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Posts posted by Pokedude729

  1. 1. Actually, he actually screws up most of the kids, the Galeforce he gives are not worth it.

    2. Yes, but there are units that can be as strong as him, with much less effort.

    3. What mode were you playing? Donnel can't even keep up with the first gen units in harder difficulties.

    1. My Owain and Kjelle would like a word with you.

    2. Alright, I yield on this one. (But it's still an good feeling to get him that far.)

    3. I've played both Normal and Hard (both Classic), and in both, Donny was amazing throughout the whole game.

  2. Caps are important, but are not the only thing.

    It's more like, why waste your time training Donnel, when you can other units that can do the same thing as him, with much less effort?

    Also, why bother training Donnel, when he's gonna be replaced by child units?

    The growth of the child units completely outclass Donnel's, even with Aptitude.

    1. To completely beef up his kid

    2 For the same reason he's called the 'Magikarp Power' the idea of turning something useless into something amazing

    3. He still holds up, even with the kids (heck, he helped immensely against Grima)

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