Also, it's just really freaking fun to have a Nino that one-shots almost everything in the game, or a Nephenee that can never take damage from anything other than tomes. You go, girls!)

  8. There are tons of compelling reasons, I think. 

    1. To make your favorites stronger! That's obvious one, alongside getting high Arena Tiers

    2. To allow for more viability to unconventional team compositions. Sometimes you want to make weird teams, but they're not very strong. With merges, they have a better chance of success.

    3. For high-level single-player stuff. The hardest GHBs and LHBs, Blessed Gardens, Squad Assault, Chain Challenge... these can be very tough at the high levels, and given that a lot of them reward you with orbs, new characters, Divine Dew... it's desirable to be able to beat them. Merging makes weak units stronger, and strong units incredible, giving you more options. There's strategy in FEH, of course, but power matters a lot. Merging gives you an edge in more than just the arena. 

    For me, 1 and 2 are the biggest reasons I merge. I want my favorites to be viable, and I want to be able to screw around with weird team comps without losing too much of a competitive edge. And 3 also matters to me - it's not just high-level arena that's difficult, there's a lot of high-level content in Heroes, and a lot of it (particularly OUTSIDE the arena) gives some really great rewards. 

  9. Favorites

    Nino - her damaged artwork, unlike so many others that are for fanservice, makes her look more determined than ever, sort of a "I may be hurt but I'm not giving up!" and I wish more damaged art was like that

    Raven - I REALLY don't like Raven with an axe, but... he rocks it. His art fits his character so well, and he's one of the few "carrying a sword even though I don't use it" artworks that I really like. And him being an axe user actually makes him fit onto more of my teams better, he's one of my most-used characters, so that's not such a bad thing. 

    Least Favorites

    Eliwood - his original art is SO WEAK. It hurts me, because Eliwood is one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise. I don't know how to put my finger on it - his armor looks odd to me, his pose looks off, he just feels... like a weird, fuzzy reflection of his actual self, something that you can tell by looking at it "yeah, that's Eliwood," but at the same time makes you feel like "wait... something... isn't right here." Thankfully, his LA artwork is pretty nice. I'd love to see a new alt for Eliwood that's just on foot with the Rapier (a weapon that surprisingly still isn't in Heroes), with an artist who can better capture his character and his style from his original game.

    Arthur - he just looks dumb to me, which maybe sorta fits (he's dumb, in an endearing way), but I just don't like it. I had fun with Arthur in Fates, but I always send him home for feathers immediately whenever I summon him in Heroes.

    Every Single Fanservice-y Damaged Art - like I said above with Nino, I wish more characters took advantage of the damaged artwork to show determination, desperation, a resolve to stand firm no matter how bad things get, or just, like the art should, show more of who this character is when put under pressure. Instead, they're just "how much of this character's clothes can I rip off, and how 'sexy' of a pose can I give them, without it being out of bounds?" and I don't like that approach at all (also funny side note, swimsuit characters generally have the least amount of clothes-tearing, which clearly shows the objectives and the boundaries for the artists behind most damaged artworks... which actually isn't funny at all). 

  10. On 6/18/2018 at 8:58 PM, thecrimsonflash said:

    at 6:10, no it is not almost certainly tiki, her clothes are completely different, and given the lore established in shadow dragon and awakening, tiki being here  is implausible, her hair is way more messy and curly and significantly longer (tiki's hair when up, only reaches about mid back, this girl's hair seems to hit closer to butt length), which doesn't help the argument, I just think that instantly going to "it may be tiki", is very lazy and ignores the major differences between the two, she looks more like nowi when you factor in her hair as well.


    That was the big thing for me. Every playable Manakete (except for... older Tiki) has been a young girl. To assume this Manakete is "almost certainly" Tiki was a huge leap of logic (there were several made in the analysis, but this one was the big one for me). She doesn't even look like Tiki aside from age. and if IS does make her Tiki again in a different continent and storyline and try to explain why she looks so different I'll scream that's so lame

    I usually love GX's analysis videos, including Derrick's FE ones (I know he doesn't get any help from the rest of the team) so I was really surprised at how much he seemed to drop the ball here. He's clearly excited, so that's nice, but it doesn't seem like he took as much time and care with this one as previous ones? And he got a little too into making leaps of logic and theorizing too far beyond what was actually shown, which goes from analysis to something else entirely. But the Tiki thing... I just don't see how anyone could get that unless they only know about one Manakete girl (which Derrick clearly knows more about, he's clearly played Sacred Stones). 

