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Posts posted by ryozine

  1. When you say "same File chain", does that mean you can only use the NG+ features/bonuses by overwriting a previous save file? 

    Eg. If I did a Black Eagles run first, and then started a Blue Lions run in a second save slot while keeping my original save file, I couldn't use NG+ for that second slot? 

    (I don't have the game myself so I'm not really sure how any of the save file mechanics work! Sorry for the noob questions!) 

  2. It's probably far too early yet to get an answer for this, but I was wondering if there's any particular order the routes should be played in to get the most out of the story? ☺️


    Additionally (spoiler for New Game Plus),

    I just found out that apparently after you have unlocked New Game Plus, you can choose whether your characters have their pre- or post-timeskip look. Does that mean you can basically revert the timeskip look if you prefer their initial design?


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