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Posts posted by BlueLeafeon

  1. On 8/14/2018 at 8:33 PM, Hirokaski said:

    I'm planning on getting this and creating a game for steam just need to learn everything in  the demo version i may make a submission for the next fee3.

    If you convert the Fire Emblem GBA battle sprites to SRPG Studio, you better share. lol

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    Well, now I feel stupid :p

    I found the page you were likely talking about, but for some reason that link sends me to a page about changing battle formulas with custom scripts.

    This seems to be a learning experience for all of us.

    I blame google. But yes, on the How to Use - Courses page, it's the link titled "Use of expression data and standing drawings"

  3. 9 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    I wish they did it like in Genealogy or Fates where it's only within a certain proximity that it becomes active.  That way you actually are forced to bring the Charisma units along instead of being able to just field a bunch of bad units with the skill to boost a few units' hit/avoid stats to ridiculous levels for them to solo the map.

    Also wish they didn't have standard dialogue be based on unit and just did like in RPG Maker.  I tend to make multiple face graphics for the same character to represent different emotions like in the 3DS games, but I find I have to make an army of NPCs just to do that.  I may have to forgo my rule of "eight expressions per character" and just do, like, two or three like in the GBA games.

    The "Scope" stat on Skill Effects allows you to change the range of a support skill's effects.

    Completely agree. Character illustrations (Database->Players->Details->Char Illust) seem to have compatibility for changing emotions, but I've yet to find a way to actually change that emotion during dialogue.

    EDIT: Figured it out based on the tutorial:


  4. On 8/11/2018 at 3:43 PM, Ertrick36 said:

     It's the same version most of us are using.  As far as I can tell, everything is in English.

    You can tell it was Giggle Translated, but it does its job well.

    The largest problem I've found is that the Item Get message, by default, seems to be quite...garbled.


    I have yet to figure out if I can change this message.

  5. For those of you whose games have original soundtracks, where do you get them? From certain sites? Did you make them yourself?

    I've been looking around to see if I can find anything, but most music intended for use in video games are clearly for RPGs and not turn-based strategy, so they kind of don't fit with what I need them to do.

    (I know there's been topics like this before, but they were so long ago that most of the links are broken by now...)

  6. I know the actual full program hasn't been released yet, but seeing as how the demo is out, and allows for quite a lot of customization, surely someone has figured this out already.

    I have been trying to figure out how to make an allied unit recruit. I know the sample game does it , but I can't figure out how. I've added the Talk conversation and a global switch but when I put my character near the allied unit, no extra options appear.

  7. I've been messing around with the trial version and it's definitely much more of what I needed it to be than RPG Maker. If its japanese price is anything to go by, it might be about 50-60 bucks, but I suppose it'll be worth it since who knows when FEXNA is ever getting released lol.

    The only problem is that I can't figure out how to make the test chapter have already-recruited units on the roster other than the main character. The google-translated resource only gives you information about how to make recruitable units...

  8. Not unpopular at all, in fact it was the general consensus for a while and maybe still is?(not sure on that one, but either way, it's not unpopular)

    Okay, from when this started to become Unpopular? I'm asking this because there are a lot of people who seems to think so

    I dunno, all my friends started off disliking the idea of incineroar but grew to like it. I felt like I was the only one of my friends who preferred keeping her Torracat as is.

    Although perhaps Incineroar losing THIRTY BASE SPEED has something to do with it, because one of my friends just started outright disliking the whole line because of it. >>

  9. If you don't need FEXNA for major game systems required for your project to run (lots of emphasis because it's easy to overestimate what a project needs versus wants), now is as good a time as any to start up a FEXP project or hack.

    I heard FEXP was vastly unfinished and partially unusable, though?

  10. uh it just looks to me like OP posted it here and other places as a warning to other communities.

    Yeah, this.

    I wasn't present for anything that happened (Thank God) so I can't add much. Just that he posted this here to give everyone a head's up in case it happens again elsewhere. A similar topic was posted on FEE by someone else, I believe.

  11. Golden Sun is a meh game and I will never understand why anybody liked it.

    I believe remakes should remain true to the originals in every way EXCEPT gameplay/mechanics. Its music should be remastered, but not remixed, its graphics updated, the script the same (unless it's edits to fix typos and the sort,) and if voices are involved, either keep them the same or hire someone who sounds similar to the original. Don't replace a bass character with a tenor one, and don't make a 17-year-old girl sound 10.

    For this reason, I highly detest HG/SS and Star Ocean: Second Evolution.

    Although I will forgive certain script changes. The ones made to FR/LG and OR/AS to add in new features and areas are perfectly acceptable. Forcing me to go into a dungeon which was originally optional, just to catch the title legend, which has NO BEARING ON THE PLOT AT ALL, is not acceptable.

  12. I don't care about high definition graphics.

    In fact, I tend to be quite forgiving of 3D graphics and care more about how pretty the scenery is than I do the character models. So long as the characters aren't outright ugly (see: Skyrim) I don't care about how "low definition" they are.

    In fact, I happen to think that Xenoblade Chronicles is an absolutely gorgeous game, and while I admit the character models COULD be better, I don't particularly care. And I certainly don't think that the quality is bad enough for everyone to give it the low score they do.

    Also, I never cared about the lack of feet in Awakening. Never noticed until somebody pointed it out.

  13. I'm just sitting here waiting on Game Freak to crush all my hopes and dreams about Litten remaining a quadruped throughout its entire line.

    I've seen the "leaks" with the "concept art" and it keeps looking more and more like this was a legit thing. Torracat really looks like it'll evolve into that fugly wrestler thing.

    Regardless, I'm still picking it. Even if I can only evolve it once.

  14. Gen 1


    Con: Enemy Pokemon had no PP limit. They could literally spam the same move FOREVER.

    Gen 2

    Pro: Only games to include two separate regions.

    Con: Due to data limits, Kanto's dungeons were severely reduced.

    Gen 3 (Only including R/S here)

    Pro: The overworld was very vast and fun to explore.

    Con: They removed quite a bit of the older Pokemon from being catchable simply for marketing the next few games. :/

    Gen 4 (Only including D/P/Pl here)

    Pro: Underground bases~

    Con: In D/P there are only 2 fire types in the whole freaking game. :/

    Gen 5

    Pro: BW2 had some really fun features, including the movies and Avenue

    Con: The world was very linear with little optional exploration areas, and it honestly felt like I was needing to fight a gym leader every five minutes because there was so little to do between towns, and the game roadblocked you.

    Gen 6


    Con: SPAR. Stupid, Pointless and Annoying Rivals. (Yes, that includes May/Brendon for their additional but pointless dialogues added to the game.)

  15. I don't think I had any Pokemon merchandise before Yellow, so my first Pokemon was Pikachu. My first caught Pokemon was Nidoran female.

    The former really tends to show because despite my online identity, my favorite Pokemon is Pikachu, and nothing will ever change that.

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