  11. I don't view it as creepy or sweet, but just painfully tragic. There was probably a sweet and wonderful love between them one time, but with Loptyr in Julius' hands, he's become a monster, and yet Ishtar still loves him and hopes he can be well again somehow. Almost every scene between them in FE4 breaks my heart.

  12. Serra: I love her. She's great! I see people talk a lot about healers based on their ability to fight, I've never used Serra as a fighter, and have her set up so enemies can't counterattack if she does attack them which is nice. But she's a healer. At least the way I have her built, she can warp around to any injured unit anywhere and her healing skills heal tons of HP. Now that Nanna's been added, her utility of removing status ailments makes her very likely for me to use her as much as Serra, but before Nanna, Serra was my go-to healer (the only one I actively used, actually), and I still use her heavily. As a healer, she's top-notch in my book, though the fact that I don't use healers often means she isn't overall totally incredible, when I need a healer, she is the first one I turn to, and she never lets me down. 7.5/10

    Haven't used Lissa so can't comment on her. 

  13. On 4/27/2018 at 7:28 PM, Blackknight18 said:

    I had an idea for a new Hero Banner. Not sure if it goes with this forum exactly but here it is.

    Basically, it is inspired by the Fallen Heroes Banner. This includes 4 characters for the summoning and one for both a potential Grand Hero Battle and Tempest Trial exclusive character. Too many mages though here I will admit. 


    Dark Heroes:

    Julius: Dark Heir (Geneology of the Holy War) Blue Tome User (Weapon: Loptyr)

    Lyon: Possessed Prince (Sacred Stones)(His appearance when the Demon King controls him) Red Tome User (Weapon: Demonic Naglfar)

    Nergal: Quintessence Absorber (Blazing Blade/FE7) Red Tome User Probably (Weapon: Ereshkigal)

    Gunter: Knight of Betrayal (Fates)(What he looks like when you fight him in Revelations) Axe User (Weapon: Devil Axe)

    Dark Heroes GHB: 

    Validar: Grima's Faithful (Awakening) Red Tome User (Weapon: Grima's Truth)

    Dark Heroes Tempest Trials Character:

    Idoun: Dark Shaman (Binding Blade)(What she looks like when wearing her robes) Green Tome User (Weapon: Dragon's Tome)


    Idoun: Dark Dragon (Binding Blade) Blue Breath (Weapon: Dark Breath+)


    Please feel free to tell me what you personally think of my idea. I would love it if they could do this but hey, what are the chances of that happening.


    I'd love to see more banners like this that combine many games in the series together! Not a huge fan of villain characters as playable - I only pulled on the Fallen Heroes banner because Celica wasn't super "evil-ized" so I still liked her design (and I still have never pulled mage Celica, so I was glad I got sword Celica on my free pull). But I would like to see Julius! And from 7, while Nergal is the obvious choice (and certainly not a bad choice, especially if his damaged art shows his uncovered crazy eye), I'd love to see Ephidel or Limstella instead. 

    Some themed multi-game banners in that vein I'd also like to see:

    • Wandering Mages
      • Claude, Hugh, Canas, and Nyx
    • Noble Siblings
      • Conrad (wearing his mask), Ethlin, Altena, Guinivere
    • "Fallen" Heroes
      • A collection of character not playable in the games they appear in
      • Contains: Elbert, Greil (in merc leader axe form, not as Gawain), Marth's father (do we even get a name or appearance for him? Would love to see what they come up with), and Leila

    There are lots of things they could do with banners and I hope IS will be more creative with some, instead of always trying to milk the popular characters. Characters who weren't well-known at all in the west are now super popular in large part BECAUSE of Heroes, like Reinhardt. I'd love to see them throw in characters like that, take a chance and see who can become popular rather than just going off of known quantities. Also, where did the Echoes crew go? They had like two banners close to each other, and since then have practically vanished aside from Celica (that's part of why I put in Conrad above). 

