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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. My headcannon is that Leif actually becomes a Master Knight in FE4, because he's representing his whole army from FE5, except for Finn and Nanna. So story wise, I'd say i'd rather having Cyas appears as an NPC, maybe helping you in some way in the final chpater with green units (along with Arion's army, why not?). Gameplay wise, since Beowulf is some kind of bonus character, why not break the FE4 logic that all childrens are tied to their mothers and have Fergus appear as the son of Beowulf. It won't be a rumor in the ending of Thracia anymore then but I think it could be interresting. Of course, like the women of the first gen, Beowulf can't die or else you can't have Fergus in second gen and he they could even create a new substitute for him then. As for FE5, I'd say, story Wise, it would be funny to have Shannan next to Shannam. Also having Larcei and Ulster, the astra twins next to Mareeta and Galzus would have the same effect as having all these mercenaries on Celica's route in echoes.
  2. I think they won't change the maps that much. Gaiden had obvious flaws with this too. Except for some stupid moments like having to backtrack with your whole army in chapter 2, 3 and 4 or crossing the whole yied desert in chapter 5, the huge maps is a feature I love and breaking the game into smaller chapters would change the core gameplay. Also about the pawn shop and trading, changing it would need a lot of changes about some items. For example rings should become consumable items like in fe5 to prevent stupid abuses. Paragon ring should become Paragon manual as in fe5. I'm not very fo d of this idea since it would remove some uniqueness from the game. But i just had an idea: Why not make a compromise and add some kind of merlinus to this game ? Some kind of wagon or tent being a unit you can move freely? It wouldn't be able to fight but its only purpose would be to have a mobile pawn shop so that you still would not be able to abuse uses of op item such as paragon ring but you could visit it directly on the battlefield and not require to teleport to a castle to use it. Also i agree with the ability to buy items you can't use would make sense. I'm in a playthrough right now and pairing dew and aideen sucks because you can't give any bow to lester because dew can't buy one. In the meantime, Fin could give a silver blade to delmud just because he gave the final blow to chagall in chapter 3. That doesn't make sense and I don't see what abuse it prevents compared to the pawn shop.
  3. It's uncertain. The DS remakes changed a lot of stuff which were too much outdated by today standards while Shadow of Valentia seems to try to be close to it's source material. I think they will keep some things the same like the big maps, the basic weapon triangle (not the one from fates), the "trading system" and the personal money pool which goes with it. However, I think they will add a support system resembling Fates and Awakening which would not be a bad thing. I just hope they would keep things like the slow love growth for some couples and that they will not add the pair up system (this may ruin the balance of the game which is already not really great). Waht i'd like is that they modernise FE4 with some of the modern FE conventions without changing it to make it look like another Awakening/Fates. Seeing how they are making Shadow Valentia is giving me hope about this.
  4. Wasn't it mentionned somewhere on Project Naga's website that the goal was to make a new patch for FE5 as well? Just forghet what I said if I'm wrong...
  5. Yeah FE4's chapter 8 and FE5's chapters 21 till the end of the game is the part of the plot that is most inconsistent. But it is still possible to somewhat play them side by side pretending Leif, Nanna and Finn are not in your army in FE4. Technically, even in FE5 Conote is conquered before Manster. Remember at the end of the game? August or Delmud (can't remember who) announces to Leif that Seliph's army is on its way to Manster to help Leif finish the job. Then Leif talks about Seliph being able to break through Conote walls in only one day. So Seliph probably took Conote while Leif wasn't finished with Berdo in Manster. Also, Ced defending an already conquered Manster from Thracian dragon/wyvern riders is also a part of FE5 in chapter 23. In FE4, it happens right after Conote is captured. That is why, earlier, i said you could play either FE4 chapter 8 up to Conote conquest or FE5 chapters 21, 22 and 23. Maybe playing FE5 21 and 22 first then conquering Conote in FE4 and then Finish Thracia 776 would be a better order in the end.
  6. Well playing them separately is obviously the best thing to do, these two games, while strongly related have some plot inconsistencies so you can't tie them perfectly. Still, OP was asking what is the best order if he still wishes to play these two games in the most chronological correct way possible...
  7. Thanks for this patch it's awesome to finally being able to watch the ending without having to look at a translation next to the game. There is still something that troubles me. When a character levels up, in the unpatched version, the "+1s" appears then disapear. I checked my japanese cartridge on my SNES and the behavior is the same. Now Iplayed the patch on higan which is supposed to be the most accurate SNES emulator and with this patch, the "+1s" "stay" until the level up sequence ends. Is this some bug or is it some voluntary modification? I don't have anything against it if that's the case, but I think it is weird to modify graphics behaviors that aren't there for translation sake.
  8. Thanks for this patch it's awesome to finally being able to watch the ending without having to look at a translation next to the game. There is still something that troubles me. When a character levels up, in the unpatched version, the "+1s" appears then disapear. I checked my japanese cartridge on my SNES and the behavior is the same. Now Iplayed the patch on higan which is supposed to be the most accurate SNES emulator and with this patch, the "+1s" "stay" until the level up sequence ends. Is this some bug or is it some voluntary modification? I don't have anything against it if that's the case, but I think it is weird to modify graphics behaviors that aren't there for translation sake.
  9. I can confirm it, i've got a pal SNES with a converter and Seisen no Keifu. It's actually one of these "2 cartridges" one where you put the foreign game forward and a random european game backward. The game works perfectly for as long as I played (i'm at chapter 5). I haven't played it since a little bit of time but i don't remember any huge black bars on top (maybe they were there but not huge). What I remember is that the 50Hz difference can be seen but is not very annoying for a slow game like this one. You can notice for example that the triangle animation when you attack with the light sword has it's sound effect getting cut before the animation has ended.
  10. Well the big maps, the generation system and the storyline which use these two elements perfectly are the main things I like about this game.
  11. You guessed it, thanks! Thank you too!
  12. That's a subject I like a lot. I thought about it since a long time so i'll give my version: 1. Play FE4 until chapter 5 ends. 2. Play FE5 until somewhere before chapter 14x ends* 3. Play FE4 chapter 6 until you liberate Ganeshire 4. Play FE5 right to the end of chapter 18 5. Play FE4 through the end of chapter 6 6. Play FE5 chapter 19 7. Play FE4 until you capture melgen castle 8. Play FE5 chapter 20 9. Finish FE4 chapter 7 From here, there are some inconsistencies because in FE5 Leif's group splits up from Seliph's army while in FE4 he has already joined him. 10. Play FE5 chapters 21, 22 and 23 or Play FE4 chapter 8 until you capture Conote 11. Play the part you didn't in 10 12. Finish FE5 13. Finish FE4 *The first hint about "what time it is in FE4" inside FE5 is at the end of chapter 14x after you fled Tahra. Levin appears to check how things are going in Thracia. After you conquer the first castle in FE4 chapter 6, Levin appears too and tell Seliph he has to go check on Thracia and other regions. After you capture Sophara or Isaach, he comes back. Meaning he made his whole trip during this time. The only thing we don't really know is at what time in FE5, Seliph began his liberation of Issach. And since the time that elapses during a chapter in FE4 is hard to define, I guess you can play chapter 6 when you want between FE5's chapter 1 and 14x.
  13. I'm Mrnuage, a moderate fan of FE (because I still haven't played all of them). I began trying to play these games after discovering Marth and Roy in SSBM back in 2002. Then I tried an unpatched FE5 and got destroyed but still enjoyed the game. After that i tried FE4, discovered the patches then bought FE7. Now i still have to play 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 and 10 (not counting 11 and 12 since they are remakes).
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