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Posts posted by Halestorm93

  1. I think some of y'all have already figured this out, but this is some of the overall info involved.

    You CAN make an MU army as big as you want with all-custom characters.

    All you have to do is:

    1. Start a new game (this is important because starting from where fate branches overwrites whatever character last got to chapter 6 in your game).

    2. Make your character however you like them (I like to give them a birthday of the day I'm playing for the instant boost in weapon proficiency).

    3. Progress to Chapter 12 (As in the point where you may begin chapter 12 - after completing 11) and buy the einherjar shop.

    4. Buy your character and save - they should now be in your log book. I have done this with over 15 characters all with revelation on hard/casual.


    I will usually switch from hard/casual to easy/Phoenix at chapter 7 to breeze through the chapters with auto-blitz.

    DO NOT use boots unless you have to! Through some testing I realized that the cost of einherjar in the log book (which is, of course, important when you finally bring them all together) rises with the characters' stats, specifically the cost rises by 10,000 g when you use a boots (or the movement +1 ability, oddly enough).

    I also like to S-rank them with someone, because when you buy their einherjar through the book, they can keep the ability to use that partner seal! I don't know if this works with the friendship seal though...

    Overall, I've found you can do this while watching tv or whatever and make one full character in... Maybe 2 hours while skipping all the dialogue. Keep in mind I don't have birthright, so it might be faster with that story - idk.

    Hope I was able to help - I know this bugged me for the longest time.

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