  14. I'm not optimistic about a VC future, even under a new name. They've already shown what they want to do with classic games - a subscription service tied to their online features. If that proves even remotely successful for them, that's how things will remain. If the subscription service works, I think we can safely say goodbye to ever being able to buy digital versions of older Nintendo games on the Switch a la Virtual Console.

    Someone mentioned the importance of game preservation, and I completely agree. It's the big reason I'm not a fan of some of the changes made in the digital age. Games that aren't popular are disappearing. Subscription services have smaller lineups than a digital retro store equivalent has in most cases, and with Nintendo's service launching with only 20 games, and only NES titles at that, when they've had up through the N64 two consoles in a row (Wii and Wii U), really gives me no confidence in this program. The fact that I don't play much online multiplayer games, and that I don't like subscription services for video games, means I'm not touching this.

    If a VIrtual Console equivalent does show up again, I'll be so happy, and frankly, shocked. But I'm glad I have my 3DS and Wii U, and when those eshops get close to shutting down, you can bet I'll be buying a lot of VC titles on there to make sure I have them in the future. 

    Also, the more stuff like this happens to video games, the more thankful I am for people making emulators and ROMs. Yes they're illegal (technically), but that's the only viable way to play some video games now, and I think that list of games only really available through emulation is going to expand, unless something is changed to try and preserve games beyond just the popular ones. (Also thankful that I've kept my GBA and GCN, and that the Wii U and 3DS are backwards compatible)

  15. Catria is SO GREAT. It might be bias since she's one of the few units (along with Nino and Raven) that I've spent serious time building. But her speed gets really high, give her Desperation and she can really rule the skies. Since Iote's Shield is a Sacred Seal, that really helps fliers a lot lately. I have Tana as well, and while she has utility and is great, for me, Catria is one of the best fliers I have in terms of combat ability. She can go toe-to-toe with a lot of enemies and come out on top. Give her some support from Marth, PA Azura, and Flier buffs and she can tear through enemies. I love her. She's great. I wish more people used her (and I wish I could summon more extras so she could be a +10 for me). One of my favorite Heroes I have, and one of my standbys. 8/10

    Est: Haven't built her, surprised to see her get so much love from those above. I just don't like her art, she looks younger than she does in the games she's from (especially her recent appearance in Shadows of Valentia), and she doesn't have any built-in skills of interest, so I don't care to build her. Nice to see she can be great, though. No rating for her from me since I really can't. 

  16. 19 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    Glad you're trying it out again! A lot of people get intimidated by FE4 because of the map size. I don't blame them, and it can get more tedious than fun at times. That being said, I do find the experience rewarding and I do like the overarching themes, motifs, and such in the story. I also liked the secret ending as well.

    I know it wasn't the map size, I love that and that got me very excited the first time I started playing. I think I dropped it because I was being silly and playing too many games at once - I dropped a lot of games then, it's only lately that I've been focusing in on 2-3 games at a time and making sure I finish one before starting another. 

    Though I will say the map size could be used better, there's a little too much downtime for my tastes, but overall I'm very much enjoying the game. The overall gameplay systems are fantastic (even if there are a few things I miss from later games), and it's just like you said: the themes and motifs are fantastic, and the experience is a very rewarding one with every single bit of progression I make. I also love all the little subtext you get - even though the game was held back by I'm sure a combination of time and hardware, they made the most of every line of dialogue, and there are a lot of subtle things thrown in there that really add substance to the brief interactions. Ares and Lene's interactions in 7 are great, and Arthur finding and saving Tinny was wonderful. There's lot of stuff from Gen 1, too, and I'd heard people say that Gen 2 was more "basic" than Gen 1, but I'm not feeling that so far. There's a real sense of melancholy and desperation, nearly everyone has lost something precious to them that they can't get back and it adds a lot to the characterization and the feeling that this isn't just another "underdog Lord and his scrappy army overthrow an evil Empire" story (though I do enjoy those). 

    There's a secret ending??? I need to find out how to get it and keep that in mind as I play through, I don't want to miss that!

  17. 4 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

    YESSSS. LENE! My favorite character in the series probably.

    I'm so happy guys, I thought she'd never make it in. IS redeemed themselves from not giving her any Final Chapter conversations by putting her in Heroes before a lot of others.

