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Everything posted by Tuvy2

  1. I think of staying true as keeping the same mechanics and gameplay. Valentia stayed true to the core gameplay of the game and added more. I guess I misinterpreted what he said, because I thought he was saying that IS should not keep the same core gameplay and mechanics which I thought was ridiculous. I merely ment that they should overall keep the game the way it is while polishing the weaker points or fixing them, sorry.
  2. And they should remake Thracia, but I don't know how they would do it.. (Sorry for the double post)
  3. Staying true to the source material is the whole point of a remake, if they don't do that it would be worse.
  4. So everything after ch.2 is vanilla? Are the characters still vanilla or is it just the maps?
  5. I'm going to copy what Slumber did. FE1/3/11/12: Castor/Warren, Sheena FE2/15: Jesse, Genny FE4: Finn, Fee FE5: Hicks, Machua FE6: Lot/Geese, Elen/Dorothy FE7: Lowen/Geitz, Fiora FE8: Gerik, Tethys FE9: Rhys/Gatrie, Tanith FE10: Makalov/Kyza, Vika
  6. I was wondering if anyone could help me by creating the gwyllgi animation with only one head. This would be used in a hack I want to make feturing a dog/wolf people tribe, as well as fixing the mauthe doog to make it look more lika a wolf, same thing with the gwyllgi as well as fixing the tail.
  7. I think that Ike are Lucina are the worst main characters, mainly because neither are fun or interesting to read about giving me little to no reason to like them. I also dislike Ike because when I played PoR his best stat other than HP was a 17 in luck, with 14 Str and 13 Spd. (Not promoted) I think that's just RD's dumb story, shoving Ike and Yune into the spotlight. (Because Ike) I also think the whole branded thing is just plain stupid and overcomplicated with tons of plot holes. Gameplay wise this game is just bad, jumping all over the place and giving you mostlly OP prepromotes from the previous game.
  8. One way you could get better is make some color change more obvious and mixing proper colors with each other, don't mix light colors with dark ones it just looks akward.
  9. I killed Florina on my first playthrough, I also tried to give matthew an armorslayer when his weapon rank wasn't high enough (I didn't know what weapon ranks were so I thought that the game was buggy and I stopped playing for a few weeks)
  10. I would say Vaike, but due to me loving Vaike and Sully I usually resort to the Stahlster
  11. Every other poll I've seen shows FE 4 as the most popular, mostly because of how good the story is. Though, now that I think about it, PoR is loved by a lot of people, I don't really get why though.
  12. Huh, PoR is the overall most liked FE game. I would of thought it would FE4.
  13. I would like to now whose classes are changed as well as what classes they are changed into. (Also you're very professional about this)
  14. Eventually you come to a path choice, either getting Echidna and Lalum, or Elphin and Bartre. I think Elphin is better than Lalum, but Echidna is definitely better that Bartre. (Also Oujay is a pretty neat unit)
  15. 1. They're usable, especially Lot. 2. Wend can also be used, but she does slow you down quite a bit, like the rest of the knights. 3. Sophia isn't very good. 4.He has a portrait so he should be able to find quickly. 5. I suggest Elen, she's also very good.
  16. All cavalier units are usable, when I played the game I used Alan, Lance, Noah, and Treck. Those are all units you should awtch for, especially Alan, and Lance. If you like archers Dorothy is also pretty good, as well as Shin.
  17. I know he's canonically not that old, but I always saw him as an old man. He's not actually a grandpa in any sense of the word, so really it's more of a "team older man"
  18. Prologue 5/5 Because Eirika hates me. Chapter 1 8/13 Eirika still hates me. Chapter 2 6/19 Better. Chapter 3 9/28 Oof, this one sucked to deal with. (Due to me being stupid and not drafting an early game unit.)
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