    I'm finally happy that we have a dancer that isn't some Azura alt.

    Sad at the people saying they're skipping this banner. These are some of my favorite characters. Oh well.

    EDIT: @SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre that's sort of the point of her design? Lene was canonically sexualized because she was a dancer. She's supposed to inspire that instinct in Ares, and accidentally with Bramsel. It's part of the Darna plot point. Sorry if you already knew that and I am just being dense.

    Many skipping the banner I've seen say it's because they haven't played Genealogy, which is a really sad reason in my mind. There are FE games I haven't played, but characters from them have become favorites of mine just from Heroes. Heck, it's because of Reinhardt and Olwen that I said "Okay, now I NEED to play Thracia," and getting the banner with Leif sealed that for me. It's because of Sigurd and Seliph's great designs and Ayra's total beastliness in Heroes that I started playing Genealogy after dropping it a few years ago early on for reasons I still don't remember, and I'm so glad because Genealogy of the Holy War is AMAZING and I'm really looking forward to beating it. 

    Heck, some characters that I slept on in games I love have become favorites of mine in Heroes and made me want to give them a second look in their source material. Draug is fantastic in Heroes (though his art doesn't help matters in SD, poor guy, at least he finally got to be a looker in Heroes). Heck, some of these great Fates characters remind me that I didn't dislike Fates because of the characters, but because of the main story, so I'm glad they've gotten time to shine in Heroes. 

    I'm definitely not skipping this banner. I'm on Chapter 7 of Genealogy so Ares and Lene just showed up and I already love them, this banner coming out got me very excited because of that. 

    Basically, I hope more people will pull on banners with characters from games they haven't played. They just might find themselves more motivated to dig into those games, and find new favorites that they would have slept on otherwise :)

  18. 8 hours ago, daisy jane said:


    thanks very much!! :) 

    i am hoping beyond hope i can get a PoR cheap. like i mentioned I can get a Radian Dawn for 100, but PoR, is way too costly for me right now.  and I really hate supporting the scalpers. :) I'll try out all of those games though :)

    i will not lie. Permadeath scares the snot out of me. I have visions of getting to like chapter two and everyone's already dead. lolol



    Yeah personally I lucked out, having bought PoR upon release and held onto it. I just finished another playthrough recently, it's a great game!

    Permadeath can be rather scary, and I'm not sure how to sell it well when I'm used to it. It can be frustrating more than anything (since I'll reset if someone dies, meaning any death is basically a Game Over). If you keep it in mind and play more cautiously than you're used to, you'll adjust to it and probably find that battles can be even more intense and nerve-wracking because of the stakes, which can be both extremely fun... and extremely stressful lol. 

    There are people who play and beat these games without resetting over deaths, so it's possible (that's part of why you get new recruits fairly often), but... it's not advised. 

    Hope you can find a cheap version of PoR! And good luck with the journey :)

  19. 3 hours ago, daisy jane said:

    I beat Echoes (early this morning, I just could not put this one down), after basically doing an entire Fire Emblem-athon (I went with Awakening, right into Fates, did all three paths, and then i feel it was just last week, started Echoes). I know there is the Thabes Act Six thing to do (I am not sure if I am going to do it with my motley crew. I think i could handle it to be fair, but I did the whole "Not grind, promote right away" route, not thinking about the end game.  

    I think out of the 3 series, this one was my favourite, I really liked the story and a huge chunk of the characters and I feel this one really made me think in what I wanted to do. I usually play normal casual mode and and while it was challenging (for me, due to my play style aka: kill or be killed lol) i tried to be really mindful of my actions. It was so fun. 

    I'm just wondering where do i go from here?
    like I am actually wondering if i want to replay Echoes right away again, and try really grinding everyone (but that's so soon).  I was contemplating Awakening (but again, i mean i just finished it in January, but i didn't work on getting any children etc). do i spend the money and try doing Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn and deal with permadeath?  Play Shadow Dragon?

    Suggestions would be great :) 


    If you have a Wii U or New 3DS, then you can get the GBA games for cheap, which is a fantastic way to play them! I would personally go FE 7 and then Sacred Stones, but you can play them in reverse order, or only play one. They aren't connected, and both have very different approaches to gameplay (7 is chapter-by-chapter, while SS has a world map and nonlinearity/grinding, 7 has linear class promotion while 8 has options like Awakening and Fates), but both have excellent stories, characters, and map design. They're the most "bite-sized" games in the series except for maybe FE 1 and 3, they have relatively small maps but it works really well and they're designed around that. Possibly some of the easiest games in the series on their normal difficulty levels, but very fun and engaging with wonderful characters.

    You could also pick up Shadow Dragon, it's a great remake of the first Fire Emblem game. It can feel a bit dated and slow at times, but overall it's a really great time. It's also just fantastic to get Marth's story told in a way they just couldn't on the NES and SNES. Characterization is mostly thin compared to other FE titles, but it has a variety of units to use and tactically, it's very engaging and enjoyable. It's a great game to get some appreciation for FE's past after playing the more modern titles. 

    If you decide to go into the Radiant games, START WITH PATH OF RADIANCE. DO NOT PLAY RADIANT DAWN FIRST. They are absolutely designed as a duology, so you need to play them in order. They are both absolutely worth playing, incredibly engaging, a truly epic sweeping tale (especially if you play both games), and feel the closest in tone and design to the early Fire Emblem games (particulary 4 and 5) without feeling dated at all. 

    Basically... you can't go wrong with any of the localized titles left to play :) They're all excellent and enjoyable games that do the series justice. And if you feel like emulating and hunting down English translations, I know that FE 4 is marvelously excellent, and 6 basically falls in line with everything I said above about the GBA games, particularly 7. I can't speak on 5 since I haven't played it, but I'm really looking forward to giving it a shot once I beat 4. 4 and 5 are definitely the most different games in the series, outside of maybe 2, but since you've played 2's remake in Shadows of Valentia, you can handle the weird. 

    Honestly, playing all 3 3DS games has you perfectly well-prepared to take on any game in the series. You've got the linear, the nonlinear, and the weird, and multiple styles of progression and gameplay systems. You can handle anything from here. I hope you enjoy taking on the rest of the series :)

    tl;dr = If you can play the GBA games, start with those OR Shadow Dragon. After those three, take on Path of Radiance, then Radiant Dawn, and finally consider if you want to emulate and hunt down translations and guides for the remaining games. Good luck!

  20. Don't have Minerva so can't rate, but dang I like her and really hope to pull her someday soon.

    Merric: I don't have a 5 star yet (but three 4 stars and a 3 star, so one day I have at least the potential of building him up), but his kit is kind of neat? Dark Excalibur is cool, but stat-wise he heavily relies on buffs. Put him with Marth and PA Azura and he could do some good, but why bother when you have better green mages available like Nino (especially Nino)? If you see fliers without Iote's Shield and with high defense but low res, then send Merric their way, but that's highly situational. I like the character, but gameplay-wise he strikes me as pretty bland. 4/10

  21. 7 hours ago, Nanima said:

    This map is frustrating as hell and hearing people say it's easy just makes me feel even worse about it. 

    My thoughts on almost every Infernal level challenge map in the game lol. I keep hearing about how easy each new GHB, BHB, and Legendary Battle is even on the highest difficulty, and I die a little bit inside every time.

  22. 1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

    This is my most loathed word these days. It's been shown time and time again that at the current rate, there will be a lot of characters that aren't in FE Heroes for a very long time, if ever. Adding more and more alts is making people who like less popular characters feel like there is no hope for their favourite to ever be added. 

    I'm not saying don't enjoy the character, and heck, I hope you get her quickly, but this whole notion of 'everyone will get in' is ridiculous.

    Pretty much the only chance many characters have now is if they expand the pools or do a mass addition of some kind. 

    Maybe that's a fair attitude to have. I hope you're wrong, because it would be really sad if they slowed down the additions of actual new character to a drip feed. 

    I may also just be way too agreeable and content in my personality. I have fun, I enjoy things, and I tend not to get angry over much. I do see some fair and reasonable arguments by the ones who are more negative towards Heroes, so I'm not saying that it's all sunshine and roses. But so far at least, my own patience has paid off, but I'll have to see what this year holds for Heroes. I've been pretty happy so far. 

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